SHOGUN  4.1.0
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OperatorFunction.h 文件参考


singleton  SGVector< T >
 shogun vector 更多...
singleton  CLinearOperator< T >
 Abstract template base class that represents a linear operator, e.g. a matrix. 更多...
class  COperatorFunction< T >
 Abstract template base class for computing \(s^{T} f(C) s\) for a linear operator C and a vector s. submit_jobs method creates a bunch of jobs needed to solve for this particular \(s\) and attaches one unique job aggregator to each of them, then submits them all to the computation engine. 更多...


enum  EOperatorFunction { OF_SQRT =0, OF_LOG =1, OF_POLY =2, OF_UNDEFINED =3 }

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