
Currently SHOGUN has been confirmed to be fully functional on PowerPC, i386 and AMD64 Linux (tested on debian/ubuntu and gentoo). We also managed to compile SHOGUN on MacOSX and via cygwin on WIN32 platforms. However some manual tweakings of configuration files might be necessary.

From a Package

SHOGUN is currently pre-packaged for debian (see and available on MacOSX via macports (see )

Installation on Debian/Ubuntu

On debian, depending on the interface you want, install the package(s)

libshogun-dev         - for C++ developers building extensions using
shogun-octave         - for the static octave interface
shogun-octave-modular - for the modular octave interface
shogun-python         - for the static python interface
shogun-python-modular - for the modular python interface
shogun-r              - for the r interface
shogun-cmdline        - for the command-line interface.
shogun-elwms          - for the eierlegende wollmilchsau interface
                        (one interface to r/python/octave allowing
						to run commands in non-native languages)
shogun-doc            - for the documentation

Installation on MacOSX

The mac port is provided by James Kyle (Thanks!!) and makes installations on OSX as easy as under linux. To install shogun you will need macports (see Then issue

sudo port selfupdate

sudo port install swig -php5 -ruby -perl +python
  (shogun users who want the r and octave interfaces should add
  +octave and/or +r to this list)

sudo port install shogun
  (for r, octave, and elwms interfaces: +r +octave +elwms)



to your shell profile. *Tip* the default ${macports_prefix} is /opt/local/. In that case, the library path would be /opt/local/lib.

Installing SHOGUN from Source

Download SHOGUN from , aswell as its requirements.


SHOGUN requires the standard linux utils like bash, grep, test, sed, cut, ldd, uname gcc g++ and cat python (debian package: python2.4 or python2.5) for the ./configure to work.

Optionally you will need atlas and lapack (debian packages lapack3-dev, atlas3-headers atlas3-base-dev or atlas3-altivec-dev atlas3-sse2-dev) installed. Note that atlas/lapack is only supported under linux (high performance computing should be done under linux only anyway). In case atlas/lapack is unavailable, don't worry most of shogun will work without, though slightly slower versions are used. To enable Multiple Kernel Learning with CPLEX(tm) just make sure cplex can be found in the PATH. If it is not found shogun will resort to GLPK (if version at least 4.29 is found) for 1-norm MKL, p-norm MKL with p>1 will work nonetheless.

Compiling SHOGUN

On most platforms (Linux,MacOSX,cygwin) it is sufficient to issue

sudo make install

In case you just want to compile for a single interfaces you can use

./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,<interface>
sudo make install

where interface is one of the following

(you don't need to compile libshogunui in case you compile a modular interface)

However, just running


will autodetect and configure for the available interfaces.


./configure --help 

to see the list of additional options detailled below.

Running configure for SHOGUN version r

Usage: ../src/configure [OPTIONS]...

                                configure shogun for interface
                                cmdline, python_modular, python, r, r_modular
                                octave, octave_modular, matlab or libshogun
  -h, -help, --help             display this help and exit

Installation directories:
  --destdir=DIR                 use this as the root dir to install shogun to [/]
  --prefix=DIR                  use this prefix for installing shogun [/usr/local]
  --bindir=DIR                  use this prefix for installing shogun binary
  --datadir=DIR                 use this prefix for installing machine independent
                                data files (fonts, skins) [PREFIX/share/shogun]
  --mandir=DIR                  use this prefix for installing manpages [PREFIX/man]
  --confdir=DIR                 use this prefix for installing configuration files
                                [same as datadir]
  --libdir=DIR                  use this prefix for object code libraries [PREFIX/lib]
  --incdir=DIR                  use this prefix for include files [PREFIX/include]
  --pydir=DIR                   use this prefix for python files [PREFIX/auto-detected]
  --octdir=DIR                  use this prefix for octave files [PREFIX/auto-detected]
  --rdir=DIR                    use this prefix for r files [PREFIX/auto-detected]

Optional features:
  --enable-boost-serialization  enable boost serialization support [disabled]
  --enable-hdf5                 enable hdf5 file support [auto]
  --enable-json                 enable json file support [auto]
  --enable-xml                  enable xml file support [auto]
  --enable-readline             enable readline in cmdline interface [auto]
  --enable-logcache             enable log (1+exp(x)) log cache (is much faster but less accurate) [disabled]
  --enable-shortrealkernelcache enable kernelcache to use 4-byte-floating-point values instead of 8-byte-doubles [enabled]
  --enable-logsum-array         enable log sum array supposed to be a bit more accurate [disabled]
  --enable-hmm-parallel         enable parallel structures in hmm training. shogun will then run as many threads as the machine has (much faster) [disabled]

  --disable-boost-serialization disable boost serialization support [disable]
  --disable-hdf5                disable hdf5 file support [auto]
  --disable-json                disable json file support [auto]
  --disable-xml                 disable xml file support [auto]
  --disable-largefile           disable large file support (64bit file acces routines) [enabled]
  --disable-lapack              disable lapack (fast blas and lapack math routines) and use built in ones (slower!) [auto]
  --disable-cplex               disable code using CPLEX  [auto]
  --disable-lpsolve             disable code using lpsolve  [auto]
  --disable-glpk                disable code using GLPK [auto]
  --disable-lzo                 disable code using LZO compression [auto]
  --disable-gzip                disable code using GZIP compression [auto]
  --disable-bzip2               disable code using BZIP2 compression [auto]
  --disable-lzma                disable code using LZMA compression [auto]
  --disable-bigstates           disable big (16bit) state [enabled]
  --disable-hmmcache            disable HMM cache [enabled]
  --disable-svm-light           disable building of SVM-light and thus result in pure GPLv3 code [enabled]

Miscellaneous options:
  --disable-doxygen             disable documentation generation via doxygen for python_modular interface [enabled]
  --disable-cpudetection        disable cpu flags detection and corresponding optimization options [enabled]
  --enable-debug                enable debugging [disabled]
  --enable-trace-mallocs        enable memory allocation tracing [disabled]
  --disable-reference-counting  disables reference counting causing severe memory leakage [enabled]
  --enable-path-debug           enable viterbi path debugging [disabled]
  --enable-profile              compile profiling information into shogun [disable]
  --enable-static               build a statically linked binary (to the extend possible);
                                set further linking options with --enable-static="-lm -lglpk"
  --python=python               use this python executable [python]
  --cc=COMPILER                 use this C compiler to build shogun [autodetected]
  --cxx=COMPILER                use this C++ compiler to build shogun [autodetected]
  --cflags=OPTIONS              use these C compiler options
  --cxxflags=OPTIONS            use these C++ compiler options
  --ldflags=OPTIONS             use these additional linker options
  --target=PLATFORM             target platform (i386-linux, arm-linux, etc)
  --install-path=PATH           the path to a custom install program (useful if
                                your OS uses a GNU-incompatible install utility by
                                default and you want to point to the GNU version)
  --includes=DIR                include DIR when searching for includes
  --libs=DIR                    include DIR when searching for libraries on linking

If this does not work for you, consult the INSTALL file for platform specific build instructions. The INSTALL file is contained in the shogun src distribution and quoted below.


On most platforms (Linux,MacOSX,cygwin) it is sufficient to issue

sudo make install

which will build shogun for the R, matlab, python, octave and octave_modular,
python_modular and r_modular interfaces and later install it.
If you want specific interfaces use,

./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,python,python_modular

See ./configure --help for additional options.

If this does not work for you, see the SPECIFIC BUILD INSTRUCTIONS below


To enable Multiple Kernel Learning with CPLEX(tm) just make sure cplex can
be found in the PATH. If it is not found shogun will resort to GLPK (if found)
for 1-norm MKL, p-norm MKL with p>1 will work nonetheless.


The standard linux utils like bash, grep, test, sed, cut, awk, ldd, uname gcc
g++ and cat, python (debian package: python2.5, python2.6) are required
for the ./configure to work.

To compile the R interface you need to have the R developer files 
(debian package r-base-dev) installed.

To compile the octave interface you need to have the octave developer files 
(debian package octave3.0-headers) installed.

To compile the python interface you need to have the python developer files
installed (debian packages python2.5-dev or python2.6-dev) and numpy
version 1.x installed (debian package python-numpy) installed.

Optionally you will need atlas and lapack (debian packages lapack3-dev, 
atlas3-headers atlas3-base-dev or atlas3-altivec-dev atlas3-sse2-dev)
installed. Note that atlas/lapack is only supported under linux (high
performance computing should be done under linux only anyway). In case
atlas/lapack is unavailable, don't worry most of shogun will work without,
though slightly slower versions are used. For standard 1-norm
multiple kernel learning (MKL) the GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK) version at
least 4.29 or CPLEX is required. If you want to build the html documentation or
python online help you will need doxygen version 1.6.0 or higher.



Python (python2.5 or python2.6) need to be installed.  To get atlas/lapack
optimizations optionally also install the atlas3-* packages aswell as the
lapack3-* packages.


cd src
./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,cmdline

a shogun executable can be found in cmdline 


To compile the octave interface you need to have the octave developer files 
(debian package octave3.2-headers or octave3.0-headers).

then do a

./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,octave
make install

a sg.oct file should be created. as a test start octave in the src/ directory
and type



To compile the matlab interface you need to have matlab installed in the path
(i.e., typing matlab in the shell should start matlab).

then do a

./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,matlab
make install

a sg.mexglx (or sg.mexa64 or sg.mexmac etc file should be created). As a test
start matlab in the src/matlab directory
and type


For permanent use you could add the following line to your matlab/startup.m 


In case you want to omit the make install step you could run matlab (in gui
mode if you want) with 

	export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:path_to_shogun/trunk/src/libshogunui:path_to_shogun/trunk/src/libshogun
	matlab -desktop


To compile the R interface you need to have the R developer files 
(debian package r-base-dev) installed.

then do the usual 

./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,r
make install


To compile the python interface you need to have numpy version 1.x installed 
(debian package python-numpy and python-numpy-ext) and optionally for plotting
python-matplotlib installed. When using matplotlib, make sure you use numpy as
the underlying numeric toolkit, i.e. you have the line 

numerix      : numpy

in your /etc/matplotlibrc

then do a
./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,python

A file should be created in the src/ directory:
To test whether it is working try
PYTHONPATH=`pwd` python ../examples/documented/python/graphical/

eierlegendewollmichsau (elwms) interface

This is a .so file that works with R,python,matlab,octave all in one. To compile
 you should have at least python and some other interface enabled:

cd src
./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,octave,matlab,r,python,elwms
cd elwms

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/octave/lib:/path/to/matlab/libs octave 

All examples from examples/documented/{r,python,matlab,octave}/* should work plus the ones
in examples/documented/elwms/ (that allows lang -> python subcommands).

object oriented python/swig interface:

proceed as for the python interface but now in addition install the swig package and
configure+compile shogun with:

  ./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,python,python_modular
  sudo make install

to test if it is working try python ../examples/documented/python-modular/graphical/


Get the precompiled binary packages
python, matplotlib, NumPy and wxPython from

Note: On powerpc archs don't use gcc-4.0 / gcc-4.1 as it will fail with an internal compiler
error. Try gcc-4.2 instead or disable optimization (using -O0).
Furthermore there it *may* happen that compiling hangs with an error in
A workaround is to uncomment this in math.h:

 typedef struct __complex_s {
        double Real;
        double Imag;
 } __complex_t;
Also make sure you don't mix python versions (i.e. python2.5 and python2.6) on build/runtime.
You can specify the python version as a argument to configure, e.g.: --python=python2.7

./configure --interface=python

to test if it is working try:

PYTHONPATH=`pwd` python ../examples/documented/python/graphical/

object oriented python/swig interface:
Follow the above instructions for python. Then use fink/darwinports to install swig.

./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,python,python-modular
sudo make install

to test if it is working try python ../examples/documented/python-modular/graphical/

Use fink/darwinports to install octave. For intel-macs octave currently is only in the
unstable repository + it has to be compiled from source. Also note that g77
 got replaced by gfortran, so you might need to do a fink install gcc4 first (which takes
 an endless amount time to compile).

then do:

./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,octave

a sg.oct file should be created. as a test start octave in the src/ directory
and type


cd src
./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,cmdline
make install

The shogun executable can be found in /usr/local/bin/shogun and the libraries in

Install the full R package (e.g. the 93MB R-2.4.0.dmg image from )

then do the usual

./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,r
make install

After starting the R aqua gui, choose File->Source File and select the
../examples/documented/r/graphical/svm_classification.R example

If that does not work out (send us a bug report) and also please try the following:

Enter the src/ directory and do:

./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,r
make install
(if that fails attach the configure.log in the bug report)

a file should be created. To test if that file is OK try in the
r/ directory:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../libshogun:../libshogunui R
>> dyn.load('')
sg <- function(...) .External("sg",...,PACKAGE="sg")

if that was still working go to the shogun/R directory and try
make clean

if a .tar.gz is successfully created, then the R CMD INSTALL <file>.tar.gz
should go through.



	install cygwin 1.7 or later 

I did not try the long and painful way of compiling R to get etc/Makeconf etc.
to be setup correctly. Thus the usual R CMD INSTALL <pkg> won't work (help welcome).

Instead install the R package from cran (i.e. using the R-2.4.0-win32.exe
		installer from )

Enter the src/ directory and do:

./configure --interface=libshogun,libshogunui,r
(if that fails attach the configure.log in the bug report)

a sg.dll file should be created. To test if that file is OK try in the
src/ directory:

>> dyn.load('sg.dll')
sg <- function(...) .External("sg",...,PACKAGE="sg")

Instead of using library(sg) in your .R scripts you now have to use 

sg <- function(...) .External("sg",...,PACKAGE="sg").

After this modification, The examples in examples/documented/r/ should all work. To get
them to go start the R gui, choose File->Source R Code and select 
../examples/documented/r/graphical/svr_regression.R  (as this example has no other package dependencies).

	cd src
	./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,matlab

	a sg.dll can be found in src/matlab

	startup matlab and type sg('help') 


	cd src
	make install

	a shogun.exe can be found in src/cmdline


	install octave and octave-headers
	cd src
	./configure --interface=libshogun,libshogunui,octave
	make install

	a sg.oct file can be found in src/octave

	cd src/octave
	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../libshogun:../libshogunui octave


  install python2.5 and numpy >1.0
  now compile shogun:
	./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,python
	make install

  this will create a sg.dll in the src/python dir

  to test if it is working, try:
	 cd src
	 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./libshogun:libshogunui PYTHONPATH=./python python ../examples/documented/python/graphical/

object oriented python/swig interface:

do all of the above you did for python but now in addition install the swig
package and configure+compile shogun with:

 ./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,python,python_modular
  make install

to test if it is working try python ../examples/documented/python_modular/graphical/

object oriented octave/swig interface:

do all of the above you did for octave but now in addition install the swig
package and configure+compile shogun with:

 ./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,python,python_modular
  make install

to test if it is working try octave ../examples/documented/octave_modular/libsvm.m

object oriented r/swig interface:

do all of the above you did for R but now in addition install the swig
package and configure+compile shogun with:

 ./configure --interfaces=libshogun,libshogunui,python,r_modular
  make install

to test if it is working try octave ../examples/documented/r_modular/all_classifier.R


In case header files or libraries are not at standard locations one needs
to manually adjust the libray/include paths using --includes or --libs
(see configure --help for additional options) 

The current mingw version in cygwin is out of date - so R and matlab won't work
until mingw is updated to gcc 4.X.
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

SHOGUN Machine Learning Toolbox - Documentation