
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00003  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00004  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
00005  * (at your option) any later version.
00006  *
00007  * Written (W) 2011 Sergey Lisitsyn
00008  * Copyright (C) 2011 Berlin Institute of Technology and Max-Planck-Society
00009  */
00011 #include <shogun/converter/LocalTangentSpaceAlignment.h>
00012 #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK
00013 #include <shogun/mathematics/lapack.h>
00014 #include <shogun/lib/Time.h>
00015 #include <shogun/lib/common.h>
00016 #include <shogun/mathematics/Math.h>
00017 #include <shogun/io/SGIO.h>
00018 #include <shogun/distance/Distance.h>
00019 #include <shogun/lib/Signal.h>
00021 #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD
00022 #include <pthread.h>
00023 #endif
00025 using namespace shogun;
00028 struct LTSA_THREAD_PARAM
00029 {
00031     int32_t idx_start;
00033     int32_t idx_step;
00035     int32_t idx_stop;
00037     int32_t m_k;
00039     int32_t target_dim;
00041     const int32_t* neighborhood_matrix;
00043     float64_t* G_matrix;
00045     float64_t* mean_vector;
00047     float64_t* local_feature_matrix;
00049     const float64_t* feature_matrix;
00051     float64_t* s_values_vector;
00053     float64_t* q_matrix;
00055     float64_t* W_matrix;
00057     int32_t N;
00059     int32_t dim;
00061     int32_t actual_k;
00062 #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD
00064     PTHREAD_LOCK_T* W_matrix_lock;
00065 #endif
00066 };
00067 #endif
00069 CLocalTangentSpaceAlignment::CLocalTangentSpaceAlignment() :
00070         CLocallyLinearEmbedding()
00071 {
00072 }
00074 CLocalTangentSpaceAlignment::~CLocalTangentSpaceAlignment()
00075 {
00076 }
00078 const char* CLocalTangentSpaceAlignment::get_name() const
00079 {
00080     return "LocalTangentSpaceAlignment";
00081 };
00083 SGMatrix<float64_t> CLocalTangentSpaceAlignment::construct_weight_matrix(CDenseFeatures<float64_t>* simple_features, float64_t* W_matrix,
00084                                                                          SGMatrix<int32_t> neighborhood_matrix)
00085 {
00086     int32_t N = simple_features->get_num_vectors();
00087     int32_t dim = simple_features->get_num_features();
00088     int32_t t;
00089 #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD
00090     int32_t num_threads = parallel->get_num_threads();
00091     ASSERT(num_threads>0);
00092     // allocate threads and params
00093     pthread_t* threads = SG_MALLOC(pthread_t, num_threads);
00094     LTSA_THREAD_PARAM* parameters = SG_MALLOC(LTSA_THREAD_PARAM, num_threads);
00095 #else
00096     int32_t num_threads = 1;
00097 #endif
00099     // init matrices and norm factor to be used
00100     float64_t* local_feature_matrix = SG_MALLOC(float64_t, m_k*dim*num_threads);
00101     float64_t* mean_vector = SG_MALLOC(float64_t, dim*num_threads);
00102     float64_t* q_matrix = SG_MALLOC(float64_t, m_k*m_k*num_threads);
00103     float64_t* s_values_vector = SG_MALLOC(float64_t, dim*num_threads);
00104     float64_t* G_matrix = SG_MALLOC(float64_t, m_k*(1+m_target_dim)*num_threads);
00106     // get feature matrix
00107     SGMatrix<float64_t> feature_matrix = simple_features->get_feature_matrix();
00109 #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD
00110     PTHREAD_LOCK_T W_matrix_lock;
00111     pthread_attr_t attr;
00112     PTHREAD_LOCK_INIT(&W_matrix_lock);
00113     pthread_attr_init(&attr);
00114     pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
00116     for (t=0; t<num_threads; t++)
00117     {
00118         parameters[t].idx_start = t;
00119         parameters[t].idx_step = num_threads;
00120         parameters[t].idx_stop = N;
00121         parameters[t].m_k = m_k;
00122         parameters[t].target_dim = m_target_dim;
00123         parameters[t].neighborhood_matrix = neighborhood_matrix.matrix;
00124         parameters[t].G_matrix = G_matrix + (m_k*(1+m_target_dim))*t;
00125         parameters[t].mean_vector = mean_vector + dim*t;
00126         parameters[t].local_feature_matrix = local_feature_matrix + (m_k*dim)*t;
00127         parameters[t].feature_matrix = feature_matrix.matrix;
00128         parameters[t].s_values_vector = s_values_vector + dim*t;
00129         parameters[t].q_matrix = q_matrix + (m_k*m_k)*t;
00130         parameters[t].W_matrix = W_matrix;
00131         parameters[t].W_matrix_lock = &W_matrix_lock;
00132         parameters[t].N = N;
00133         parameters[t].dim = dim;
00134         parameters[t].actual_k = neighborhood_matrix.num_rows;
00135         pthread_create(&threads[t], &attr, run_ltsa_thread, (void*)&parameters[t]);
00136     }
00137     for (t=0; t<num_threads; t++)
00138         pthread_join(threads[t], NULL);
00139     PTHREAD_LOCK_DESTROY(&W_matrix_lock);
00140     SG_FREE(parameters);
00141     SG_FREE(threads);
00142 #else
00143     LTSA_THREAD_PARAM single_thread_param;
00144     single_thread_param.idx_start = 0;
00145     single_thread_param.idx_step = 1;
00146     single_thread_param.idx_stop = N;
00147     single_thread_param.m_k = m_k;
00148     single_thread_param.target_dim = m_target_dim;
00149     single_thread_param.neighborhood_matrix = neighborhood_matrix.matrix;
00150     single_thread_param.G_matrix = G_matrix;
00151     single_thread_param.mean_vector = mean_vector;
00152     single_thread_param.local_feature_matrix = local_feature_matrix;
00153     single_thread_param.feature_matrix = feature_matrix;
00154     single_thread_param.s_values_vector = s_values_vector;
00155     single_thread_param.q_matrix = q_matrix;
00156     single_thread_param.W_matrix = W_matrix;
00157     single_thread_param.N = N;
00158     single_thread_param.dim = dim;
00159     single_thread_param.actual_k = neighborhood_matrix.num_rows;
00160     run_ltsa_thread((void*)&single_thread_param);
00161 #endif
00163     // clean
00164     SG_FREE(G_matrix);
00165     SG_FREE(s_values_vector);
00166     SG_FREE(mean_vector);
00167     SG_FREE(local_feature_matrix);
00168     SG_FREE(q_matrix);
00170     int32_t actual_k = neighborhood_matrix.num_rows;
00171     for (int32_t i=0; i<N; i++)
00172     {
00173         for (int32_t j=0; j<m_k; j++)
00174             W_matrix[N*neighborhood_matrix[i*actual_k+j]+neighborhood_matrix[i*actual_k+j]] += 1.0;
00175     }
00177     return SGMatrix<float64_t>(W_matrix,N,N);
00178 }
00180 void* CLocalTangentSpaceAlignment::run_ltsa_thread(void* p)
00181 {
00182     LTSA_THREAD_PARAM* parameters = (LTSA_THREAD_PARAM*)p;
00183     int32_t idx_start = parameters->idx_start;
00184     int32_t idx_step = parameters->idx_step;
00185     int32_t idx_stop = parameters->idx_stop;
00186     int32_t m_k = parameters->m_k;
00187     int32_t target_dim = parameters->target_dim;
00188     const int32_t* neighborhood_matrix = parameters->neighborhood_matrix;
00189     float64_t* G_matrix = parameters->G_matrix;
00190     float64_t* mean_vector = parameters->mean_vector;
00191     float64_t* local_feature_matrix = parameters->local_feature_matrix;
00192     const float64_t* feature_matrix = parameters->feature_matrix;
00193     float64_t* s_values_vector = parameters->s_values_vector;
00194     float64_t* q_matrix = parameters->q_matrix;
00195     float64_t* W_matrix = parameters->W_matrix;
00196 #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD
00197     PTHREAD_LOCK_T* W_matrix_lock = parameters->W_matrix_lock;
00198 #endif
00200     int32_t i,j,k;
00201     int32_t N = parameters->N;
00202     int32_t dim = parameters->dim;
00203     int32_t actual_k = parameters->actual_k;
00205     for (j=0; j<m_k; j++)
00206         G_matrix[j] = 1.0/CMath::sqrt((float64_t)m_k);
00208     for (i=idx_start; i<idx_stop; i+=idx_step)
00209     {
00210         // fill mean vector with zeros
00211         memset(mean_vector,0,sizeof(float64_t)*dim);
00213         // compute local feature matrix containing neighbors of i-th vector
00214         for (j=0; j<m_k; j++)
00215         {
00216             for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
00217                 local_feature_matrix[j*dim+k] = feature_matrix[neighborhood_matrix[i*actual_k+j]*dim+k];
00219             cblas_daxpy(dim,1.0,local_feature_matrix+j*dim,1,mean_vector,1);
00220         }
00222         // compute mean
00223         cblas_dscal(dim,1.0/m_k,mean_vector,1);
00225         // center feature vectors by mean
00226         for (j=0; j<m_k; j++)
00227             cblas_daxpy(dim,-1.0,mean_vector,1,local_feature_matrix+j*dim,1);
00229         int32_t info = 0;
00230         // find right eigenvectors of local_feature_matrix
00231         wrap_dgesvd('N','O',dim,m_k,local_feature_matrix,dim,
00232                     s_values_vector,NULL,1, NULL,1,&info);
00233         ASSERT(info==0);
00235         for (j=0; j<target_dim; j++)
00236         {
00237             for (k=0; k<m_k; k++)
00238                 G_matrix[(j+1)*m_k+k] = local_feature_matrix[k*dim+j];
00239         }
00241         // compute GG'
00242         cblas_dgemm(CblasColMajor,CblasNoTrans,CblasTrans,
00243                     m_k,m_k,1+target_dim,
00244                     1.0,G_matrix,m_k,
00245                         G_matrix,m_k,
00246                     0.0,q_matrix,m_k);
00248         // W[neighbors of i, neighbors of i] = I - GG'
00249 #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD
00250         PTHREAD_LOCK(W_matrix_lock);
00251 #endif
00252         for (j=0; j<m_k; j++)
00253         {
00254             for (k=0; k<m_k; k++)
00255                 W_matrix[N*neighborhood_matrix[i*actual_k+k]+neighborhood_matrix[i*actual_k+j]] -= q_matrix[j*m_k+k];
00256         }
00257 #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD
00258         PTHREAD_UNLOCK(W_matrix_lock);
00259 #endif
00260     }
00261     return NULL;
00262 }
00264 #endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */
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