
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00003  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00004  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
00005  * (at your option) any later version.
00006  *
00007  * Written (W) 2012 Fernando José Iglesias García
00008  * Copyright (C) 2012 Fernando José Iglesias García
00009  */
00011 #ifdef USE_MOSEK
00013 //#define DEBUG_MOSEK
00014 //#define DEBUG_SOLUTION
00016 #include <shogun/mathematics/Math.h>
00017 #include <shogun/mathematics/Mosek.h>
00018 #include <shogun/lib/SGVector.h>
00020 using namespace shogun;
00022 CMosek::CMosek()
00023 : CSGObject()
00024 {
00025 }
00027 CMosek::CMosek(int32_t num_con, int32_t num_var)
00028 : CSGObject()
00029 {
00030     // Create MOSEK environment
00031     m_rescode = MSK_makeenv(&m_env, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
00033 #ifdef DEBUG_MOSEK
00034     // Direct the environment's log stream to SG_PRINT
00035     if ( m_rescode == MSK_RES_OK )
00036     {
00037         m_rescode = MSK_linkfunctoenvstream(m_env, MSK_STREAM_LOG,
00038                 NULL, CMosek::print);
00039     }
00040 #endif
00042     // Initialize the environment
00043     if ( m_rescode == MSK_RES_OK )
00044     {
00045         m_rescode = MSK_initenv(m_env);
00046     }
00048     // Create an optimization task
00049     if ( m_rescode == MSK_RES_OK )
00050     {
00051         m_rescode = MSK_maketask(m_env, num_con, num_var, &m_task);
00052     }
00054 #ifdef DEBUG_MOSEK
00055     // Direct the task's log stream to SG_PRINT
00056     if ( m_rescode == MSK_RES_OK )
00057     {
00058         m_rescode = MSK_linkfunctotaskstream(m_task, MSK_STREAM_LOG,
00059                 NULL, CMosek::print);
00060     }
00061 #endif
00062 }
00064 CMosek::~CMosek()
00065 {
00066     delete_problem();
00067 }
00069 void MSKAPI CMosek::print(void* handle, char str[])
00070 {
00071     SG_SPRINT("%s", str);
00072 }
00074 MSKrescodee CMosek::init_sosvm(int32_t M, int32_t N,
00075         int32_t num_aux, int32_t num_aux_con,
00076         SGMatrix< float64_t > C, SGVector< float64_t > lb,
00077         SGVector< float64_t > ub, SGMatrix< float64_t > A,
00078         SGVector< float64_t > b)
00079 {
00080     // Give an estimate of the size of the input data to increase the
00081     // speed of inputting
00082     int32_t num_var = M+N+num_aux;
00083     int32_t num_con = N*N+num_aux_con;
00084     // NOTE: However, to input this step is completely optional and MOSEK
00085     // will automatically allocate more resources if necessary
00086     m_rescode = MSK_putmaxnumvar(m_task, num_var);
00087     // Neither the number of constraints nor the number of non-zero elements
00088     // is known a priori, rough estimates are given here
00089     m_rescode = MSK_putmaxnumcon(m_task, num_con);
00090     // A = [-dPsi(y) | -I_N ] with M+N columns => max. M+1 nnz per row
00091     m_rescode = MSK_putmaxnumanz(m_task, (M+1)*N*N);
00093     // Append optimization variables initialized to zero
00094     m_rescode = MSK_append(m_task, MSK_ACC_VAR, num_var);
00095     // Append empty constraints initialized with no bounds
00096     m_rescode = MSK_append(m_task, MSK_ACC_CON, num_con);
00097     // Set the constant term in the objective equal to zero
00098     m_rescode = MSK_putcfix(m_task, 0.0);
00100     for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < num_var && m_rescode == MSK_RES_OK ; ++j )
00101     {
00102         // Set the linear term c_j in the objective
00103         if ( j < M+num_aux )
00104             m_rescode = MSK_putcj(m_task, j, 0.0);
00105         else
00106             m_rescode = MSK_putcj(m_task, j, 1.0);
00108         // Set the bounds on x_j: blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j]
00109         // TODO set bounds lb and ub given by init_opt for w
00110         if ( j < M )
00111         {
00112             m_rescode = MSK_putbound(m_task, MSK_ACC_VAR, j,
00113                     MSK_BK_FR, -MSK_INFINITY, +MSK_INFINITY);
00114         }
00116         // The slack and the auxiliary variables are required to be positive
00117         if ( j >= M )
00118         {
00119             m_rescode = MSK_putbound(m_task, MSK_ACC_VAR, j,
00120                     MSK_BK_LO, 0.0, +MSK_INFINITY);
00121         }
00122     }
00124     // Input the matrix Q^0 for the objective
00125     //
00126     // NOTE: In MOSEK we minimize x'*Q^0*x. C != Q0 but Q0 is
00127     // just an extended version of C with zeros that make no
00128     // difference in MOSEK's sparse representation
00129     m_rescode = wrapper_putqobj(C);
00131     // Input the matrix A and the vector b for the contraints A*x <= b
00132     m_rescode = wrapper_putaveclist(m_task, A);
00133     m_rescode = wrapper_putboundlist(m_task, b);
00135     REQUIRE(m_rescode == MSK_RES_OK, "MOSEK Error in CMosek::init_sosvm(). "
00136             "Enable DEBUG_MOSEK for details.\n");
00138     return m_rescode;
00139 }
00141 MSKrescodee CMosek::add_constraint_sosvm(
00142         SGVector< float64_t > dPsi,
00143         index_t con_idx,
00144         index_t train_idx,
00145         int32_t num_aux,
00146         float64_t bi)
00147 {
00148     // Count the number of non-zero element in dPsi
00149     int32_t nnz = CMath::get_num_nonzero(dPsi.vector, dPsi.vlen);
00150     // Indices of the non-zero elements in the row of A to add
00151     SGVector< index_t > asub(nnz+1); // +1 because of the -1 element
00152     // Values of the non-zero elements
00153     SGVector< float64_t > aval(nnz+1);
00154     // Next element to add in asub and aval
00155     index_t idx = 0;
00157     for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < dPsi.vlen ; ++i )
00158     {
00159         if ( dPsi[i] != 0 )
00160         {
00161             asub[idx] = i;
00162             aval[idx] = dPsi[i];
00163             ++idx;
00164         }
00165     }
00167     ASSERT(idx == nnz);
00169     asub[idx] = dPsi.vlen + num_aux + train_idx;
00170     aval[idx] = -1;
00172     m_rescode = MSK_putavec(m_task, MSK_ACC_CON, con_idx, nnz+1,
00173             asub.vector, aval.vector);
00175     if ( m_rescode == MSK_RES_OK )
00176     {
00177         m_rescode = MSK_putbound(m_task, MSK_ACC_CON, con_idx, 
00178                 MSK_BK_UP, -MSK_INFINITY, bi);
00179     }
00181     return m_rescode;
00182 }
00184 MSKrescodee CMosek::wrapper_putaveclist(
00185         MSKtask_t & task, 
00186         SGMatrix< float64_t > A)
00187 {
00188     // Indices to the rows of A to replace, all the rows
00189     SGVector< index_t > sub(A.num_rows);
00190     for ( index_t i = 0 ; i < A.num_rows ; ++i )
00191         sub[i] = i;
00193     // Non-zero elements of A
00194     int32_t nnza = CMath::get_num_nonzero(A.matrix, A.num_rows*A.num_cols);
00195     SGVector< float64_t > aval(nnza);
00196     // For each of the rows, indices to non-zero elements
00197     SGVector< index_t > asub(nnza);
00198     // For each row, pointer to the first non-zero element
00199     // in aval
00200     SGVector< int32_t > ptrb(A.num_rows);
00201     // Next position to write in aval and asub
00202     index_t idx = 0;
00203     // Switch if the first non-zero element in each row 
00204     // has been found
00205     bool first_nnz_found = false;
00207     for ( index_t i = 0 ; i < A.num_rows ; ++i )
00208     {
00209         first_nnz_found = false;
00211         for ( index_t j = 0 ; j < A.num_cols ; ++j )
00212         {
00213             if ( A(i,j) )
00214             {
00215                 aval[idx] = A(i,j);
00216                 asub[idx] = j;
00218                 if ( !first_nnz_found )
00219                 {
00220                     ptrb[i] = idx;
00221                     first_nnz_found = true;
00222                 }
00224                 ++idx;
00225             }
00226         }
00228         // Handle rows whose elements are all zero
00229         // TODO does it make sense that a row in A has all its elements
00230         // equal to zero?
00231         if ( !first_nnz_found )
00232             ptrb[i] = ( i ? ptrb[i-1] : 0 );
00233     }
00235     // For each row, pointer to the last+1 non-zero element 
00236     // in aval
00237     SGVector< int32_t > ptre(A.num_rows);
00238     for ( index_t i = 0 ; i < A.num_rows-1 ; ++i )
00239         ptre[i] = ptrb[i+1];
00241     if ( A.num_rows > 0 )
00242         ptre[A.num_rows-1] = nnza;
00244     MSKrescodee ret = MSK_putaveclist(task, MSK_ACC_CON, A.num_rows, sub.vector,
00245             ptrb.vector, ptre.vector,
00246             asub.vector, aval.vector);
00248     REQUIRE(ret == MSK_RES_OK, "MOSEK Error in CMosek::wrapper_putaveclist(). "
00249             "Enable DEBUG_MOSEK for details.\n");
00251     return ret;
00252 }
00254 MSKrescodee CMosek::wrapper_putboundlist(MSKtask_t & task, SGVector< float64_t > b)
00255 {
00256     // Indices to the bounds that should be replaced, b.vlen bounds starting
00257     // from zero
00258     SGVector< index_t > sub(b.vlen);
00259     for ( index_t i = 0 ; i < b.vlen ; ++i )
00260         sub[i] = i;
00262     // Type of the bounds and lower bound values
00263     MSKboundkeye* bk = SG_MALLOC(MSKboundkeye, b.vlen);
00264     SGVector< float64_t > bl(b.vlen);
00265     for ( index_t i = 0 ; i < b.vlen ; ++i )
00266     {
00267         bk[i] =  MSK_BK_UP;
00268         bl[i] = -MSK_INFINITY;
00269     }
00271     MSKrescodee ret =  MSK_putboundlist(task, MSK_ACC_CON, b.vlen, sub.vector,
00272             bk, bl.vector, b.vector);
00274     SG_FREE(bk);
00276     REQUIRE(ret == MSK_RES_OK, "MOSEK Error in CMosek::wrapper_putboundlist(). "
00277             "Enable DEBUG_MOSEK for details.\n");
00279     return ret;
00280 }
00282 MSKrescodee CMosek::wrapper_putqobj(SGMatrix< float64_t > Q0) const
00283 {
00284     // Shorthands for the dimensions of the matrix
00285     index_t N = Q0.num_rows;
00286     index_t M = Q0.num_cols;
00288     // Count the number of non-zero elements in the lower 
00289     // triangular part of the matrix
00290     int32_t nnz = 0;
00291     for ( index_t i = 0 ; i < N ; ++i )
00292         for ( index_t j = i ; j < M ; ++j )
00293             nnz += ( Q0[j + i*M] ? 1 : 0 );
00295     // i subscript for non-zero elements of Q0
00296     SGVector< index_t > qosubi(nnz);
00297     // j subscript for non-zero elements of Q0
00298     SGVector< index_t > qosubj(nnz);
00299     // Values of non-zero elements of Q0
00300     SGVector< float64_t > qoval(nnz);
00301     // Next position to write in the vectors
00302     index_t idx = 0;
00304     for ( index_t i = 0 ; i < N ; ++i )
00305         for ( index_t j = i ; j < M ; ++j )
00306         {
00307             if ( Q0[j + i*M] )
00308             {
00309                 qosubi[idx] = i;
00310                 qosubj[idx] = j;
00311                  qoval[idx] = Q0[j + i*M]; 
00313                 ++idx;
00314             }
00315         }
00317     return MSK_putqobj(m_task, nnz, qosubi.vector,
00318             qosubj.vector, qoval.vector);
00319 }
00321 MSKrescodee CMosek::optimize(SGVector< float64_t > sol)
00322 {
00323     m_rescode = MSK_optimize(m_task);
00325 #ifdef DEBUG_MOSEK
00326     // Print a summary containing information about the solution
00327     MSK_solutionsummary(m_task, MSK_STREAM_LOG);
00328 #endif
00330     // Read the solution
00331     if ( m_rescode == MSK_RES_OK )
00332     {
00333         // Solution status
00334         MSKsolstae solsta;
00335         // FIXME posible solutions are:
00336         // MSK_SOL_ITR: the interior solution
00337         // MSK_SOL_BAS: the basic solution
00338         // MSK_SOL_ITG: the integer solution
00339         MSK_getsolutionstatus(m_task, MSK_SOL_ITR, NULL, &solsta);
00341         switch (solsta)
00342         {
00343         case MSK_SOL_STA_OPTIMAL:
00344         case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_OPTIMAL:
00345             MSK_getsolutionslice(m_task,
00346                     // Request the interior solution
00347                     MSK_SOL_ITR,
00348                     // of the optimization vector
00349                     MSK_SOL_ITEM_XX,
00350                     0,
00351                     sol.vlen,
00352                     sol.vector);
00353 #ifdef DEBUG_SOLUTION
00354             sol.display_vector("Solution");
00355 #endif
00356             break;
00357         case MSK_SOL_STA_DUAL_INFEAS_CER:
00358         case MSK_SOL_STA_PRIM_INFEAS_CER:
00359         case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_DUAL_INFEAS_CER:
00360         case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_PRIM_INFEAS_CER:
00361 #ifdef DEBUG_MOSEK
00362             SG_PRINT("Primal or dual infeasibility "
00363                  "certificate found\n");
00364 #endif
00365             break;
00366         case MSK_SOL_STA_UNKNOWN:
00367 #ifdef DEBUG_MOSEK
00368             SG_PRINT("Undetermined solution status\n");
00369 #endif
00370             break;
00371         default:
00372 #ifdef DEBUG_MOSEK
00373             SG_PRINT("Other solution status\n");
00374 #endif
00375             break;  // to avoid compile error when DEBUG_MOSEK
00376                 // is not defined
00377         }
00378     }
00380     // In case any error occurred, print the appropriate error message
00381     if ( m_rescode != MSK_RES_OK )
00382     {
00383         char symname[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN];
00384         char desc[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN];
00386         MSK_getcodedesc(m_rescode, symname, desc);
00388         SG_PRINT("An error occurred optimizing with MOSEK\n");
00389         SG_PRINT("ERROR %s - '%s'\n", symname, desc);
00390     }
00392     return m_rescode;
00393 }
00395 void CMosek::delete_problem()
00396 {
00397     MSK_deletetask(&m_task);
00398     MSK_deleteenv(&m_env);
00399 }
00401 void CMosek::display_problem()
00402 {
00403     int32_t num_var, num_con;
00404     m_rescode = MSK_getnumvar(m_task, &num_var);
00405     m_rescode = MSK_getnumcon(m_task, &num_con);
00407     SG_PRINT("\nMatrix Q^0:\n");
00408     for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < num_var ; ++i )
00409     {
00410         for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < num_var ; ++j )
00411         {
00412             float64_t qij;
00413             m_rescode = MSK_getqobjij(m_task, i, j, &qij);
00414             if ( qij != 0.0 )
00415                 SG_PRINT("(%d,%d)\t%.2f\n", i, j, qij);
00416         }
00417     }
00418     SG_PRINT("\n");
00420     SG_PRINT("\nVector c:\n");
00421     SGVector< float64_t > c(num_var);
00422     m_rescode = MSK_getc(m_task, c.vector);
00423     c.display_vector();
00425     SG_PRINT("\n\nMatrix A:\n");
00426     for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < num_con ; ++i )
00427     {
00428         for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < num_var ; ++j )
00429         {
00430             float64_t aij;
00431             m_rescode = MSK_getaij(m_task, i, j, &aij);
00432             if ( aij != 0.0 )
00433                 SG_PRINT("(%d,%d)\t%.2f\n", i, j, aij);
00434         }
00435     }
00436     SG_PRINT("\n");
00438     SG_PRINT("\nConstraint Bounds, vector b:\n");
00439     for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < num_con ; ++i )
00440     {
00441         MSKboundkeye bk;
00442         float64_t bl, bu;
00443         m_rescode = MSK_getbound(m_task, MSK_ACC_CON, i, &bk, &bl, &bu);
00445         SG_PRINT("%6.2f %6.2f\n", bl, bu);
00446     }
00448     SG_PRINT("\nVariable Bounds, vectors lb and ub:\n");
00449     for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < num_var ; ++i )
00450     {
00451         MSKboundkeye bk;
00452         float64_t bl, bu;
00453         m_rescode = MSK_getbound(m_task, MSK_ACC_VAR, i, &bk, &bl, &bu);
00455         SG_PRINT("%6.2f %6.2f\n", bl, bu);
00456     }
00457     SG_PRINT("\n");
00458 }
00461 float64_t CMosek::get_primal_objective_value() const
00462 {
00463     float64_t po = 0.0;
00464     MSK_getprimalobj(m_task, MSK_SOL_ITR, &po);
00466     return po;
00467 }
00469 #endif /* USE_MOSEK */
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