
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <math.h>
00002 #include <stdio.h>
00003 #include <string.h>
00004 #include <stdarg.h>
00006 #include <shogun/lib/config.h>
00007 #include <shogun/lib/Signal.h>
00008 #include <shogun/lib/Time.h>
00010 #include <shogun/mathematics/lapack.h>
00011 #include <shogun/mathematics/Math.h>
00012 #include <shogun/optimization/liblinear/tron.h>
00014 using namespace shogun;
00016 double tron_ddot(const int N, const double *X, const int incX, const double *Y, const int incY)
00017 {
00018 #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK
00019     return cblas_ddot(N,X,incX,Y,incY);
00020 #else
00021     double dot = 0.0;
00022     for (int32_t i=0; i<N; i++)
00023         dot += X[incX*i]*Y[incY*i];
00024     return dot;
00025 #endif
00026 }
00028 double tron_dnrm2(const int N, const double *X, const int incX)
00029 {
00030 #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK
00031     return cblas_dnrm2(N,X,incX);
00032 #else
00033     double dot = 0.0;
00034     for (int32_t i=0; i<N; i++)
00035         dot += X[incX*i]*X[incX*i];
00036     return sqrt(dot);
00037 #endif
00038 }
00040 void tron_dscal(const int N, const double alpha, double *X, const int incX)
00041 {
00042 #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK
00043     return cblas_dscal(N,alpha,X,incX);
00044 #else
00045     for (int32_t i=0; i<N; i++)
00046         X[i]*= alpha;
00047 #endif
00048 }
00050 void tron_daxpy(const int N, const double alpha, const double *X, const int incX, double *Y, const int incY)
00051 {
00052 #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK
00053     cblas_daxpy(N,alpha,X,incX,Y,incY);
00054 #else
00055     for (int32_t i=0; i<N; i++)
00056         Y[i] += alpha*X[i];
00057 #endif
00058 }
00060 CTron::CTron(const function *f, float64_t e, int32_t it)
00061 : CSGObject()
00062 {
00063     this->fun_obj=const_cast<function *>(f);
00064     this->eps=e;
00065     this->max_iter=it;
00066 }
00068 CTron::~CTron()
00069 {
00070 }
00072 void CTron::tron(float64_t *w, float64_t max_train_time)
00073 {
00074     // Parameters for updating the iterates.
00075     float64_t eta0 = 1e-4, eta1 = 0.25, eta2 = 0.75;
00077     // Parameters for updating the trust region size delta.
00078     float64_t sigma1 = 0.25, sigma2 = 0.5, sigma3 = 4.;
00080     int32_t i, cg_iter;
00081     float64_t delta, snorm, one=1.0;
00082     float64_t alpha, f, fnew, prered, actred, gs;
00084     /* calling external lib */
00085     int n = (int) fun_obj->get_nr_variable();
00086     int search = 1, iter = 1, inc = 1;
00087     double *s = SG_MALLOC(double, n);
00088     double *r = SG_MALLOC(double, n);
00089     double *w_new = SG_MALLOC(double, n);
00090     double *g = SG_MALLOC(double, n);
00092     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
00093         w[i] = 0;
00095     f = fun_obj->fun(w);
00096     fun_obj->grad(w, g);
00097     delta = tron_dnrm2(n, g, inc);
00098     float64_t gnorm1 = delta;
00099     float64_t gnorm = gnorm1;
00101     if (gnorm <= eps*gnorm1)
00102         search = 0;
00104     iter = 1;
00106     CSignal::clear_cancel();
00107     CTime start_time;
00109     while (iter <= max_iter && search && (!CSignal::cancel_computations()))
00110     {
00111         if (max_train_time > 0 && start_time.cur_time_diff() > max_train_time)
00112           break;
00114         cg_iter = trcg(delta, g, s, r);
00116         memcpy(w_new, w, sizeof(float64_t)*n);
00117         tron_daxpy(n, one, s, inc, w_new, inc);
00119         gs = tron_ddot(n, g, inc, s, inc);
00120         prered = -0.5*(gs-tron_ddot(n, s, inc, r, inc));
00121             fnew = fun_obj->fun(w_new);
00123         // Compute the actual reduction.
00124             actred = f - fnew;
00126         // On the first iteration, adjust the initial step bound.
00127         snorm = tron_dnrm2(n, s, inc);
00128         if (iter == 1)
00129             delta = CMath::min(delta, snorm);
00131         // Compute prediction alpha*snorm of the step.
00132         if (fnew - f - gs <= 0)
00133             alpha = sigma3;
00134         else
00135             alpha = CMath::max(sigma1, -0.5*(gs/(fnew - f - gs)));
00137         // Update the trust region bound according to the ratio of actual to predicted reduction.
00138         if (actred < eta0*prered)
00139             delta = CMath::min(CMath::max(alpha, sigma1)*snorm, sigma2*delta);
00140         else if (actred < eta1*prered)
00141             delta = CMath::max(sigma1*delta, CMath::min(alpha*snorm, sigma2*delta));
00142         else if (actred < eta2*prered)
00143             delta = CMath::max(sigma1*delta, CMath::min(alpha*snorm, sigma3*delta));
00144         else
00145             delta = CMath::max(delta, CMath::min(alpha*snorm, sigma3*delta));
00147         SG_INFO("iter %2d act %5.3e pre %5.3e delta %5.3e f %5.3e |g| %5.3e CG %3d\n", iter, actred, prered, delta, f, gnorm, cg_iter);
00149         if (actred > eta0*prered)
00150         {
00151             iter++;
00152             memcpy(w, w_new, sizeof(float64_t)*n);
00153             f = fnew;
00154                 fun_obj->grad(w, g);
00156             gnorm = tron_dnrm2(n, g, inc);
00157             if (gnorm < eps*gnorm1)
00158                 break;
00159             SG_SABS_PROGRESS(gnorm, -CMath::log10(gnorm), -CMath::log10(1), -CMath::log10(eps*gnorm1), 6);
00160         }
00161         if (f < -1.0e+32)
00162         {
00163             SG_WARNING("f < -1.0e+32\n");
00164             break;
00165         }
00166         if (CMath::abs(actred) <= 0 && CMath::abs(prered) <= 0)
00167         {
00168             SG_WARNING("actred and prered <= 0\n");
00169             break;
00170         }
00171         if (CMath::abs(actred) <= 1.0e-12*CMath::abs(f) &&
00172             CMath::abs(prered) <= 1.0e-12*CMath::abs(f))
00173         {
00174             SG_WARNING("actred and prered too small\n");
00175             break;
00176         }
00177     }
00179     SG_DONE();
00181     SG_FREE(g);
00182     SG_FREE(r);
00183     SG_FREE(w_new);
00184     SG_FREE(s);
00185 }
00187 int32_t CTron::trcg(float64_t delta, double* g, double* s, double* r)
00188 {
00189     /* calling external lib */
00190     int i, cg_iter;
00191     int n = (int) fun_obj->get_nr_variable();
00192     int inc = 1;
00193     double one = 1;
00194     double *Hd = SG_MALLOC(double, n);
00195     double *d = SG_MALLOC(double, n);
00196     double rTr, rnewTrnew, alpha, beta, cgtol;
00198     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
00199     {
00200         s[i] = 0;
00201         r[i] = -g[i];
00202         d[i] = r[i];
00203     }
00204     cgtol = 0.1* tron_dnrm2(n, g, inc);
00206     cg_iter = 0;
00207     rTr = tron_ddot(n, r, inc, r, inc);
00208     while (1)
00209     {
00210         if (tron_dnrm2(n, r, inc) <= cgtol)
00211             break;
00212         cg_iter++;
00213         fun_obj->Hv(d, Hd);
00215         alpha = rTr/tron_ddot(n, d, inc, Hd, inc);
00216         tron_daxpy(n, alpha, d, inc, s, inc);
00217         if (tron_dnrm2(n, s, inc) > delta)
00218         {
00219             SG_INFO("cg reaches trust region boundary\n");
00220             alpha = -alpha;
00221             tron_daxpy(n, alpha, d, inc, s, inc);
00223             double std = tron_ddot(n, s, inc, d, inc);
00224             double sts = tron_ddot(n, s, inc, s, inc);
00225             double dtd = tron_ddot(n, d, inc, d, inc);
00226             double dsq = delta*delta;
00227             double rad = sqrt(std*std + dtd*(dsq-sts));
00228             if (std >= 0)
00229                 alpha = (dsq - sts)/(std + rad);
00230             else
00231                 alpha = (rad - std)/dtd;
00232             tron_daxpy(n, alpha, d, inc, s, inc);
00233             alpha = -alpha;
00234             tron_daxpy(n, alpha, Hd, inc, r, inc);
00235             break;
00236         }
00237         alpha = -alpha;
00238         tron_daxpy(n, alpha, Hd, inc, r, inc);
00239         rnewTrnew = tron_ddot(n, r, inc, r, inc);
00240         beta = rnewTrnew/rTr;
00241         tron_dscal(n, beta, d, inc);
00242         tron_daxpy(n, one, r, inc, d, inc);
00243         rTr = rnewTrnew;
00244     }
00246     SG_FREE(d);
00247     SG_FREE(Hd);
00249     return(cg_iter);
00250 }
00252 float64_t CTron::norm_inf(int32_t n, float64_t *x)
00253 {
00254     float64_t dmax = CMath::abs(x[0]);
00255     for (int32_t i=1; i<n; i++)
00256         if (CMath::abs(x[i]) >= dmax)
00257             dmax = CMath::abs(x[i]);
00258     return(dmax);
00259 }
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