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SGVector< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SGVector< T >, including all inherited members.

abs()SGVector< T >
acos()SGVector< T >
add(const SGVector< T > x)SGVector< T >
add(const SGSparseVector< T > &x)SGVector< T >
add(const T x)SGVector< T >
add(T *target, T alpha, const T *v1, T beta, const T *v2, int32_t len)SGVector< T >static
add_scalar(T alpha, T *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >static
arg_max(T *vec, int32_t inc, int32_t len, T *maxv_ptr=NULL)SGVector< T >static
arg_max(complex128_t *vec, int32_t inc, int32_t len, complex128_t *maxv_ptr)SGVector< T >
arg_max_abs(T *vec, int32_t inc, int32_t len, T *maxv_ptr=NULL)SGVector< T >static
arg_max_abs(float64_t *vec, int32_t inc, int32_t len, float64_t *maxv_ptr)SGVector< T >
arg_max_abs(float32_t *vec, int32_t inc, int32_t len, float32_t *maxv_ptr)SGVector< T >
arg_max_abs(complex128_t *vec, int32_t inc, int32_t len, complex128_t *maxv_ptr)SGVector< T >
arg_min(T *vec, int32_t inc, int32_t len, T *minv_ptr=NULL)SGVector< T >static
arg_min(complex128_t *vec, int32_t inc, int32_t len, complex128_t *minv_ptr)SGVector< T >
argsort()SGVector< T >
argsort()SGVector< T >
asin()SGVector< T >
atan()SGVector< T >
atan2(T x)SGVector< T >
clone() const SGVector< T >
clone_vector(const T *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >static
convert_to_matrix(SGVector< T > vector, index_t nrows, index_t ncols, bool fortran_order)SGVector< T >static
convert_to_matrix(T *&matrix, index_t nrows, index_t ncols, const T *vector, int32_t vlen, bool fortran_order)SGVector< T >static
copy_data(const SGReferencedData &orig)SGVector< T >protectedvirtual
copy_refcount(const SGReferencedData &orig)SGReferencedDataprotected
cos()SGVector< T >
cosh()SGVector< T >
display_size() const SGVector< T >
display_vector(const char *name="vector", const char *prefix="") const SGVector< T >
display_vector(const T *vector, int32_t n, const char *name="vector", const char *prefix="")SGVector< T >static
display_vector(const SGVector< T >, const char *name="vector", const char *prefix="")SGVector< T >static
display_vector(const bool *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
display_vector(const char *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
display_vector(const uint8_t *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
display_vector(const int8_t *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
display_vector(const uint16_t *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
display_vector(const int16_t *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
display_vector(const int32_t *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
display_vector(const uint32_t *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
display_vector(const int64_t *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
display_vector(const uint64_t *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
display_vector(const float32_t *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
display_vector(const float64_t *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
display_vector(const floatmax_t *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
display_vector(const complex128_t *vector, int32_t n, const char *name, const char *prefix)SGVector< T >
dot(const bool *v1, const bool *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
dot(const floatmax_t *v1, const floatmax_t *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
dot(const float64_t *v1, const float64_t *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
dot(const float32_t *v1, const float32_t *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
dot(const uint64_t *v1, const uint64_t *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
dot(const int64_t *v1, const int64_t *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
dot(const int32_t *v1, const int32_t *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
dot(const uint32_t *v1, const uint32_t *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
dot(const uint16_t *v1, const uint16_t *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
dot(const int16_t *v1, const int16_t *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
dot(const char *v1, const char *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
dot(const uint8_t *v1, const uint8_t *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
dot(const int8_t *v1, const int8_t *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
dot(const float64_t *v1, const char *v2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
equals(SGVector< T > &other)SGVector< T >
exp()SGVector< T >
fequal(T x, T y, float64_t precision=1e-6)SGVector< T >static
fill_vector(T *vec, int32_t len, T value)SGVector< T >static
find(T elem)SGVector< T >
find_if(Predicate p)SGVector< T >
find_position_to_insert(T element)SGVector< T >
find_position_to_insert(complex128_t element)SGVector< T >
free_data()SGVector< T >protectedvirtual
get()SGVector< T >
get_element(index_t index)SGVector< T >
get_imag()SGVector< T >
get_real()SGVector< T >
init_data()SGVector< T >protectedvirtual
is_sorted() const SGVector< T >
is_sorted() constSGVector< T >
linspace(T start, T end, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
linspace(complex128_t start, complex128_t end, int32_t n)SGVector< T >
linspace_vec(T start, T end, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
load(CFile *loader)SGVector< T >
load(CFile *loader)SGVector< T >
log()SGVector< T >
log10()SGVector< T >
max(T *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >static
max_abs(T *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >static
max_abs(float64_t *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
max_abs(float32_t *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
max_abs(complex128_t *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
mean() const SGVector< T >
mean() constSGVector< T >
min(T *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >static
onenorm(T *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >static
operator T *()SGVector< T >
operator+(SGVector< T > x)SGVector< T >
operator+=(SGVector< T > x)SGVector< T >
operator+=(SGSparseVector< T > &x)SGVector< T >
operator=(const SGReferencedData &orig)SGReferencedData
operator[](index_t index) const SGVector< T >
operator[](index_t index)SGVector< T >
permute(T *vec, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
permute(T *vec, int32_t n, CRandom *rand)SGVector< T >static
permute()SGVector< T >
permute(CRandom *rand)SGVector< T >
permute_vector(SGVector< T > vec)SGVector< T >static
pow(T q)SGVector< T >
pow(complex128_t q)SGVector< T >
product(T *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >static
product()SGVector< T >
qnorm(T *x, int32_t len, float64_t q)SGVector< T >static
qnorm(complex128_t *x, int32_t len, float64_t q)SGVector< T >
qsort()SGVector< T >
qsq(T *x, int32_t len, float64_t q)SGVector< T >static
qsq(complex128_t *x, int32_t len, float64_t q)SGVector< T >
random(T min_value, T max_value)SGVector< T >
random_vector(T *vec, int32_t len, T min_value, T max_value)SGVector< T >static
random_vector(complex128_t *vec, int32_t len, complex128_t min_value, complex128_t max_value)SGVector< T >
randperm()SGVector< T >
randperm(int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
randperm(T *perm, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
randperm(int32_t n)SGVector< T >
randperm(complex128_t *perm, int32_t n)SGVector< T >
randperm_vec(int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
randperm_vec(int32_t n)SGVector< T >
range_fill(T start=0)SGVector< T >
range_fill_vector(T *vec, int32_t len, T start=0)SGVector< T >static
range_fill_vector(complex128_t *vec, int32_t len, complex128_t start)SGVector< T >
resize_vector(int32_t n)SGVector< T >
save(CFile *saver)SGVector< T >
save(CFile *saver)SGVector< T >
scale(T alpha)SGVector< T >
scale_vector(T alpha, T *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >static
scale_vector(float64_t alpha, float64_t *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
scale_vector(float32_t alpha, float32_t *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
set(SGVector< T > orig)SGVector< T >
set_const(T const_elem)SGVector< T >
set_element(const T &p_element, index_t index)SGVector< T >
SGReferencedData(bool ref_counting=true)SGReferencedData
SGReferencedData(const SGReferencedData &orig)SGReferencedData
SGVector()SGVector< T >
SGVector(T *v, index_t len, bool ref_counting=true)SGVector< T >
SGVector(index_t len, bool ref_counting=true)SGVector< T >
SGVector(const SGVector &orig)SGVector< T >
sin()SGVector< T >
sinh()SGVector< T >
size() const SGVector< T >
sqrt()SGVector< T >
sum(T *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >static
sum(SGVector< T > vec)SGVector< T >static
sum_abs(T *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >static
sum_abs(float64_t *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
sum_abs(float32_t *vec, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
tan()SGVector< T >
tanh()SGVector< T >
twonorm(const T *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >static
twonorm(const bool *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
twonorm(const char *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
twonorm(const int8_t *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
twonorm(const uint8_t *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
twonorm(const int16_t *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
twonorm(const uint16_t *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
twonorm(const int32_t *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
twonorm(const uint32_t *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
twonorm(const int64_t *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
twonorm(const uint64_t *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
twonorm(const float32_t *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
twonorm(const float64_t *v, int32_t n)SGVector< T >
twonorm(const floatmax_t *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
twonorm(const complex128_t *x, int32_t len)SGVector< T >
unique(T *output, int32_t size)SGVector< T >static
unique(complex128_t *output, int32_t size)SGVector< T >
vec1_plus_scalar_times_vec2(T *vec1, const T scalar, const T *vec2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >static
vec1_plus_scalar_times_vec2(float64_t *vec1, float64_t scalar, const float64_t *vec2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >
vec1_plus_scalar_times_vec2(float32_t *vec1, float32_t scalar, const float32_t *vec2, int32_t n)SGVector< T >
vectorSGVector< T >
vector_multiply(T *target, const T *v1, const T *v2, int32_t len)SGVector< T >static
vlenSGVector< T >
zero()SGVector< T >
zero()SGVector< T >
~SGVector()SGVector< T >virtual

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