This is the complete list of members for CCARTree, including all inherited members.
apply(CFeatures *data=NULL) | CMachine | virtual |
apply_binary(CFeatures *data=NULL) | CMachine | virtual |
apply_from_current_node(CDenseFeatures< float64_t > *feats, bnode_t *current) | CCARTree | protected |
apply_latent(CFeatures *data=NULL) | CMachine | virtual |
apply_locked(SGVector< index_t > indices) | CMachine | virtual |
apply_locked_binary(SGVector< index_t > indices) | CMachine | virtual |
apply_locked_latent(SGVector< index_t > indices) | CMachine | virtual |
apply_locked_multiclass(SGVector< index_t > indices) | CMachine | virtual |
apply_locked_regression(SGVector< index_t > indices) | CMachine | virtual |
apply_locked_structured(SGVector< index_t > indices) | CMachine | virtual |
apply_multiclass(CFeatures *data=NULL) | CCARTree | virtual |
apply_one(int32_t i) | CMachine | virtual |
apply_regression(CFeatures *data=NULL) | CCARTree | virtual |
apply_structured(CFeatures *data=NULL) | CMachine | virtual |
bnode_t typedef | CTreeMachine< CARTreeNodeData > | |
build_gradient_parameter_dictionary(CMap< TParameter *, CSGObject * > *dict) | CSGObject | |
CARTtrain(CFeatures *data, SGVector< float64_t > weights, CLabels *labels, int32_t level) | CCARTree | protectedvirtual |
CBaseMulticlassMachine() | CBaseMulticlassMachine | |
CCARTree() | CCARTree | |
CCARTree(SGVector< bool > attribute_types, EProblemType prob_type=PT_MULTICLASS) | CCARTree | |
CCARTree(SGVector< bool > attribute_types, EProblemType prob_type, int32_t num_folds, bool cv_prune) | CCARTree | |
clear_feature_types() | CCARTree | |
clear_weights() | CCARTree | |
clone() | CSGObject | virtual |
clone_tree() | CTreeMachine< CARTreeNodeData > | |
CMachine() | CMachine | |
compute_best_attribute(SGMatrix< float64_t > mat, SGVector< float64_t > weights, SGVector< float64_t > labels_vec, SGVector< float64_t > left, SGVector< float64_t > right, SGVector< bool > is_left_final, int32_t &num_missing, int32_t &count_left, int32_t &count_right) | CCARTree | protectedvirtual |
compute_error(CLabels *labels, CLabels *reference, SGVector< float64_t > weights) | CCARTree | protected |
CSGObject() | CSGObject | |
CSGObject(const CSGObject &orig) | CSGObject | |
CTreeMachine() | CTreeMachine< CARTreeNodeData > | |
cut_weakest_link(bnode_t *node, float64_t alpha) | CCARTree | protected |
data_lock(CLabels *labs, CFeatures *features) | CMachine | virtual |
data_unlock() | CMachine | virtual |
deep_copy() const | CSGObject | virtual |
EQ_DELTA | CCARTree | static |
equals(CSGObject *other, float64_t accuracy=0.0, bool tolerant=false) | CSGObject | virtual |
find_weakest_alpha(bnode_t *node) | CCARTree | protected |
form_t1(bnode_t *node) | CCARTree | protected |
gain(SGVector< float64_t > wleft, SGVector< float64_t > wright, SGVector< float64_t > wtotal, SGVector< float64_t > labels) | CCARTree | protected |
gain(SGVector< float64_t > wleft, SGVector< float64_t > wright, SGVector< float64_t > wtotal) | CCARTree | protected |
get_classifier_type() | CMachine | virtual |
get_feature_types() const | CCARTree | |
get_global_io() | CSGObject | |
get_global_parallel() | CSGObject | |
get_global_version() | CSGObject | |
get_label_epsilon() | CCARTree | |
get_labels() | CMachine | virtual |
get_machine_problem_type() const | CCARTree | virtual |
get_max_depth() const | CCARTree | |
get_max_train_time() | CMachine | |
get_min_node_size() const | CCARTree | |
get_modelsel_names() | CSGObject | |
get_modsel_param_descr(const char *param_name) | CSGObject | |
get_modsel_param_index(const char *param_name) | CSGObject | |
get_name() const | CCARTree | virtual |
get_num_folds() const | CCARTree | |
get_num_machines() const | CBaseMulticlassMachine | |
get_root() | CTreeMachine< CARTreeNodeData > | |
get_solver_type() | CMachine | |
get_unique_labels(SGVector< float64_t > labels_vec, int32_t &n_ulabels) | CCARTree | protected |
get_weights() const | CCARTree | |
gini_impurity_index(SGVector< float64_t > weighted_lab_classes, float64_t &total_weight) | CCARTree | protected |
handle_missing_vecs_for_continuous_surrogate(SGMatrix< float64_t > m, CDynamicArray< int32_t > *missing_vecs, CDynamicArray< float64_t > *association_index, CDynamicArray< int32_t > *intersect_vecs, SGVector< bool > is_left, SGVector< float64_t > weights, float64_t p, int32_t attr) | CCARTree | protected |
handle_missing_vecs_for_nominal_surrogate(SGMatrix< float64_t > m, CDynamicArray< int32_t > *missing_vecs, CDynamicArray< float64_t > *association_index, CDynamicArray< int32_t > *intersect_vecs, SGVector< bool > is_left, SGVector< float64_t > weights, float64_t p, int32_t attr) | CCARTree | protected |
init() | CCARTree | protected |
io | CSGObject | |
is_data_locked() const | CMachine | |
is_generic(EPrimitiveType *generic) const | CSGObject | virtual |
is_label_valid(CLabels *lab) const | CCARTree | virtual |
least_squares_deviation(SGVector< float64_t > labels, SGVector< float64_t > weights, float64_t &total_weight) | CCARTree | protected |
load_serializable(CSerializableFile *file, const char *prefix="") | CSGObject | virtual |
load_serializable_post() | CSGObject | protectedvirtual |
load_serializable_pre() | CSGObject | protectedvirtual |
m_alphas | CCARTree | protected |
m_apply_cv_pruning | CCARTree | protected |
m_data_locked | CMachine | protected |
m_folds | CCARTree | protected |
m_gradient_parameters | CSGObject | |
m_hash | CSGObject | |
m_label_epsilon | CCARTree | protected |
m_labels | CMachine | protected |
m_machines | CBaseMulticlassMachine | protected |
m_max_depth | CCARTree | protected |
m_max_train_time | CMachine | protected |
m_min_node_size | CCARTree | protected |
m_mode | CCARTree | protected |
m_model_selection_parameters | CSGObject | |
m_nominal | CCARTree | protected |
m_parameters | CSGObject | |
m_root | CTreeMachine< CARTreeNodeData > | protected |
m_solver_type | CMachine | protected |
m_store_model_features | CMachine | protected |
m_types_set | CCARTree | protected |
m_weights | CCARTree | protected |
m_weights_set | CCARTree | protected |
MIN_SPLIT_GAIN | CCARTree | static |
MISSING | CCARTree | static |
node_t typedef | CTreeMachine< CARTreeNodeData > | |
parallel | CSGObject | |
parameter_hash_changed() | CSGObject | virtual |
post_lock(CLabels *labs, CFeatures *features) | CMachine | virtual |
print_modsel_params() | CSGObject | |
print_serializable(const char *prefix="") | CSGObject | virtual |
prune_by_cross_validation(CDenseFeatures< float64_t > *data, int32_t folds) | CCARTree | protected |
prune_tree(CTreeMachine< CARTreeNodeData > *tree) | CCARTree | protected |
prune_using_test_dataset(CDenseFeatures< float64_t > *feats, CLabels *gnd_truth, SGVector< float64_t > weights=SGVector< float64_t >()) | CCARTree | |
save_serializable(CSerializableFile *file, const char *prefix="") | CSGObject | virtual |
save_serializable_post() | CSGObject | protectedvirtual |
save_serializable_pre() | CSGObject | protectedvirtual |
set_cv_pruning() | CCARTree | |
set_feature_types(SGVector< bool > ft) | CCARTree | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_generic() | CSGObject | |
set_global_io(SGIO *io) | CSGObject | |
set_global_parallel(Parallel *parallel) | CSGObject | |
set_global_version(Version *version) | CSGObject | |
set_label_epsilon(float64_t epsilon) | CCARTree | |
set_labels(CLabels *lab) | CCARTree | virtual |
set_machine_problem_type(EProblemType mode) | CCARTree | |
set_max_depth(int32_t depth) | CCARTree | |
set_max_train_time(float64_t t) | CMachine | |
set_min_node_size(int32_t nsize) | CCARTree | |
set_num_folds(int32_t folds) | CCARTree | |
set_root(CTreeMachineNode< CARTreeNodeData > *root) | CTreeMachine< CARTreeNodeData > | |
set_solver_type(ESolverType st) | CMachine | |
set_store_model_features(bool store_model) | CMachine | virtual |
set_weights(SGVector< float64_t > w) | CCARTree | |
shallow_copy() const | CSGObject | virtual |
store_model_features() | CTreeMachine< CARTreeNodeData > | protectedvirtual |
supports_locking() const | CMachine | virtual |
surrogate_split(SGMatrix< float64_t > data, SGVector< float64_t > weights, SGVector< bool > nm_left, int32_t attr) | CCARTree | protected |
train(CFeatures *data=NULL) | CMachine | virtual |
train_locked(SGVector< index_t > indices) | CMachine | virtual |
train_machine(CFeatures *data=NULL) | CCARTree | protectedvirtual |
train_require_labels() const | CMachine | protectedvirtual |
unset_cv_pruning() | CCARTree | |
unset_generic() | CSGObject | |
update_parameter_hash() | CSGObject | virtual |
version | CSGObject | |
~CBaseMulticlassMachine() | CBaseMulticlassMachine | virtual |
~CCARTree() | CCARTree | virtual |
~CMachine() | CMachine | virtual |
~CSGObject() | CSGObject | virtual |
~CTreeMachine() | CTreeMachine< CARTreeNodeData > | virtual |