SHOGUN  4.2.0
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Currently SHOGUN has been confirmed to be fully functional on PowerPC, i386 and AMD64 Linux (tested on debian/ubuntu and gentoo). We also managed to compile SHOGUN on MacOSX and via cygwin on WIN32 platforms. However some manual tweaking of configuration files might be necessary.

From a Package

SHOGUN is currently pre-packaged for debian (see and available on MacOSX via macports (see )

Installation on Debian/Ubuntu

On debian, depending on the interface you want, install the package(s)

libshogun-dev         - for C++ developers building extensions using
shogun-csharp-modular - for the modular csharp interface
shogun-lua-modular    - for the modular lua interface
shogun-java-modular   - for the modular java interface
shogun-octave-static  - for the static octave interface
shogun-octave-modular - for the modular octave interface
shogun-python-static  - for the static python interface
shogun-python-modular - for the modular python interface
shogun-r-static       - for the static r interface
shogun-ruby-modular   - for the modular ruby interface
shogun-cmdline-static - for the static command-line interface.
shogun-elwms-static   - for the static eierlegende wollmilchsau interface
                        (one interface to r/python/octave allowing
                        to run commands in non-native languages)
shogun-doc            - for the documentation

Installation on MacOSX

The mac port is provided by James Kyle (Thanks!!) and makes installations on OSX as easy as under linux. To install shogun you will need macports (see Then issue

sudo port selfupdate

sudo port install swig swig-python
  (shogun users who want the r and octave interfaces should add
  swig-octave and/or swig-r to this list)

sudo port install shogun
  (for r, octave, and elwms interfaces: +r +octave +elwms)



to your shell profile. Tip the default ${macports_prefix} is /opt/local/. In that case, the library path would be /opt/local/lib.

Installing SHOGUN from Source

SHOGUN Machine Learning Toolbox - Documentation