IRC logs of #shogun for Monday, 2011-06-20

--- Log opened Mon Jun 20 00:00:01 2011
blackburnI really hate when variables is called qdsad_dsdwqrtwe_31200:00
blackburnI guess alesis came to Lithuania, cause he finished passing exams00:01
@sonney2kdammed naming clash00:03
@sonney2kR has a function called length00:03
@sonney2kso that clashes with SGVector definition00:03
@sonney2kI guess I will rename it to either vector_length or vlength00:03
@sonney2kblackburn, ^ any preferences00:04
@sonney2kvlength then it is00:04
blackburnmay be even vlen00:04
blackburnwe will use it in loops and so on00:04
@sonney2kok then vlen00:04
blackburne.g. for (i=0;i<mean_vector.vector_length;i++)00:05
blackburnclassifier/svm is ok00:05
@sonney2kyou can always make temporaty variables00:05
@sonney2kdammed! now I have to change half of shogun because of this00:05
blackburnhahaha it will be pretty hard00:06
blackburn::std::vector<float64_t> & weights, const int32_t index00:08
blackburnstd in shogun..00:09
blackburnclassifier seems to be done00:09
blackburnonly KNN required changes00:09
@sonney2kI will only get this thing to compile and then better stop - I am getting too sleepy00:10
@sonney2k'only' that is00:10
@sonney2kI guess I will have to touch every file...00:10
blackburncan you avoid this naming clash?00:11
@sonney2kI think you will be able to safely merge00:12
blackburnI don't know, so asking00:12
blackburnsafely merge what?00:12
blackburnsonney2k: may be we will just remove typemaps in our 'packages' one-by-another?00:13
blackburnit will be too hard to resolve00:14
blackburnfor example now I will remove that from classifier00:15
blackburnand check classifier..00:15
@sonney2kstill compiling...00:18
blackburntried to use vim :D00:19
blackburnhey I can't quit00:19
blackburndon't react on anything00:19
@sonney2ktry esc then : then q00:22
blackburntried, it did nothing :)00:22
@sonney2kok static infterfaces compile00:22
@sonney2kthen esc twice :)00:22
@sonney2kor ctrl+c00:22
@sonney2koctave_modular too00:23
@sonney2kpython_modular too00:23
blackburnsonney2k: why MultiClassSVM doesn't have apply(CFeatures)??00:23
@sonney2kr-Modular too00:23
blackburnsonney2k: how to exit with save?00:24
@sonney2kI thought that kernelmachine has this and is calling set_feautres + apply?00:24
blackburnNotImplementedError: Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'MultiClassSVM_apply'.00:24
blackburn  Possible C/C++ prototypes are:00:24
blackburn    apply(shogun::CMultiClassSVM *)00:24
blackburn    apply(shogun::CMultiClassSVM *,int32_t)00:24
blackburnI just made apply()00:24
@sonney2k.......java_modular all good00:24
@sonney2kblackburn, wierd00:25
@sonney2kcshard died00:25
blackburnsonney2k: same thing with larank00:25
@sonney2kblackburn, larank is also multiclass00:26
blackburnoh! found one thing to be sgvectorized00:27
blackburnoh I'm going to check all svms now00:32
@sonney2kffff here too00:34
@sonney2ksome csharp stuff is just broken...00:34
-!- blackburn [~blackburn@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]00:37
-!- blackburn [~blackburn@] has joined #shogun00:38
blackburnwifi lost connection FFUUUU00:38
@sonney2kblackburn, merge please00:42
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r9c9e74a / (29 files in 14 dirs): get rid of legacy T* x, int32_t len / or T** typemaps and transition everything to SGMatrix and friends -
blackburnis it compiling?00:43
@sonney2kfor all $LANG00:43
blackburnwill check tests :)00:43
@sonney2knot much works00:43
blackburnnow I fixed some svms00:43
@sonney2ksimply typemaps are missing00:43
@sonney2kerr SGVector stuff00:43
@sonney2ktypemaps are there00:44
blackburnokay now only larank is ERROR00:44
blackburnwill merge now00:44
@sonney2kblackburn, please try to merge and see if you get not  too many conflicts00:44
@sonney2kbetter commit before attempting00:44
@sonney2kahh you have too anyway with git00:44
blackburnthere wouldn't be any00:45
@sonney2kno conflicts?00:45
blackburnno, everything is ok00:45
blackburnwill see what's up with tests now00:46
@sonney2kI will have to go to bed now (I am falling asleep with my eyes open)00:46
blackburnsonney2k: bam00:46
blackburnclassifier/svm/SVM.cpp:336: error: ‘struct shogun::SGVector<double>’ has no member named ‘length’00:46
@sonney2kso please send a pull request with what you have00:46
blackburnhave you renamed?00:46
@sonney2ksure - I had too00:47
@sonney2kotherwise r_modular was not compiling00:47
@sonney2kthat is why the above push is so big00:47
blackburngood night :)00:47
blackburni will make a pull request00:48
@sonney2kblackburn, cu and thanks for your help - I think the transition will be finished end of this week latest :)00:55
blackburnI hope00:55
blackburnsee yo00:55
* sonney2k is closing his eyes00:56
blackburnand falls down the floor00:56
-!- blackburn [~blackburn@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]01:44
CIA-32shogun: Sergey Lisitsyn master * rbdc3e2d / (31 files in 15 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of -
CIA-32shogun: Sergey Lisitsyn master * rb95d2fa / (12 files in 5 dirs): Various fixes -
-!- heiko [] has joined #shogun10:25
-!- blackburn [~blackburn@] has joined #shogun10:27
@sonney2kblackburn, btw you have to modify libshogunui code too when you do that stuff10:28
@sonney2kI am fixing compilation now :)10:28
blackburnooooooh I want to die10:29
@sonney2kblackburn, I cannot help you with that ;-)10:29
@sonney2ka shogun with appropriate sword might come handy here10:29
blackburnrefactoring refactoring refactoring10:30
heikowith the refactoring SGVector/SGMatrix stuff10:30
heikosometimes one has to be carefull10:31
heikoa setter for featre_matrix in SimpleFeatures has to apply the new matrix sizes to addtional variables10:31
blackburnI'm going to check everything at CustomKernel and Kernel10:31
blackburncould somebody fix features?10:32
@sonney2kheiko, you are right10:32
@sonney2kbut it is just non-trivial to do it all 100% in the first iteration10:32
heikoyes of course :)10:32
@sonney2kI think we have no choice but to go through some rough waters now10:32
heikoI just wanted to note, I will fix it10:32
@sonney2kalso we still have the issue with get_ / set_ sometimes copying10:32
@sonney2kand we never want to copy if possible10:33
heikobtw why are there two variables for the feature matrix in simple features?10:33
@sonney2kheiko, where?10:34
@sonney2kheiko, btw in SimpleFeatures we no longer need num_vectors / num_features10:35
heikobut only the matrix dimensions?10:35
@sonney2kthat would then all be in a SGMatrix<T> feature_matrix; object10:35
heikowell, ok, I meant these10:35
heikocurrently there are10:35
heikoint32_t num_vectors;10:35
heikoint32_t feature_matrix_num_vectors;10:36
heikoThen I will apply everything for that class10:36
@sonney2ksimplefeatures don't necessarily need a feature matrix10:37
@sonney2kthey can be just vectors read from disc or so10:37
heikoah ok10:37
heikoso these double number stuff remains10:38
* sonney2k continues fixing libshogunui10:40
blackburnsonney2k: is it ok to not copy kernel matrices at CustomKernel10:44
@sonney2kheiko, thanks for the small patch - much more digestile10:44
@sonney2kblackburn, yes *never* copy10:44
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r1327d08 / (2 files): T** transition for kernels in libshogunui -
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r532b5df / (7 files in 2 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of git:// -
blackburnsonney2k: I can't never copy cause there are float32_t kernel matrix10:48
@sonney2kreturn SGMatrix<float32_t> then10:49
@sonney2kand in float64_t case copy10:49
@sonney2kblackburn, please add a free flag10:49
@sonney2kand set it10:50
blackburnfree flag??10:50
@sonney2kblackburn, recall that we discussed the best way to deal with get_feature_matrix() - that returns a copy of the object?10:52
blackburnyes but I can't do two things at the moment :)10:52
@sonney2kblackburn, ok let me add it10:52
blackburni've sticked at kernels.10:52
@sonney2kblackburn, what is your preferred name?10:53
@sonney2kor free_matrix10:53
blackburndo_free ok10:53
@sonney2kor free_vector10:53
@sonney2kdo_free then ok10:53
heikosonney2k, what about the preprocs and subset?10:53
blackburnbool set_full_kernel_matrix_from_full(10:54
blackburnSGMatrix<float32_t> full_kernel_matrix)10:54
blackburnbool set_full_kernel_matrix_from_full(10:54
blackburnSGMatrix<float65_t> full_kernel_matrix)10:54
blackburnso wiil it work?10:54
heikoi changed apply_preproc to apply the preprocs to ALL features instead only to subset,  is that ok?10:54
blackburnapply_preproc? do we have it??10:55
blackburnI was fixing it to apply_preprocessor10:55
blackburnFFFFFFUUUUUUUu we better rewrite all shogun10:56
heikohehe :) relax, this just takes some time10:56
blackburnit will take infinite time10:57
@sonney2kblackburn, an infinitely long 1 week :)10:58
blackburnbtw I will stop doing it today because I have last exam on 22nd10:58
@sonney2kblackburn, yes good idea10:59
@sonney2kexam is more important10:59
heikowhich subject?11:00
blackburnnumerical methods11:01
heikook :) success! I did this one last semester11:05
@sonney2klike this?11:06
blackburndo we really need do_free?11:06
blackburnI mean if we call free_vector we of course want it to free11:07
@sonney2kblackburn, I am open for suggestions11:07
@sonney2kblackburn, how do you know that it needs to be freed?11:07
blackburnno idea11:09
@sonney2kthe only way I can think of is to mark a vector/matrix that it can be freed11:10
@sonney2khence the do_free11:10
@sonney2kI mean we could have a different type like SGMatrixGC11:10
@sonney2kthat does the garbage collection11:10
@sonney2kbut hmhhh11:10
@sonney2kblackburn, any further thoughts?11:12
blackburndon't know..11:13
blackburnsonney2k: why delete[] matrix.matrix will kaboom?11:20
@sonney2kno kaboom11:21
blackburnalmost done with custom kernel11:29
blackburnsonney2k: something is wrong with all string features11:31
@sonney2kblackburn, so shall I commit this change11:32
blackburnsonney2k: which? flag?11:32
@sonney2kblackburn, the do_free thing I meant11:33
blackburnwhy not :)11:34
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r84caa72 / src/libshogun/lib/DataType.h : introduce a do_free flag in sgvector/sgmatrix -
blackburnsonney2k: pull request with custom kernel is in11:34
blackburntest passing now11:35
blackburndon't sure everything is right :D but test is passed11:35
blackburndistribution tests 0/411:36
blackburnfeatures FFFFUUUUUU11:37
blackburnkernels aren't working very well too hehe11:37
blackburnrunning ..*** glibc detected *** python: double free or corruption (out): 0x095c59f8 ***11:37
blackburnoh... we are far away from 1.0.0 :D11:37
blackburnfixing clustering11:40
heikohej blackburn12:02
heikoCDistance, line 228, there is a do_free argument missing12:02
heikoI dont know whether it should be true or false there12:03
blackburnit should be freed I think12:04
blackburnit returns a copy of matrix12:04
heikoyes, ok12:05
heikowill you fix it? does not compile12:06
@sonney2kblackburn, we are in a transition not at the end of a release :)12:06
@bettyboo*g*! sonney2k12:06
@sonney2kblackburn, you can now use  m_parameters->add_matrix(&kmatrix, "kmatrix", ...) heiko added this functionality12:09
heikoactually without _matrix12:09
heikosimply add12:09
@sonney2kheiko, btw why do you include <string> ?12:10
@sonney2kwhat is it and can we avoid it?12:11
heikodid it because of memcpy, but yes, we can avoid it. I forgot to remove it12:12
heikowill do12:12
@sonney2kheiko, but that is string.h12:13
@sonney2knot string12:13
heikooh, ok12:13
heikoworks here, sorry I did not really put attention on this12:13
@sonney2kheiko, no worries12:13
@sonney2kheiko, do you need a copy of the subset?12:14
@sonney2kI see that we now have get_subset_copy12:14
heikoyes, at one place12:14
@sonney2kok - then please set the do_free flag to true12:14
blackburnoh! I know that I forgot12:15
blackburnto have a breakfast :D12:15
heikooh, I dont need it anymore, this was before when i backuped subsets but I dont do this anymore ... so it can go12:16
@sonney2kblackburn, get your next 2d - meal...12:16!12:16
@sonney2kheiko, very good12:16
* sonney2k merges12:16
CIA-32shogun: Sergey Lisitsyn master * r136be95 / src/libshogun/clustering/KMeans.h : Fixes for KMeans -
CIA-32shogun: Sergey Lisitsyn master * r176a1b2 / (4 files in 2 dirs): Fixes for Alesis code -
CIA-32shogun: Sergey Lisitsyn master * r7525d58 / src/libshogun/kernel/CustomKernel.cpp : Fix for CustomKernel -
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r1a4582d / (7 files in 3 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of git:// -
@sonney2kheiko, please fix and then I merge your's too12:17
@sonney2k(string.h and copy that is)12:17
@sonney2kblackburn, SGMatrix will really simplify our lives12:18
@sonney2kfor example we can check if dims match etc12:18
@sonney2kcurrently all done manually everywhere12:18
@sonney2kblackburn, so we can get down to 100kloc12:18
blackburnbut refactoring is such a pain in ass12:19
@sonney2kblackburn, I cannot think of a more intrusive change than this one12:20
@sonney2kblackburn, the good thing is that we can test if everything works by just running the test suite12:21
blackburnwe can't rely only on tests..12:21
heikook done12:21
blackburnin fact it is not ideal12:21
blackburnHierarchical works!12:21
CIA-32shogun: Heiko Strathmann master * r2eb94d6 / (5 files): Merge branch 'toCheckin' (+5 more commits...) -
@sonney2kblackburn, test suite and brainz12:23
* sonney2k changes the typemaps to support the new do_free thingy12:23
heikosonney2k, btw this brach stuff works pretty cool12:23
heikosonney2k, blackburn, I am out for lunch now and then working at home (no internet) so see you12:23
blackburnsee you12:23
@sonney2kheiko, thanks and cu!12:23
blackburnsonney2k: another one pull request12:24
-!- sploving [~root@] has joined #shogun12:24
splovinggit fetch upstream so slow?12:24
blackburntime for breakfast, I worth it ! :D12:25
@sonney2kblackburn, thanks merged12:25
CIA-32shogun: Sergey Lisitsyn master * r3937a21 / src/libshogun/clustering/Hierarchical.h : Fixes for Hierarchical clustering -
CIA-32shogun: Sergey Lisitsyn master * rc5a09ba / (10 files in 4 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of -
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r8901172 / src/libshogun/clustering/Hierarchical.h : Merge branch 'master' of git:// -
@sonney2ksploving, hi!12:25
@sonney2ksploving, not here...12:25
splovingsonney2k hi12:25
splovingsonney2k, fetch upsteam  so slow12:27
@sonney2khow slow is slow?12:27
@sonney2khere it takes <1sec12:27
-!- heiko [] has left #shogun []12:27
splovingremote: Counting objects: 1043, done.12:27
splovingremote: Compressing objects: 100% (245/245), done.12:27
splovingReceiving objects:  25% (216/862)    it stops there12:27
blackburn~10s for me12:28
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r3082f37 / (2 files in 2 dirs): remove trailing whitespaces -
splovingmaybe there is merging, so it is slow now12:34
@sonney2ksploving, I removed a few trailing whitespaces in your commits. please avoid thx!12:34
splovingoh. thanks. sonney2k, I would support sparse matrix this week, and clean up the examples later12:35
splovingwhere could I learn the sparse matrix?12:38
@sonney2ksploving, lib/DataType.h12:42
@sonney2ksploving, or look at all the other typemaps python_modular for example how I did this12:42
splovingI need to understand what the date structure that sparse matrix use.12:43
splovingI will look at DataType.h12:44
blackburnhey it is not compiling :D12:47
splovingwhat is the matter?12:47
blackburnsonney2k: num_cols(orig.num_cols), do_free(free_matrix) { }12:49
blackburnwhat is free matrix??12:49
blackburnah I see12:49
blackburnin copy constructor it shouldn't be12:50
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * rdf429eb / src/libshogun/lib/DataType.h : fix typo -
@sonney2kblackburn, sorry - fixed12:50
* sonney2k continues working on typemaps12:50
blackburnSubset.cpp isnot compiling12:50
blackburnwill fix now12:50
blackburnsonney2k: I think we should use some method to set params from other SGMatrix/SGVector12:51
blackburni.e. not constructor but copy12:52
@sonney2kblackburn, copy constructor or copy of matrix?12:52
blackburnsonney2k: some routine to avoid this:12:53
@sonney2kblackburn, you can just write m_subset=subset;12:54
@sonney2kwe have that already12:54
blackburnis it legal?12:54
blackburndidn't know12:54
@sonney2kthat is what the copy constructor is for12:54
blackburnI just thought it will create new instance of SGVector12:55
blackburnand replace12:55
blackburnwill it?12:55
@sonney2kSGMatrix<xx> y;12:55
blackburnno memory leaks?12:55
@sonney2kmeans all things will be copied12:55
blackburnI don't know12:56
@sonney2kit is just doing12:56
@sonney2k<blackburn> m_subset.vector=subset.vector;12:56
@sonney2k<blackburn>  m_subset.vlen=subset.vlen;12:56
blackburnI see12:56
@sonney2kexactly that12:56
@sonney2klook at the copy constructor - it is written there what it does12:56
@sonney2kit copies do_free too btw :)12:56
@sonney2kblackburn, a rare occasion these days12:58
blackburnwill do a pull request in a minute12:58
blackburnhehe I should focus on my project, landmark mds is waiting for me12:59
splovingnot understanding  SGSparseVectorEnty13:00
splovingdoes sparse matrix use data structure the same as matlab, python?13:06
CIA-32shogun: Sergey Lisitsyn master * r2cf4b40 / (3 files in 2 dirs): vector length renaming -
@sonney2kthanks blackburn13:07
blackburnit compiles!!13:07
@sonney2ksploving, python/matlab etc all use different ones13:08
@sonney2ksploving, a sparse vector is a tuple of index value13:09
@sonney2kerr a sparse vector entry13:09
@sonney2ka sparse vector is an array of these entries13:09
@sonney2ka sparse matrix is an array of these vectors13:09
blackburnImportError: cannot import name HDF5File13:09
@sonney2kthat's it13:09
blackburnше шы ыщьу шыыгуы ецшер13:10
splovingI will try to understand it thx13:10
blackburnit is some issue with my os?13:10
@sonney2kblackburn, did this ever work for you before?13:10
blackburndon't know13:10
blackburnI'll try to fix string features now13:10
blackburnand simple features too13:11
splovingsonney2k, sparsevector, for example, x = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 3] then feat_entries = 6?13:15
@sonney2kblackburn, thx13:15
@sonney2kx cannot contain zeros13:16
splovingfeatures = [{3,1},{6,3}]?13:16
splovingI mean that x is a sparse vector. rows =1, cols =6 , and most of its element is zero13:16
@sonney2ksparse vector has no rows then13:17
@sonney2kwould need a sparse matrix for that13:17
@sonney2knum_feat_entries would be 213:18
splovingthen could you give me sparse vector example?13:18
@sonney2kfeat_idx would be 2 with entry 113:18
@sonney2kand feat_idx woudl be 5 and value 313:18
splovingwhat is vec_index?13:19
sploving oh I know13:20
splovingthat is for matrix13:20
@sonney2kand num_vectors is number of sparsevectors in sparse matrix13:20
@sonney2kand num_features can be some large number with number of dims13:20
@sonney2k(not encoded in vector)13:20
blackburndevelopment of sparse routines could kill13:21
@sonney2kblackburn, it is not really difficult ...13:21
@sonney2kbut operations on that can be13:21
blackburnsonney2k: some lanczos on sparse matrices could be :D13:21
@sonney2kI meant: the format is not very difficult but oeprations13:21
splovingthen what is the rows and cols of sparsematrix?13:22
blackburneven sparse dot is something terrible13:22
splovingnot num_vector13:22
splovingrows = num_features, what is cols?13:24
splovingthere is no way to know cols?13:27
@sonney2kgot disconnect not sure if you read13:28
@sonney2k<sonney2k> blackburn, not so...13:28
@sonney2k<sonney2k> sploving, num_vec13:28
@sonney2k<sonney2k> though that is rather arbitrary13:28
splovingsonney2k, what is cols of sparse matrix13:29
@sonney2k<sonney2k> sploving, num_vec13:29
splovingnum_features is rows13:29
blackburnsonney2k: do you know how can I run multiple python files?13:29
blackburne.g. I want to run features_*13:29
@sonney2kblackburn: for i in features_*.py ; do python $i ; done13:30
splovingfor example a sparse matrix [(0, 0, 2, 0), (7,0,0,0), (0, 8, 0, 0)]13:34
splovingrows =3, cols = 413:34
splovingyou mean num_vector = 413:35
@sonney2ksploving, it depends on the meaning13:37
@sonney2kbut yes13:37
splovinghere vector mean colvector, sonney2k?13:38
@sonney2kin shogun vectors are column vectors and 1 example == 1 vector == 1 column13:39
blackburnsonney2k: SGMatrix<SGString<ST>>?13:42
blackburnSGString<ST>* p_features, int32_t p_num_vectors,13:42
blackburnint32_t p_max_string_length13:42
@sonney2kblackburn, ?13:42
splovingthere is still a question. num_vectors = 4, but maybe the sparsematrix has more than 4 cols,  the other cols are all 013:42
blackburnsonney2k: how can I replace13:42
blackburnSGString<ST>* p_features, int32_t p_num_vectors,13:42
blackburnint32_t p_max_string_length13:42
blackburnwith no typemaps it doesn't work13:43
@sonney2kblackburn, lib/DataType.h -> SGStringList13:43
@sonney2ksploving, sure13:44
@sonney2kthen you have to set num_vectors / num_features to bigger values13:44
@sonney2kand use empty sparse vectors13:44
splovingI know. I think sparse vectors could not be empty13:45
@sonney2ksploving, well they can - just set num_feat_entries to 013:46
@sonney2kblackburn, these are all still structs though without fancy constructors...13:46
blackburnsonney2k: I don't need ones now13:47
splovingsonney2k, in numpy, there are seven available sparse matrix types.13:51
splovingwe just need typemap one kind of?13:51
@sonney2ksploving, I know - but you only need to support ujmp13:51
@sonney2knumpy has no sparse matrix support13:51
@sonney2kscipy has13:52
@sonney2kand we support ccs already13:52
@sonney2kand that is sufficient13:52
splovingI saw. I am looking at the typemap13:52
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * re72475c / (7 files in 7 dirs): utilize free_vector/free_matrix in typemaps -
blackburnI'm in one step to make string features to work14:09
blackburnkernels are working except two!14:16
-!- alesis-novik [~alesis@] has joined #shogun14:19
blackburnalesis-novik: we lost you!14:19
splovingsonney2k, indptr = array([0,2,3,6]) ,  indices = array([0,2,2,0,1,2]) , data = array([1,2,3,4,5,6]) , csc_matrix( (data,indices,indptr), shape=(3,3) ).todense()         matrix([[1, 0, 4],         [0, 0, 5],         [2, 3, 6]])14:19
blackburnsonney2k: pull request is in14:20
splovingI just do not understand indptr?14:20
alesis-novikblackburn, I was travelling the last week, and while I did do work, I couldn't idle in IRC.14:20
splovingdoes it mean, the sum num in the cloumn?14:20
alesis-novikI'll submit the report later today as well14:20
blackburnalesis-novik: I have modified your code a little - SGVector interface issues14:21
@sonney2kalesis-novik, please notify us next time that you are away - we all were very worried14:21
blackburnso be aware when will merge it14:21
alesis-noviksonney2k, sorry about not giving prior notice14:21
alesis-novikblackburn, what was the issue?14:22
CIA-32shogun: Sergey Lisitsyn master * r478e05f / (3 files in 2 dirs): Fixes for Features and SpectrumRBFkernel -
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * ra71be6a / (3 files in 2 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of git:// -
@sonney2kblackburn, so what is missing now?14:22
@sonney2ksparse matrix?14:22
blackburnsonney2k: what kind of missing?14:22
alesis-noviksonney2k, should I submit pull request even if I know that's not the final version of the code, or should I keep it in my local rep until I'm done?14:23
@sonney2kblackburn, you did all the libshogun refactoring - which files/dirs are missing14:23
@sonney2kalesis-novik, I really prefer *small* changes14:23
@sonney2kblackburn, missing to be refactored14:23
splovingsonney2k, what does indptr mean?14:23
blackburnwell sparsefeatures14:23
blackburndoing tests now14:24
blackburnsome classifier issues14:24
blackburnlarank doesn't work14:24
@sonney2kalesis-novik, so the smaller the better14:24
blackburnsparse kernels aren't working14:24
@sonney2kblackburn, but I guess because of the virtual function not appearing...14:24
@sonney2kblackburn, shall I do sparse now?14:24
blackburnyes, would be nice14:25
blackburnmkl_multiclass_modular causing memory problems :)14:25
alesis-novikDarn it...14:25
alesis-novikblackburn, the fixes are good, but you updated the old code. I'll apply the fixes to the rewritten classes. It seems straight forward14:26
blackburnalesis-novik: feel free to rewrite it :) we just care it should return SGVectors and SGMatrices14:27
blackburnbecause we removed typemaps14:27
blackburnfor ST** things14:27
alesis-novikSo essentially all arrays with appropriate sizes should be replaced with SGVectors and SGMatrices14:28
blackburnalesis-novik: could you please also add some very simple example for python_modular?14:28
blackburnor any other language you prefer :)14:28
@sonney2kblackburn, no python_modular definitely14:28
@sonney2kpython_modular is the reference....14:29
blackburnsonney2k: eh?14:29
@sonney2kblackburn, if sth. appears new in shogun it will be working outside of C++ first in python_modular14:29
@sonney2kso any example should be done first in python14:30
blackburnah okay14:30
alesis-novikblackburn, I've been working on an Octave example14:30
@sonney2kalesis-novik, octave_modular?14:32
@sonney2kAhh I guess I understand - vojtech is using matlab so octave is the GCD14:32
-!- sploving [~root@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]14:38
@sonney2kblackburn, for I need your ssh public key14:45
blackburnsonney2k:where should I send it?14:47
@sonney2kblackburn, gpg signed email14:48
blackburnsonney2k: never used 'gpg signed email' :)14:48
@sonney2kthen send it plain text14:48
@sonney2kblackburn, should work now14:52
blackburnwill test14:54
CIA-32shogun: Sergey Lisitsyn master * rc7daae3 / src/libshogun/preprocessor/ClassicMDS.cpp : Small fix for ClassicMDS -
@sonney2kblackburn, now that you can merge too - I guess we have to synchronize and always do git pull before15:55
blackburnsonney2k: exactly15:55
* sonney2k prepares for retirement15:57
blackburnhave to go to bus station, will be heading to samara :)15:58
blackburnsee you15:58
-!- blackburn [~blackburn@] has left #shogun []15:58
-!- in3xes [~in3xes@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]18:37
-!- in3xes [~in3xes@] has joined #shogun18:38
-!- blackburn [~blackburn@] has joined #shogun19:29
blackburnsonney2k: houston we have a problem19:43
blackburnset_labels don't working I guess19:43
CIA-32shogun: Sergey Lisitsyn master * rab158e1 / (3 files): Classify->apply transition for graphical python modular examples -
@sonney2kblackburn, what?20:18
@sonney2kset_labels no longer works?20:18
blackburnsonney2k: can't tell for sure but in graphical python examples - no20:35
blackburnit says labels aren't set20:36
@sonney2kwhich example exactly?20:37
blackburnah sorry svr works20:38
blackburnkrr_sync not20:38
@sonney2kblackburn, btw, please configure --interfaces=libshogunui,python too20:38
@sonney2kthis way you know that it doesn't compile currently20:39
* sonney2k is currently fixing this20:39
blackburnit doesn't compile?? hehe20:39
blackburnGUIClassifier.cpp:1304: error: ‘class shogun::CKMeans’ has no member named ‘get_radi’20:47
blackburnGUIClassifier.cpp:1310: error: ‘class shogun::CKMeans’ has no member named ‘get_centers’20:47
blackburnGUIClassifier.cpp:1323: error: ‘class shogun::CHierarchical’ has no member named ‘get_merge_distance’20:47
blackburnGUIClassifier.cpp:1328: error: ‘class shogun::CHierarchical’ has no member named ‘get_pairs’20:47
blackburnsonney2k: that is my fault20:47
@sonney2kI fixed that already20:48
@sonney2khave tons of other probs now20:48
blackburnsonney2k: is this related to SGVector conversion?20:53
@sonney2kand friends yes :)20:53
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * rdd63a89 / (6 files in 3 dirs): continue T** transition and fix compilation of static interfaces -
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * ra909a9f / data : require new data -
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r880d418 / (4 files in 2 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of -
@sonney2kblackburn, ok compiles again21:01
blackburnsonney2k: hooray21:01
@sonney2kblackburn, I am not even half-way through sparse features though21:02
blackburnI see21:02
@sonney2kblackburn, did you do 'simple'features already?21:02
blackburnsonney2k: well tests are passing21:03
blackburntests for stringfeatures too21:03
* blackburn away21:03
@sonney2kblackburn, krr*.py examples were broken due to a bug in KRR.cpp21:38
blackburnoh I see22:12
blackburnsonney2k: is it fixed?22:12
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r95ce789 / src/libshogun/regression/KRR.cpp : fix a bug in KRR label getting -
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * rf61db8e / src/csharp_modular/swig_typemaps.i : fix typo -> use free_vector() to free -
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * rb3f2f96 / src/libshogun/features/SparseFeatures.h : T** transition for sparse features -
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * rf5341be / src/csharp_modular/swig_typemaps.i : fix cshapr compile error -
blackburnsonney2k: we could try issues for tasks22:26
blackburnon github22:26
@sonney2kblackburn, for sparse features I only added SGType stuff - didn't really remove the T* etc functions22:26
blackburnfor example we can create a milestone 'Get the f-g SGVector transition'22:26
blackburnand then make a pull requests or so22:26
blackburnah nevermind22:27
blackburnanyway we both doing it without pull requests now22:27
blackburnbad idea22:27
CIA-32shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r76c37e2 / examples/undocumented/libshogun/classifier_mklmulticlass.cpp : fix compile error in mkl multiclass example -
@sonney2kahh I should have known that running tests now becomes a problem22:39
blackburnwhat's up with tests?22:40
@sonney2kblackburn, for python modular tests are run from shogun/testsuite/python_modular22:41
@sonney2kand there python tester.py22:41
blackburnnever used it :)22:41
@sonney2kor python generator.py22:41
@sonney2kwhat they do is: every example is a function22:41
@sonney2kgenerator will run the function with all the partmeter settings in the example22:42
@sonney2kand then python pickle the returned objects22:42 will runt he example to but load the pickled data22:42
@sonney2kand then just compare22:42
@sonney2know we have thanks to heiko subset support in labels etc22:42
@sonney2kthese things didn't exist when the things were pickled22:43
@sonney2kso all tests fail no matter what22:43
blackburnI see22:43
@sonney2kwhich is bad - because that really is the only way to check that we are in good shape22:43
@sonney2kblackburn, I guess I can modify the tester to have an option to ignore unknown new things22:45
@sonney2kanyway first examples have to run at all22:46
blackburnsonney2k: I simply used ./ at python_modular22:48
@sonney2kblackburn, yeah but many still don't run22:48
blackburnsparse features22:55
blackburnsonney2k: I did some changes with vim! :)23:08
blackburnsonney2k: and btw mkl_multiclass fails23:08
blackburnyou modified something related to23:09
@sonney2kblackburn, yeah the example did not even compile23:13
blackburnah I see23:13
blackburnpython modular example fails with memory corruption23:13
@sonney2kblackburn, I guess double free23:19
blackburndon't know, i'm reading paper on landmarks now :)23:21
@sonney2kblackburn, yeah I will have a look but currently fixing wd kernel23:21
--- Log closed Tue Jun 21 00:00:06 2011

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