IRC logs of #shogun for Wednesday, 2011-07-20

--- Log opened Wed Jul 20 00:00:44 2011
@sonney2kblackburn, so we have00:15
@sonney2k- compile time00:15
-!- serialhex [] has joined #shogun00:16
@sonney2k- no modules00:16
@sonney2kthat's it right?00:16
blackburnI guess so00:16
blackburnbut no modules is not a -00:16
blackburnit is a ----------- hehe00:16
blackburnoh /me just realized that computing svd is just an another way to compute eigenvectors of AA' or A'A00:19
@sonney2kblackburn, what advantage do you have from using modules?00:20
blackburnseems no advantage00:21
blackburnbut it is unusual to shogun users..00:21
blackburnif there are any00:21
@sonney2kthere are I am afraid00:21
blackburnall of the changes before didn't affect any user interface00:22
@sonney2kblackburn, ??00:24
@sonney2knot true00:24
@sonney2kclassify -> apply00:24
blackburnokay not so heavy changes00:24
@sonney2kall the people using shogun from C++00:24
@sonney2kI don't know just writing from shogun import xxx instead of from shogun.Kernel import xxx is not really a big change00:25
@sonney2kconsidering what we have done before00:25
blackburnseems you are right00:25
@sonney2kthe big issue I see is that compiling the wrapper will now require 2G of memory00:26
blackburnsh why?00:26
@sonney2kbecause the .cxx file is huge00:27
blackburnany way to avoid this?00:27
@sonney2kblackburn, yes move as much as possible into .cpp00:27
@sonney2kand we could think about not wrapping certain code00:27
@sonney2ksuch as arrays00:27
blackburnyes we should hide all the possible things00:28
@sonney2kin particular all these %template things are massively duplicating code00:28
@sonney2k(the .cxx file has >500000 loc)00:30
@sonney2khalf a million :D00:30
blackburnI'm afraid we can't lower it pretty much with some .h->.cpp00:31
@sonney2kblackburn, you are right00:39
@sonney2kthere is some std template library stuff that will take a few kloc that could go00:40
@sonney2kand array too I guess00:40
@sonney2kbut 500k lines is a lot00:40
@sonney2kok all examples run now again00:40
blackburnany other options?00:40
@sonney2kwith some fake modularity00:40
@sonney2kblackburn, well do a clean split of course :)00:41
@sonney2kinto modules00:41
@bettyboololomat sonney2k00:41
@sonney2kblackburn, can you do wc -l *wrap* in your python_modular dir?00:41
@sonney2khow big is it?00:41
blackburn 1018343 total00:42
blackburneven more?00:42
blackburnwithout .o?00:43
blackburn  822890 total00:43
@sonney2keven more sure00:43
@sonney2kbut in separate files00:43
* sonney2k is compiling octave_modular now00:43
@sonney2kgcc is at 2G00:44
blackburnhey I have only 3G ram00:45
blackburnyou said you have 8?00:45
blackburnmay be some gcc option should be set?00:46
@sonney2koctave was always more heavy00:46
@sonney2ktemplates and C++ too00:47
@sonney2kblackburn, yeah 8 just recently (costed 40 EUR)00:48
blackburninstalling more ram to my machine will lead me to reinstall the whole OSs00:48
blackburnx86 now00:48
blackburnnot 6400:48
@sonney2kwhy x86?00:48
blackburnI don't know00:49
@sonney2kit is compiling for 5minutes now on that file00:49
@sonney2kwith optimizatons to the max00:49
blackburnhey so much memory for compilation is not good00:50
@sonney2kmemory requirements go down now00:50
@sonney2kblackburn, I know00:50
@sonney2kand compiling for 10 minutes on one file is also not good00:51
@sonney2k>1G for the linker even00:52
@sonney2kwait the assembler00:53
@sonney2kall octave examples run smootly w/o crashing00:55
@sonney2kshogun.oct file is 78MB - hah!00:56
@sonney2kstripped 20MB00:56
blackburn"..let me see you stripped.."00:57
@sonney2k(strip -s)00:57
@sonney2klets see what happens with java00:58
@sonney2khmmhh the wrapped src is only 7.8 MB...01:03
@sonney2kbut compilation failed :D01:03
blackburnjust glanced over heiko's t-student borrowed code01:04
@sonney2kblackburn, sth with feature type01:07
@sonney2kblackburn, one more question: how big is the biggest *cxx file curently (in kloc?)01:20
blackburn198361   673467  7061818 Features_wrap.cxx01:21
blackburn198361 Features_wrap.cxx01:21
@sonney2kso 200k vs 500k now right01:22
@sonney2kyeah features must be big because of these many %templates01:23
@sonney2kimpressive that swig requires <450MB to generate the wrapper01:26
@sonney2kyeah java compiled01:26
blackburnI should change my daytime from night to day01:28
@sonney2kblackburn, good idea01:38
@sonney2kwe are now facing another issue01:38
@sonney2kwe have in /usr/lib01:38
@sonney2k(the C++ lib)01:38
@sonney2kand libshogun in java01:38
@sonney2kI guess that is why the example is not working01:38
@sonney2kbut note that it is much easier to use shogun only w/ java01:39
@sonney2kin python we don't have that problem since the file is called shogun.so01:40
@sonney2kso we need a better name01:40 -> C++01:40
@sonney2klibshogunif -> modules?01:41
@sonney2kas in shogunif aka shogun interface01:41
blackburnno idea01:41
@sonney2kor sginterface?01:41
blackburnnot sg, sg is used only internally01:41
@sonney2kok but what name other than jsut 'shogun'01:42
@sonney2kmodshogun ?01:43
blackburni have no idea01:43
blackburnI guess we better go sleep ;)01:44
@sonney2kI think modshogun will do the job01:44
@sonney2kit is clear that this is the modular shogun thing01:44
blackburnsonney2k: is AA' always symmetrical?01:45
blackburnhmm yes, it should be01:45
blackburnI've been staring on these dgesvd and dsyev all the night long01:46
blackburncan't choose best way :D01:47
@sonney2kI knwo that feeling01:47
blackburnthe most funny thing about it - it is related to k*k eigenproblem where k is usually ~20 or so01:47
blackburnI don't know why I spend so much time on such premature optimizations01:48
@sonney2kjava modular works now01:49
@sonney2kchecking python_modular again01:49
blackburneverything seems to be better except memory01:49
@sonney2kyeah,but lets see01:50
@sonney2kI removed array from the swig bindings01:50
@sonney2kI guess swig is jsut not that well tested for modules01:51
@sonney2kwell wrapper is down to 16MB in python01:52
@sonney2kgcc required 'just' 1.7G01:52
blackburnhey it is kind of success ;)01:53
@sonney2kI guess we should carefully check whether we really need all types01:54
@sonney2kok python modular works still01:54
@sonney2kmodshogun is 23M01:55
@sonney2kor 13M stripped01:55
@sonney2kwhat doesn't work yet is doxygen support01:55
@sonney2kbut I guess we are in better shape now for lua to work01:56
@sonney2kand just having octave work reliably is a big big advantage01:56
blackburnyeah, better to not crash01:57
@sonney2kmaybe we get the wrapper down by another 3MB or so and then it is fine memory wise to01:59
@sonney2k(currently 421 kloc)01:59
@sonney2kblackburn, yay!02:02
@sonney2kall lua examples work02:02
@sonney2kblackburn, well the ones sploving translated02:03
blackburnI lost the moment when it's done02:03
@sonney2kwell one example with classifier/kernel/distance works02:04
@sonney2know if r_modular was working w/o crashing - that would be heaven02:04
@sonney2kthe are wrapper for swig needs more memory02:07
blackburncrazy amounts of memory02:07
@sonney2kblackburn, the object file is 48M!02:07
blackburnso solution for some of issues you couldn't resolve for a years - is to flatten shogun?02:08
blackburnerr twisted language02:09
blackburnmore vodka please02:09
blackburnor less02:10
@sonney2kblackburn, yes ... swig bugs I would say02:11
@sonney2kit doesn't help for R though02:11
@sonney2kthat wrapper seems to be just very broken02:12
* blackburn is currently writing the slowest algo ever02:12
@sonney2kor maybe the typemaps don't work for R yet :D02:13
@sonney2kcould be my fault this time02:13
@sonney2kblackburn, anyway I think it is worth committing now or?02:13
blackburnup to you02:14
blackburnI'll have merging issues anyway02:15
@sonney2knot necessaryily02:15
@sonney2kbut we will see02:15
blackburnI mean I modified some interfaces when doing HLLE02:15
blackburnhmmm HLLE is just like HELL but HLLE02:16
CIA-87shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r4b9fc30 / (36 files in 6 dirs): (log message trimmed)02:20
CIA-87shogun: Just create a single modshogun object for the modular interfaces. While02:20
CIA-87shogun: this increases wrapper size (memory requirements when compiling) - it02:20
CIA-87shogun: avoids all the issues we were having utilizing %import and multiple swig02:20
CIA-87shogun: modules. Namely octave_modular is now working reliably / rock-stable.02:20
CIA-87shogun: Require order in lua_modular decides no longer if sth works or not, etc02:20
CIA-87shogun: To reduce wrapper size the Array* wrappings were removed from the02:20
CIA-87shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * rec1939d / src/shogun/preprocessor/LocallyLinearEmbedding.cpp : Merge branch 'master' of -
@sonney2kpushing the hell out of you02:20
CIA-87shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * re31becc / (5 files in 2 dirs):02:22
CIA-87shogun: Merge pull request #214 from karlnapf/master02:22
CIA-87shogun: introduced CStatistics class -
@sonney2kblackburn, heiko is doing crazy shit...02:23
blackburnwhy he started doing ^02:23
blackburnuh oh02:24
blackburnalglib is strange02:24
@sonney2kblackburn, now that I merge I see one problem...02:26
@sonney2kwith doxygen generated documentation02:26
blackburnagain and again02:26
@sonney2kbefore we had for one module the docuemntaton02:26
@sonney2know it will be all in modshogun02:26
@sonney2kand I don't see how one could split this up02:27
@sonney2kmight be a minor issue but anyways02:27
blackburnI see02:27
@sonney2kI really used help(Kernel)02:27
blackburnwhat is it?02:27
@sonney2kblackburn, !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:27
@sonney2kyou ever used help on shogun's objects in python?02:28
@sonney2kdon't tell me no one uses documentation02:28
@sonney2kit is a pain to write02:28
@sonney2kthen just do02:28
@sonney2kfrom shogun.Classifier import SVM02:28
blackburnokay methods and fields02:29
blackburnI see02:29
blackburnI just usually know the methods I use, in preprocessors there are 2-3 of them ;)02:31
blackburnand I wan't developing any serious stuff with shogun02:31
@sonney2kblackburn, I always forget the names of some methods02:32
blackburnthe most popular method I use is apply_to_feature_matrix :D02:32
blackburnand set_k, set_landmark_number02:33
blackburnso on02:33
blackburnokay it is dawn here already02:33
@sonney2kblackburn, uh oh02:34
@sonney2khere it is still dark02:34
@sonney2kno noise outside...02:34
blackburnwhy aren't you sleeping? do you have to go to job morning?02:34
blackburnI guess I know the answer for first question, but anyway02:35
blackburnyesterday at 4-5am two girls were fighting here on the street :D I was watching through window ahaha02:37
blackburncrazy country02:37
@sonney2kblackburn, did you figure out what the fight was about?02:37
blackburnnope but it was cruel hehe02:37
blackburnnice show before going to sleep02:38
@sonney2kso you are waiting for it to happen again right?02:38
@sonney2kthat is why you don't sleep yet02:38
@sonney2kblackburn, I just want to get this finished02:38
@sonney2kblackburn, it is bad if sploving becomes demotivated because of such problems02:39
blackburnno, this time I just implementing HELL^W HLLE02:39
@sonney2kblackburn, I think I will work from home tomorrow and sleep a bit at day-time02:39
blackburnhmm nice that you have ability to work from home02:39
blackburnno fight today, sad02:42
blackburnno bears with ak-4702:42
blackburnno missiles in the sky02:42
* sonney2k checks on which plane cruises over his house02:44
@sonney2kit is SXS923 departing from SXF to Izmir, Adnan Menderes02:46
blackburndeparting turkish from germany? :D02:46
@sonney2kairline  SunExpress02:47
@sonney2kyou are right
blackburnI heard there are a lot of turkish in germany ;)02:48
blackburnno aircrafts near me02:49
blackburnsamara - frankfurt in ~300km02:49
@sonney2kanother one going to turkey02:50
CIA-87shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r417cfbb / (18 files in 2 dirs): doxygen support for python_modular's modshogun -
@sonney2kit all works :D02:52
blackburnI've always wanted to know if aircrafts are cruising through syberia02:52
blackburnthey do02:53
blackburnespecially sth like Vienna-Seoul02:54
blackburnI think it's time to sleep02:55
@sonney2kyes I agree02:57
blackburnI've never travel by plane ;(02:57
@sonney2kI did way too often but kids grounded me now for quite a while02:58
@sonney2kblackburn, you should come to germany at some point maybe do a practical with gunnar in bioinformatics...02:58
@sonney2kbed time!02:58
blackburnor drink vodka with you02:58
blackburnbtw not easy to get ehhh02:58
@sonney2kwater looks very similar ;)02:59
@sonney2kblackburn, enough for yesterday/today :)02:59
blackburnah nevermind02:59
blackburncan't remember right word02:59
@sonney2kI really need to go to bed now - I will be woken up in 3 hrs02:59
blackburnsee you02:59
-!- blackburn [~blackburn@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]02:59
-!- alesis-novik [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]04:03
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CIA-87shogun: Shashwat Lal Das master * rd4aa6d9 / src/shogun/io/InputParser.h : Parser changed to use condition variable waiting in place of the spinlock. -
CIA-87shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * rf2b4092 / src/shogun/io/InputParser.h :08:46
CIA-87shogun: Merge pull request #215 from frx/streaming_108:46
CIA-87shogun: Use of pthread_cond_wait in place of busy-loop in parser -
CIA-87shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r1e6799c / src/Makefile.template :09:16
CIA-87shogun: install modshogun in base level directory and only underneath in09:16
CIA-87shogun: shogun/* Kernel, Features, ... compatibility helpers -
-!- in3xes_ [~in3xes@] has joined #shogun09:52
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-!- heiko [] has joined #shogun10:50
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@sonney2kheiko,  can you still compile shogun?13:31
heikosonney2k, only my pull request13:46
heikodid not checkout newly since then13:46
@sonney2kheiko, I had to make another drastic change ... everything is in one module now13:47
@sonney2kit is not user visible though due to some compatibility layers I did add13:47
heikoshould I checkout and try?13:48
@sonney2kheiko, how much memory do you have?13:48
@sonney2kthen you won't be able to compile ...13:48
heikowell, i just got an email that my new modules were shipped today13:48
@sonney2kdo you have access to some more powerful machine?13:48
heikowill receive them tomorrow or the day after13:48
heikothen i will have 4gb13:48
@sonney2kyou need now ~2GB to compile shogun13:49
heikofor which parts?13:49
heikolibshogun consumes so much?13:49
@sonney2kfor any modular interface13:49
@sonney2klibshogun - nope that is the only cheap part13:49
@sonney2kif you don't do make -j 813:49
@sonney2kor so :)(13:49
heikohehe ok :)13:50
heikowell I will focus on libshogun the next days then13:51
heikoi will do the kernel machine model stuff now anyways13:51
heikoconfidence intervals now work13:51
heikosonney2k, I got another question regarding this git stuff13:55
heikowith the rebase13:55
heikohow should I update my local repo?13:55
heikobecause git pull --rebase just pulls from my shogun fork13:56
heikohow do I update the latter?13:56
@sonney2kblackburn, you are the expert here13:57
@sonney2kI would say some thing but using a different origin13:57
blackburndon't understand the issue13:57
heikohow to update my local repo?13:57
heikoi used to do13:57
heikogit fetch upstream13:57
heikogit merge upstream/master13:57
heikomy local repo is sync with my fork13:58
heikobut not with the original shogun repo13:58
blackburngit pull origin13:58
blackburnI don't really understand why you became un-sync with your fork13:59
heikono I am synched with my fork13:59
heikolocal repo and fork are synched14:00
blackburngit pull upstream14:00
heikowith rebase or not?14:00
blackburnhave you any other branches?14:01
heikoI would now do14:01
blackburnor only master?14:01
blackburnso just git pull upstream being on master branch14:01
blackburnand then rebase your branches14:01
heikothanks, blackburn :)14:03
@sonney2kok that is how I am also doing it with other git's14:05
-!- gsomix [~gsomix@] has joined #shogun14:07
heikosonney2k, libshogun just compiled fine :)14:08
heikoi will get the new memory hopefully tomorrow14:09
@sonney2kat least...14:09
heikofunny coincidency that I just bought it .)14:09
@sonney2kheiko, I only hope 4G is enough :D14:12
heikooh no :)14:12
heikothats my machine limit14:12
heikowhy exactly did you do this?14:12
@sonney2kheiko, because we were running into new issues with swig14:13
@sonney2kthis time with lua14:13
heikommh, ok14:14
@sonney2kinclude order did matter if sth works or not14:14
@sonney2khaving a single module now with all the shogun stuff named 'modshogun'14:14
@sonney2kresolves all the issues we ever had14:14
@sonney2ki.e. octave_modular is now no longer crashing14:14
heikooh ok14:15
@sonney2kthe compiled module is smaller, java_modular just works nicely14:15
heikothen its pretty cool :)14:15
@sonney2kthe only downside is that it is generating a wrapper that is 19MB or so in size14:15
@sonney2kcompiling this C++ code takes time and requires lots of memory14:16
heikosad that swig does not do any intelligent stuff there automatically14:16
@sonney2kand that is only because we have soo many templated classes and when we do %template we get yet another copy14:16
@sonney2kheiko, the way we did it before is the suggested way for large swig modules14:17
@sonney2k(with %include / %import)14:17
@sonney2kbut either I did it wrong or it doesn't work reliably14:18
heikook the hopefully 4gb are enough14:18
heikodid anyone complain already?14:18
@sonney2kI don't know whether you noticed but we had zillions of %includes everywhere suddenly14:19
@sonney2kthe problem really is that in shogun there are no real seperate modules14:19
@sonney2kI mean e.g. a kernel module needs to communicate with features14:19
@sonney2ka distance can be created from a kernel14:19
@sonney2ka file stream can be created from features14:20
@sonney2kheiko, the most demanding interface is octave with about 3GB memory requirements...14:20
@sonney2kbecause octave is written in C++ and heavy templated too14:21
@sonney2kheiko, no noone complained and I think we can still reduce wrapper size quite a bit14:21
@sonney2kthe only other viable option is modules again14:22
@sonney2kI just don't see how to do a clean split14:22
heikowell, one will see if this brings more problems14:23
heikoI mean the mem level is large but it is not unfeasable14:23
@sonney2kheiko, all examples etc everything stayed the same and still runs14:24
@sonney2kok java_modular examples will need a change but that lang is new anyways14:24
heikoname ok for example:14:25
@sonney2ka bit long14:25
@sonney2kmaybe drop statistics14:25
-!- blackburn [~blackburn@] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]14:26
-!- blackburn [~blackburn@] has joined #shogun14:33
heikothen pull request incoming ...14:34
@sonney2kheiko, btw did you check the gamma function of ALGLIB vs. lgamma etc?14:36
CIA-87shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r43cd548 / (4 files in 2 dirs):14:36
CIA-87shogun: Merge pull request #216 from karlnapf/master14:36
CIA-87shogun: confidence interval example and some minor fixes (+6 more commits...) -
heikosonney2k, no I made ALGLIB use the lgamma14:37
@sonney2kdid you compare the test in alglib vs the one we have in shogun now?14:38
heikobecause if I used ALGLIBS gamma method, I had to add another 5 or 6 methods on which ALGLIBS gamma relies14:38
@sonney2kdo they give identical results?14:38
@sonney2kor up to 1e-16 precision?14:38
heikoat least, the results of the methods that use lgamma are correct14:38
heikobut isnt gnu libc reliable?14:39
heikoALGLIB's design is a bit strange14:39
heikobut i believe the reason that they do use their own impl is that its available for many languages14:40
@sonney2kI don't trust anyone (no longer...)14:40
heiko(also for those who do not have an lgamma impementation)14:40
@sonney2kcould be yes14:40
heikoI thought its more probalbe that i make a mistake when "inserting" the coede into shogun, than that the gammafunction implementations are different14:41
heikothe alglib routines have to be edited at a lot of places14:41
heikoand in this numerical stuff, its very hard to find mistakes, which happen easily when porting14:41
heikoI also did not compile alglib14:42
heikobut the results of the methods which use lgamma are ok14:42
heikoi compared to result of R14:42
@sonney2kheiko, the t-test?14:42
@sonney2kand I assume that looks good right?14:43
@sonney2kup to which precision?14:43
heikolet me check ...14:43
blackburnhey where do we need this things?14:44
heikowhen evaluating a classifier via cross-validation14:44
@sonney2kcan you be a bit more specific?14:45
@sonney2kI mean I know one computes mean and variance usually for these things14:45
heikoif you do a cross-validation of the same classifier on the same data twice, the results are not equal14:46
heikobecause of the random splitting of the data14:46
heikoso repeat the procedure14:46
heikoand use mean14:46
heikobut its cooler to have a confidence interval for the true mean14:46
heikoso one can really precisely evaluate a classifier14:47
@sonney2kI always used to use just std-deviation there14:47
@sonney2know you give the mean and ?14:48
heikoone can specify a p-value and one gets the sample mean and the confidence interval for the true mean14:48
heikoso it outputs: with 95% probability the true AUC of the classifier is X14:49
heikoehm sorry14:49
heikowith 95% prob the true mean lies in [X,Y]14:49
heikoand if one wants tight intervals and high p-values14:49
heikoone can use a large number of repetitions14:49
@sonney2kthat's neat - seems you are more expert in x-val business than I am14:51
@sonney2kI mean you did already stratified x-val, the general one etc...14:51
@sonney2kbtw, cwidmer was suggesting yesterday that in addition to grid search random sampling would be a good thing14:52
@sonney2kand also hot-starting of e.g. a grid-search14:52
@sonney2kthat is when you have done 50% of the experiments you could safely break and continue14:52
@sonney2kif you knew the index14:52
heikoi had these problems in my BA, having different evaluation results on same data, the confidence intervall stuff is very usefull for comparing classifier.14:53
heikoah ok14:53
heikoyes, that would be cool (hot starting)14:53
heikoalso nice: having this standard 2level grid-search. First coarse then fine14:54
@sonney2khe also pointed me to some paragraph about random sampling14:54
heikobut I will do the kernel machine stuff first. Because if this  is not there there is no x-vall at all :)14:54
heikowhich one?14:54
heikoi dont know much about random sampling14:54
@sonney2khe other is a grid search, i.e.,14:54
@sonney2kchoosing a set of values for each hyper-parameter and training and evaluating a model for14:54
@sonney2keach combination of values for all the hyper-parameters. Both work well when the number14:54
@sonney2kof hyper-parameters is small (e.g. 2 or 3) but break down when there are many more 6 .14:55
@sonney2kMore systematic approaches are needed. An approach that we have found to scale better14:55
@sonney2kis based on random search and greedy exploration. The idea of random search (Berstra14:55
@sonney2kand Bengio, 2011) is simple and can advantageously replace grid search. Instead of forming14:55
@sonney2ka regular grid by choosing a small set of values for each hyper-parameter, one defines a14:55
@sonney2kdistribution from which to sample values for each hyper-parameter, e.g., the log of the14:55
@sonney2klearning rate could be taken as uniform between log(0.1) and log(10−6 ), or the log of the14:55
-!- sonney2k was kicked from #shogun by bettyboo [flood]14:55
-!- sonney2k [] has joined #shogun14:55
-!- mode/#shogun [+o sonney2k] by ChanServ14:55
heikohi again :)14:55
heikoAlso, bisection would be cool for model selection. is about twice as fast as a 2-level grid-search and more precise14:55
@sonney2kI didn't know betty got empowered again14:55
@bettyboosonney2k: sorry got disconnected again14:55
@sonney2khar har14:55
heikohehe ;)14:56
@sonney2kheiko, you are an R person right?14:56
@sonney2kI wish this having one extension would help for R too14:56
heikosonney2k, yes14:56
heikobut more on the statistics side,14:57
heikoI once had a lot of struggle with C-code, called from R, arhgh!14:57
@sonney2kyes sure from the R side not the extension side - that is what I meant15:00
@sonney2kI would wish R was working rock stable too15:00
heikosonney2k, do you know by heart how to tell SG_PRINT to write more digits after the coma?15:00
@sonney2k18 digits15:00
heikolike this?15:02
heikoSG_SPRINT("%18g\n", 3.345678987654321234);15:02
heikoworks, thanks15:03
heikoso precision is at least 10^-1615:04
@sonney2kperfect :)15:05
heikot.test in R and in shogun15:05
heikoso, I will get a coffee and start on the kernel machine stuff then.15:06
@sonney2kmy suggestion would be to just add a function to kernel / distance machine15:06
@sonney2kthat does a conversion of the features based on the support vector idx's15:07
@sonney2kso it returns a new broken down feature object15:09
@sonney2kI guess you could do this by setting the sv idx as subset of the features (but beware that when there is already a subset defined it needs to be a subset of the subset)15:09
@sonney2kmaybe best is to just have a get_feature_matrix_subset(subset) function15:10
@sonney2kthen you only need to specify m_svs and overwrite features in some reshape code.15:11
* sonney2k is thinking how to do that in the most memory efficient way15:11
@sonney2kof course one more way would be to actually modify the input data15:12
@sonney2kbut that should be a separate function then (squeeze to subset inplace or so)15:12
@sonney2kthat could then in case of e.g. stringfeatures just delete[] the unneded strings15:12
@sonney2kthen you need to set sv_idx to 0...len(svidx)-1 and all good15:14
@sonney2kand we need a flag to disable/enable that behavior in kernel machine15:14
@sonney2kit might be that someone doesn't want to do this due to memory overhead15:14
@sonney2kthat's it...15:15
* sonney2k thinks he is babbling too much w/o anyone listening15:15
blackburnI'm reading ;)15:16
-!- gsomix [~gsomix@] has quit [Quit: Ухожу я от вас (xchat 2.4.5 или старше)]15:20
* sonney2k thinks that heiko had some coffee machine incident15:33
CIA-87shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r9cd2e5e / (5 files in 2 dirs):15:35
CIA-87shogun: Merge pull request #217 from sploving/master15:35
CIA-87shogun: add some more lua examples -
blackburnsonney2k: what about CoffeeMachine?15:35
@sonney2kCCoffeeMachine you mean15:35
@sonney2kmethods cook(), incident(), crash_and_burn()15:35
@sonney2kblackburn, btw how far are you with the russian translation?15:40
blackburn5% I guess15:41
blackburnwe should update our english doc btw15:41
heikoheavy coffee machine GAU here15:42
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heikosonney2k, sorry, i wasnt listening, but just read through all of what you wrote .)15:44
heikosonney2k, all this index translation stuff is possible.15:45
heikobut we also talked about kernel machines that do just stort their SVs15:46
heiko(copies of them)15:46
@sonney2kheiko, yeah but that is what I was also talking about16:05
@sonney2kyou just create a clone of the feature objects and store it16:05
heikoyes ok16:05
heikobut only the SV features16:06
@sonney2kthat is what you need these index stuff for16:06
@sonney2ksubset -> features function16:06
heikoehm ...16:06
* heiko dont gets it16:06
heikothe machine learns on all features16:07
heikothen has the sv indices16:07
@sonney2kyes, then you will have m_svs filled16:07
heikothen copies all these features16:07
heikoah ok16:07
@sonney2kthat is the index with the non-zero alphas16:07
heikoin the (possibly subsetted) features16:07
heikoand then the conversion function to the LOCAL array of features (the copied features)16:08
@sonney2kso you write a function in the feature object that enables you to get a subset of the subset copy of the features16:08
@sonney2kyou take these and store them locally in kernelmachine16:08
heikoI think somiething like this is already there in some feature classes16:08
@sonney2kand modify apply* code to use that16:08
heikook then16:09
@sonney2kdon't forget to SG_REF the newly created one and SG_UNREF in destructor16:09
heikosure thing :)16:09
@sonney2kthis all has to be optional - to enable the old behavior in low-memory cases16:12
CIA-87shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * reeec47b / src/interfaces/csharp_modular/swig_typemaps.i : comment these typemaps - they just don't work yet -
heikosonney2k, are you there?18:30
-!- heiko [] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]18:58
CIA-87shogun: Alesis Novik master * rdc33d39 / (2 files in 2 dirs): Example and fix -
CIA-87shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * ref357f2 / (2 files in 2 dirs):19:57
CIA-87shogun: Merge pull request #219 from alesis/gmm19:57
CIA-87shogun: Example and fix -
CIA-87shogun: Soeren Sonnenburg master * r541e13e / (4 files in 3 dirs):19:59
CIA-87shogun: Merge pull request #218 from karlnapf/master19:59
CIA-87shogun: use SGVector for KernelMachine svs and alphas -
-!- gsomix [~gsomix@] has quit [Quit: Ухожу я от вас (xchat 2.4.5 или старше)]20:09
-!- blackburn [~blackburn@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]23:39
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--- Log closed Thu Jul 21 00:00:50 2011

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