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CJLCoverTreePoint类 参考


Class Point to use with John Langford's CoverTree. This class must have some assoficated functions defined (distance, parse_points and print, see below) so it can be used with the CoverTree implementation.

在文件 JLCoverTreePoint.h118 行定义.

Public 属性

int32_t m_index
EFeaturesContainer m_features_container


CDistance* m_distance

Distance object where to find the coordinate information of this point

在文件 JLCoverTreePoint.h125 行定义.

EFeaturesContainer m_features_container

If the point is stored in rhs or lhs in m_distance

在文件 JLCoverTreePoint.h131 行定义.

int32_t m_index

Index of this point in m_distance

在文件 JLCoverTreePoint.h128 行定义.


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