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Unique< T > 模板类 参考


template<typename T>
class shogun::Unique< T >

Holds unique pointer that is deleted once this holder is deleted. Its main usage is to hold a pointer to implementation (pimpl idiom):

class Self; Unique<Self> self;

在文件 unique.h15 行定义.

Public 成员函数

 Unique ()
 ~Unique ()
 Unique (const Unique &)
Uniqueoperator= (const Unique &other)
T * operator-> () const


Unique ( )

Creates an instance of something unique.

Calls default constructor of type T.

在文件 unique.h23 行定义.

~Unique ( )

在文件 unique.h27 行定义.

Unique ( const Unique< T > &  )

Not implemented copy constructor


T* operator-> ( ) const

Access underlying unique object as a raw pointer

在文件 unique.h38 行定义.

Unique& operator= ( const Unique< T > &  other)

Not implemented assignment operator


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