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所有成员列表 | Public 属性
GCNode结构体 参考


Graph cuts node.

在文件 GraphCut.h61 行定义.

Public 属性

int32_t id
int32_t timestamp
int32_t dist_terminal
ETerminalType type_tree
float64_t tree_cap


int32_t dist_terminal

distance to the terminal

在文件 GraphCut.h76 行定义.

GCEdge* first

first outcoming edge

在文件 GraphCut.h66 行定义.

int32_t id

node id

在文件 GraphCut.h64 行定义.

GCNode* next

pointer to the next active node (or itself if it is the last node in the list)

在文件 GraphCut.h72 行定义.

GCEdge* parent

node's parent

在文件 GraphCut.h68 行定义.

int32_t timestamp

timestamp showing when dist_to_terminal was computed

在文件 GraphCut.h74 行定义.

float64_t tree_cap

if tree_cap > 0 then tree_cap is residual capacity of the edge SOURCE->node otherwise -tree_cap is residual capacity of the edge node->SINK

在文件 GraphCut.h82 行定义.

ETerminalType type_tree

the type of the tree that the node belongs to

在文件 GraphCut.h78 行定义.


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