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add< Backend::EIGEN3, Matrix > 模板结构体 参考


template<class Matrix>
struct shogun::linalg::implementation::add< Backend::EIGEN3, Matrix >

Partial specialization of add for the Eigen3 backend.

在文件 Add.h195 行定义.

Public 类型

typedef Matrix::Scalar T
typedef Eigen::Matrix< T,
Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > 
typedef Eigen::Matrix< T,
Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > 

静态 Public 成员函数

static SGMatrix< Tcompute (SGMatrix< T > A, SGMatrix< T > B, T alpha=1, T beta=1)
static void compute (SGMatrix< T > A, SGMatrix< T > B, SGMatrix< T > C, T alpha, T beta)
static SGVector< Tcompute (SGVector< T > A, SGVector< T > B, T alpha=1, T beta=1)
static void compute (SGVector< T > A, SGVector< T > B, SGVector< T > C, T alpha, T beta)


typedef Eigen::Matrix<T,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> MatrixXt

Eigen3 matrix type

在文件 Add.h201 行定义.

typedef Matrix::Scalar T

Scalar type

在文件 Add.h198 行定义.

typedef Eigen::Matrix<T,Eigen::Dynamic,1> VectorXt

Eigen3 vector type

在文件 Add.h204 行定义.


static SGMatrix<T> compute ( SGMatrix< T A,
SGMatrix< T B,
T  alpha = 1,
T  beta = 1 

Performs the operation C = alpha*A + beta*B.

Afirst matrix
Bsecond matrix
alphaconstant to be multiplied by the first matrix
betaconstant to be multiplied by the second matrix
The return matrix

在文件 Add.h214 行定义.

static void compute ( SGMatrix< T A,
SGMatrix< T B,
SGMatrix< T C,
T  alpha,
T  beta 

Performs the operation C = alpha*A + beta*B using Eigen3

Afirst matrix
Bsecond matrix
Cmatrix to store the result
alphaconstant to be multiplied by the first matrix
betaconstant to be multiplied by the second matrix

在文件 Add.h237 行定义.

static SGVector<T> compute ( SGVector< T A,
SGVector< T B,
T  alpha = 1,
T  beta = 1 

Performs the operation C = alpha*A + beta*B.

Afirst vector
Bsecond vector
alphaconstant to be multiplied by the first vector
betaconstant to be multiplied by the second vector
The result vector

在文件 Add.h255 行定义.

static void compute ( SGVector< T A,
SGVector< T B,
SGVector< T C,
T  alpha,
T  beta 

Performs the operation C = alpha*A + beta*B using Eigen3

Afirst vector
Bsecond vector
Cvector to store the result
alphaconstant to be multiplied by the first vector
betaconstant to be multiplied by the second vector

在文件 Add.h274 行定义.


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