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elementwise_product< Backend::EIGEN3, Matrix > 模板结构体 参考


template<class Matrix>
struct shogun::linalg::implementation::elementwise_product< Backend::EIGEN3, Matrix >

Specialization of elementwise_product for the Eigen3 backend

在文件 ElementwiseProduct.h72 行定义.

Public 类型

typedef Matrix::Scalar T
typedef SGMatrix< TReturnType
typedef Eigen::Matrix< T,
Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > 

静态 Public 成员函数

static ReturnType compute (SGMatrix< T > A, SGMatrix< T > B)
static void compute (SGMatrix< T > A, SGMatrix< T > B, SGMatrix< T > C)


typedef Eigen::Matrix<T,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> MatrixXt

Eigen3 matrix type

在文件 ElementwiseProduct.h81 行定义.

typedef SGMatrix<T> ReturnType

Return type

在文件 ElementwiseProduct.h78 行定义.

typedef Matrix::Scalar T

Scalar type

在文件 ElementwiseProduct.h75 行定义.


static ReturnType compute ( SGMatrix< T A,
SGMatrix< T B 

Performs the operation C = A .* B where ".*" denotes elementwise multiplication.

This version returns the result in a newly created matrix. If elementwise-product is desired that will work irrespective of the backend and the matrix type used, then this method should be used.

AFirst matrix
BSecond matrix
The result of the operation

在文件 ElementwiseProduct.h93 行定义.

static void compute ( SGMatrix< T A,
SGMatrix< T B,
SGMatrix< T C 

Performs the operation C = A .* B where ".*" denotes elementwise multiplication.

This version should be used for backend specific code requirements. For example, use this with CGPUMatrix and explicitly set ViennaCL backend, or SGMatrix and explicitly set Eigen3 backend. If matrix-type/backend-type independent code is desired, use the version that does not support preallocated result matrix but returns the result in a newly created matrix instead.

AFirst matrix
BSecond matrix
CResult of the operation

在文件 ElementwiseProduct.h120 行定义.


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