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matrix_product< Backend, Matrix > 模板结构体 参考


template<enum Backend, class Matrix>
struct shogun::linalg::implementation::matrix_product< Backend, Matrix >

Generic class which is specialized for different backends to compute matrix products

在文件 MatrixProduct.h60 行定义.

Public 类型

typedef Matrix::Scalar T

静态 Public 成员函数

static void compute (Matrix A, Matrix B, Matrix C, bool transpose_A, bool transpose_B, bool overwrite)


typedef Matrix::Scalar T

Scalar type

在文件 MatrixProduct.h63 行定义.


static void compute ( Matrix  A,
Matrix  B,
Matrix  C,
bool  transpose_A,
bool  transpose_B,
bool  overwrite 

Performs matrix multiplication

AFirst matrix
BSecond matrix
CResult of the operation
transpose_AWhether to the transpose of A should be used instead of A
transpose_BWhether to the transpose of B should be used instead of B
overwriteIf true, the values in C are overwritten with the result, otherwise, the result is added to the existing values


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