
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00003  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00004  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
00005  * (at your option) any later version.
00006  *
00007  * Written (W) 2010 Vojtech Franc, Soeren Sonnenburg
00008  * Copyright (C) 2010 Vojtech Franc,
00009  * Copyright (C) 2010 Berlin Institute of Technology
00010  */
00011 #include "features/LBPPyrDotFeatures.h"
00013 using namespace shogun;
00017 //void CLBPPyrDotFeatures::liblbp_pyr_features(char *vec)
00018 //{
00019 //  uint32_t offset, ww, hh, x, y,center,j ;
00020 //  uint8_t pattern;
00021 //
00022 //  offset=0;
00025 //  ww=img_nCols;
00026 //  hh=img_nRows;
00027 //  while(1)
00028 //  {
00029 //    for(x=1; x < ww-1; x++)
00030 //    {
00031 //      for(y=1; y< hh-1; y++)
00032 //      {
00033 //        pattern = 0;
00034 //        center = img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,x,img_nRows)];
00035 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y-1,x-1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern = pattern | 0x01;
00036 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y-1,x,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern = pattern | 0x02;
00037 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y-1,x+1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern = pattern | 0x04;
00038 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,x-1,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern = pattern | 0x08;
00039 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,x+1,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern = pattern | 0x10;
00040 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y+1,x-1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern = pattern | 0x20;
00041 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y+1,x,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern = pattern | 0x40;
00042 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y+1,x+1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern = pattern | 0x80;
00043 //
00044 //        vec[offset+pattern]++;
00045 //        offset += 256; 
00046 //
00047 //      }
00048 //    }
00049 //    if(vec_nDim <= offset) 
00050 //      return;
00051 //
00052 //    if(ww % 2 == 1) ww--;
00053 //    if(hh % 2 == 1) hh--;
00054 //
00055 //    ww = ww/2;
00056 //    for(x=0; x < ww; x++)
00057 //      for(j=0; j < hh; j++)
00058 //        img[LIBLBP_INDEX(j,x,img_nRows)] = img[LIBLBP_INDEX(j,2*x,img_nRows)] + 
00059 //          img[LIBLBP_INDEX(j,2*x+1,img_nRows)];
00060 //
00061 //    hh = hh/2;
00062 //    for(y=0; y < hh; y++)
00063 //      for(j=0; j < ww; j++)
00064 //        img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,j,img_nRows)] = img[LIBLBP_INDEX(2*y,j,img_nRows)] + 
00065 //          img[LIBLBP_INDEX(2*y+1,j,img_nRows)];
00066 //    
00067 //  }
00068 //
00069 //  return;
00070 //}
00072 //void CLBPPyrDotFeatures::liblbp_pyr_subvec(int64_t *vec, uint32_t vec_nDim, uint32_t *img, uint16_t img_nRows, uint16_t img_nCols)
00073 //{
00074 //  uint32_t offset, ww, hh, x, y,center,j ;
00075 //  uint8_t pattern;
00076 //
00077 //  offset=0;
00080 //  ww=img_nCols;
00081 //  hh=img_nRows;
00082 //  while(1)
00083 //  {
00084 //    for(x=1; x < ww-1; x++)
00085 //    {
00086 //      for(y=1; y< hh-1; y++)
00087 //      {
00088 //        pattern = 0;
00089 //        center = img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,x,img_nRows)];
00090 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y-1,x-1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern = pattern | 0x01;
00091 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y-1,x,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern = pattern | 0x02;
00092 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y-1,x+1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern = pattern | 0x04;
00093 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,x-1,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern = pattern | 0x08;
00094 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,x+1,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern = pattern | 0x10;
00095 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y+1,x-1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern = pattern | 0x20;
00096 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y+1,x,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern = pattern | 0x40;
00097 //        if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y+1,x+1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern = pattern | 0x80;
00098 //
00099 //        vec[offset+pattern]--;
00100 //        offset += 256; 
00101 //
00102 //      }
00103 //    }
00104 //    if(vec_nDim <= offset) 
00105 //      return;
00106 //
00107 //    if(ww % 2 == 1) ww--;
00108 //    if(hh % 2 == 1) hh--;
00109 //
00110 //    ww = ww/2;
00111 //    for(x=0; x < ww; x++)
00112 //      for(j=0; j < hh; j++)
00113 //        img[LIBLBP_INDEX(j,x,img_nRows)] = img[LIBLBP_INDEX(j,2*x,img_nRows)] + 
00114 //          img[LIBLBP_INDEX(j,2*x+1,img_nRows)];
00115 //
00116 //    hh = hh/2;
00117 //    for(y=0; y < hh; y++)
00118 //      for(j=0; j < ww; j++)
00119 //        img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,j,img_nRows)] = img[LIBLBP_INDEX(2*y,j,img_nRows)] + 
00120 //          img[LIBLBP_INDEX(2*y+1,j,img_nRows)];
00121 //    
00122 //  }
00123 //
00124 //  return;
00125 //}
00127 CLBPPyrDotFeatures::CLBPPyrDotFeatures(void)
00128     : CDotFeatures()
00129 {
00130     SG_UNSTABLE("CLBPPyrDotFeatures::CLBPPyrDotFeatures(void)", "\n");
00132     m_feat = NULL;
00134     img = NULL;
00135     img_nRows = 0;
00136     img_nCols = 0;
00137     vec_nDim = 0;
00138 }
00140 CLBPPyrDotFeatures::CLBPPyrDotFeatures(CSimpleFeatures<uint32_t>* images, uint16_t num_pyramids)
00141     : CDotFeatures()
00142 {
00143     ASSERT(images);
00145     m_feat = images;
00146     SG_REF(m_feat);
00147     img=m_feat->get_feature_matrix(img_nRows, img_nCols);
00148     vec_nDim=liblbp_pyr_get_dim(num_pyramids);
00149 }
00151 CLBPPyrDotFeatures::~CLBPPyrDotFeatures()
00152 {
00153     SG_UNREF(m_feat);
00154 }
00156 float64_t CLBPPyrDotFeatures::dot(int32_t vec_idx1, CDotFeatures* df, int32_t vec_idx2)
00157 {
00159     return 0;
00160 }
00162 float64_t CLBPPyrDotFeatures::dense_dot(int32_t vec_idx1, const float64_t* vec2, int32_t vec2_len)
00163 {
00164     if (vec2_len != vec_nDim)
00165         SG_ERROR("Dimensions don't match, vec2_dim=%d, vec_nDim=%d\n", vec2_len, vec_nDim);
00167     //int32_t vlen;
00168     //bool do_free;
00169     //uint32_t* vec=m_feat->get_feature_vector(i, vlen, vfree);
00171     //double CLBPPyrDotFeatures::liblbp_pyr_dotprod(double *vec, uint32_t vec_nDim, uint32_t *img, uint16_t img_nRows, uint16_t img_nCols)
00172     //{
00173     double dot_prod = 0;
00174     int32_t offset=0;
00175     int32_t ww, hh, x, y, j;
00176     uint32_t center;
00177     uint8_t pattern;
00179     /*  ww=win_W;*/
00180     /*  hh=win_H;*/
00181     ww=img_nCols;
00182     hh=img_nRows;
00183     while(1)
00184     {
00185         for(x=1; x < ww-1; x++)
00186         {
00187             for(y=1; y< hh-1; y++)
00188             {
00189                 pattern = 0;
00190                 center = img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,x,img_nRows)];
00191                 if (img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y-1,x-1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern |= 0x01;
00192                 if (img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y-1,x,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern |= 0x02;
00193                 if (img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y-1,x+1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern |= 0x04;
00194                 if (img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,x-1,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern |= 0x08;
00195                 if (img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,x+1,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern |= 0x10;
00196                 if (img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y+1,x-1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern |= 0x20;
00197                 if (img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y+1,x,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern |= 0x40;
00198                 if (img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y+1,x+1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern |= 0x80;
00200                 dot_prod += vec2[offset+pattern];
00201                 offset += 256; 
00204             }
00205         }
00206         if(vec_nDim <= offset) 
00207             return(dot_prod);
00210         if(ww % 2 == 1) ww--;
00211         if(hh % 2 == 1) hh--;
00213         ww = ww/2;
00214         for(x=0; x < ww; x++)
00215             for(j=0; j < hh; j++)
00216                 img[LIBLBP_INDEX(j,x,img_nRows)] = img[LIBLBP_INDEX(j,2*x,img_nRows)] + 
00217                     img[LIBLBP_INDEX(j,2*x+1,img_nRows)];
00219         hh = hh/2;
00220         for(y=0; y < hh; y++)
00221             for(j=0; j < ww; j++)
00222                 img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,j,img_nRows)] = img[LIBLBP_INDEX(2*y,j,img_nRows)] + 
00223                     img[LIBLBP_INDEX(2*y+1,j,img_nRows)];    
00224     }
00226     //m_feat->free_feature_vector(vec, vlen, do_free);
00227     return dot_prod;
00228 }
00230 void CLBPPyrDotFeatures::add_to_dense_vec(float64_t alpha, int32_t vec_idx1, float64_t* vec2, int32_t vec2_len, bool abs_val)
00231 {
00232     if (vec2_len != vec_nDim)
00233         SG_ERROR("Dimensions don't match, vec2_dim=%d, vec_nDim=%d\n", vec2_len, vec_nDim);
00235     //int32_t vlen;
00236     //bool do_free;
00237     //uint32_t* vec=m_feat->get_feature_vector(i, vlen, vfree);
00240 //void CLBPPyrDotFeatures::liblbp_pyr_addvec(int64_t *vec, uint32_t vec_nDim, uint32_t *img, uint16_t img_nRows, uint16_t img_nCols)
00241 //{
00242   int32_t offset, ww, hh, x, y, j;
00243   uint32_t center;
00244   uint8_t pattern;
00246   offset=0;
00247 /*  ww=win_W;*/
00248 /*  hh=win_H;*/
00249   ww=img_nCols;
00250   hh=img_nRows;
00251   while(1)
00252   {
00253     for(x=1; x < ww-1; x++)
00254     {
00255       for(y=1; y< hh-1; y++)
00256       {
00257         pattern = 0;
00258         center = img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,x,img_nRows)];
00259         if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y-1,x-1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern |= 0x01;
00260         if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y-1,x,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern |= 0x02;
00261         if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y-1,x+1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern |= 0x04;
00262         if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,x-1,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern |= 0x08;
00263         if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,x+1,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern |= 0x10;
00264         if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y+1,x-1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern |= 0x20;
00265         if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y+1,x,img_nRows)] < center)   pattern |= 0x40;
00266         if(img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y+1,x+1,img_nRows)] < center) pattern |= 0x80;
00268         vec2[offset+pattern]+=alpha;
00269         offset += 256; 
00271       }
00272     }
00273     if(vec_nDim <= offset) 
00274       return;
00276     if(ww % 2 == 1) ww--;
00277     if(hh % 2 == 1) hh--;
00279     ww = ww/2;
00280     for(x=0; x < ww; x++)
00281       for(j=0; j < hh; j++)
00282         img[LIBLBP_INDEX(j,x,img_nRows)] = img[LIBLBP_INDEX(j,2*x,img_nRows)] + 
00283              img[LIBLBP_INDEX(j,2*x+1,img_nRows)];
00285     hh = hh/2;
00286     for(y=0; y < hh; y++)
00287       for(j=0; j < ww; j++)
00288         img[LIBLBP_INDEX(y,j,img_nRows)] = img[LIBLBP_INDEX(2*y,j,img_nRows)] + 
00289           img[LIBLBP_INDEX(2*y+1,j,img_nRows)];
00291   }
00293  // return;
00294 //}
00296     //m_feat->free_feature_vector(vec, vlen, do_free);
00297 }
00299 CFeatures* CLBPPyrDotFeatures::duplicate() const
00300 {
00301     return new CLBPPyrDotFeatures(*this);
00302 }
00304 uint32_t CLBPPyrDotFeatures::liblbp_pyr_get_dim(uint16_t nPyramids)
00305 {
00306   uint32_t w, h, N, i;
00308   for(w=img_nCols, h=img_nRows, N=0, i=0; i < nPyramids && CMath::min(w,h) >= 3; i++)
00309   {
00310     N += (w-2)*(h-2);
00312     if(w % 2) w--;
00313     if(h % 2) h--;
00314     w = w/2;
00315     h = h/2;
00316   }
00317   return(256*N);
00318 }
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