
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00003  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00004  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
00005  * (at your option) any later version.
00006  *
00007  * Written (W) 2010 Soeren Sonnenburg
00008  * Copyright (C) 2010 Berlin Institute of Technology
00009  */
00010 #ifndef __PARAMETER_H__
00011 #define __PARAMETER_H__
00013 #include <shogun/lib/common.h>
00014 #include <shogun/io/SGIO.h>
00015 #include <shogun/lib/DataType.h>
00016 #include <shogun/io/SerializableFile.h>
00017 #include <shogun/base/DynArray.h>
00019 namespace shogun
00020 {
00022 struct TParameter
00023 {
00030     explicit TParameter(const TSGDataType* datatype, void* parameter,
00031                         const char* name, const char* description);
00034     ~TParameter();
00039     void print(const char* prefix);
00045     bool save(CSerializableFile* file, const char* prefix="");
00051     bool load(CSerializableFile* file, const char* prefix="");
00054     TSGDataType m_datatype;
00056     void* m_parameter;
00058     char* m_name;
00060     char* m_description;
00062 private:
00063     char* new_prefix(const char* s1, const char* s2);
00064     void delete_cont();
00065     void new_cont(index_t new_len_y, index_t new_len_x);
00066     bool new_sgserial(CSGObject** param, EPrimitiveType generic,
00067                       const char* sgserializable_name,
00068                       const char* prefix);
00069     bool save_ptype(CSerializableFile* file, const void* param,
00070                     const char* prefix);
00071     bool load_ptype(CSerializableFile* file, void* param,
00072                     const char* prefix);
00073     bool save_stype(CSerializableFile* file, const void* param,
00074                     const char* prefix);
00075     bool load_stype(CSerializableFile* file, void* param,
00076                     const char* prefix);
00077 };
00084 class Parameter
00085 {
00086 public:
00088     explicit Parameter();
00090     virtual ~Parameter();
00095     virtual void print(const char* prefix="");
00101     virtual bool save(CSerializableFile* file, const char* prefix="");
00107     virtual bool load(CSerializableFile* file, const char* prefix="");
00112     inline virtual int32_t get_num_parameters()
00113     {
00114         return m_params.get_num_elements();
00115     }
00125     void set_from_parameters(Parameter* params);
00132     void add_parameters(Parameter* params);
00138     bool contains_parameter(const char* name);
00145     inline TParameter* get_parameter(int32_t idx)
00146     {
00147         return m_params.get_element(idx);
00148     }
00150     /* ************************************************************ */
00151     /* Scalar wrappers  */
00158     void add(bool* param, const char* name,
00159              const char* description="");
00165     void add(char* param, const char* name,
00166              const char* description="");
00172     void add(int8_t* param, const char* name,
00173              const char* description="");
00179     void add(uint8_t* param, const char* name,
00180              const char* description="");
00186     void add(int16_t* param, const char* name,
00187              const char* description="");
00193     void add(uint16_t* param, const char* name,
00194              const char* description="");
00200     void add(int32_t* param, const char* name,
00201              const char* description="");
00207     void add(uint32_t* param, const char* name,
00208              const char* description="");
00214     void add(int64_t* param, const char* name,
00215              const char* description="");
00221     void add(uint64_t* param, const char* name,
00222              const char* description="");
00228     void add(float32_t* param, const char* name,
00229              const char* description="");
00235     void add(float64_t* param, const char* name,
00236              const char* description="");
00242     void add(floatmax_t* param, const char* name,
00243              const char* description="");
00249     void add(CSGObject** param,
00250              const char* name, const char* description="");
00256     void add(SGString<bool>* param, const char* name,
00257              const char* description="");
00263     void add(SGString<char>* param, const char* name,
00264              const char* description="");
00270     void add(SGString<int8_t>* param, const char* name,
00271              const char* description="");
00277     void add(SGString<uint8_t>* param, const char* name,
00278              const char* description="");
00284     void add(SGString<int16_t>* param, const char* name,
00285              const char* description="");
00291     void add(SGString<uint16_t>* param, const char* name,
00292              const char* description="");
00298     void add(SGString<int32_t>* param, const char* name,
00299              const char* description="");
00305     void add(SGString<uint32_t>* param, const char* name,
00306              const char* description="");
00312     void add(SGString<int64_t>* param, const char* name,
00313              const char* description="");
00319     void add(SGString<uint64_t>* param, const char* name,
00320              const char* description="");
00326     void add(SGString<float32_t>* param, const char* name,
00327              const char* description="");
00333     void add(SGString<float64_t>* param, const char* name,
00334              const char* description="");
00340     void add(SGString<floatmax_t>* param, const char* name,
00341              const char* description="");
00347     void add(SGSparseVector<bool>* param, const char* name,
00348              const char* description="");
00354     void add(SGSparseVector<char>* param, const char* name,
00355              const char* description="");
00361     void add(SGSparseVector<int8_t>* param, const char* name,
00362              const char* description="");
00368     void add(SGSparseVector<uint8_t>* param, const char* name,
00369              const char* description="");
00375     void add(SGSparseVector<int16_t>* param, const char* name,
00376              const char* description="");
00382     void add(SGSparseVector<uint16_t>* param, const char* name,
00383              const char* description="");
00389     void add(SGSparseVector<int32_t>* param, const char* name,
00390              const char* description="");
00396     void add(SGSparseVector<uint32_t>* param, const char* name,
00397              const char* description="");
00403     void add(SGSparseVector<int64_t>* param, const char* name,
00404              const char* description="");
00410     void add(SGSparseVector<uint64_t>* param, const char* name,
00411              const char* description="");
00417     void add(SGSparseVector<float32_t>* param, const char* name,
00418              const char* description="");
00424     void add(SGSparseVector<float64_t>* param, const char* name,
00425              const char* description="");
00431     void add(SGSparseVector<floatmax_t>* param, const char* name,
00432              const char* description="");
00434     /* ************************************************************ */
00435     /* Vector wrappers  */
00443     void add_vector(bool** param, index_t* length,
00444                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00451     void add_vector(char** param, index_t* length,
00452                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00459     void add_vector(int8_t** param, index_t* length,
00460                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00467     void add_vector(uint8_t** param, index_t* length,
00468                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00475     void add_vector(int16_t** param, index_t* length,
00476                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00483     void add_vector(uint16_t** param, index_t* length,
00484                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00491     void add_vector(int32_t** param, index_t* length,
00492                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00499     void add_vector(uint32_t** param, index_t* length,
00500                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00507     void add_vector(int64_t** param, index_t* length,
00508                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00515     void add_vector(uint64_t** param, index_t* length,
00516                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00523     void add_vector(float32_t** param, index_t* length,
00524                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00531     void add_vector(float64_t** param, index_t* length,
00532                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00539     void add_vector(floatmax_t** param, index_t* length,
00540                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00547     void add_vector(CSGObject*** param, index_t* length,
00548                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00555     void add_vector(SGString<bool>** param, index_t* length,
00556                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00563     void add_vector(SGString<char>** param, index_t* length,
00564                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00571     void add_vector(SGString<int8_t>** param, index_t* length,
00572                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00579     void add_vector(SGString<uint8_t>** param, index_t* length,
00580                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00587     void add_vector(SGString<int16_t>** param, index_t* length,
00588                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00595     void add_vector(SGString<uint16_t>** param, index_t* length,
00596                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00603     void add_vector(SGString<int32_t>** param, index_t* length,
00604                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00611     void add_vector(SGString<uint32_t>** param, index_t* length,
00612                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00619     void add_vector(SGString<int64_t>** param, index_t* length,
00620                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00627     void add_vector(SGString<uint64_t>** param, index_t* length,
00628                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00635     void add_vector(SGString<float32_t>** param, index_t* length,
00636                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00643     void add_vector(SGString<float64_t>** param, index_t* length,
00644                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00651     void add_vector(SGString<floatmax_t>** param, index_t* length,
00652                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00659     void add_vector(SGSparseVector<bool>** param, index_t* length,
00660                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00667     void add_vector(SGSparseVector<char>** param, index_t* length,
00668                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00675     void add_vector(SGSparseVector<int8_t>** param, index_t* length,
00676                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00683     void add_vector(SGSparseVector<uint8_t>** param, index_t* length,
00684                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00691     void add_vector(SGSparseVector<int16_t>** param, index_t* length,
00692                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00699     void add_vector(SGSparseVector<uint16_t>** param, index_t* length,
00700                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00707     void add_vector(SGSparseVector<int32_t>** param, index_t* length,
00708                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00715     void add_vector(SGSparseVector<uint32_t>** param, index_t* length,
00716                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00723     void add_vector(SGSparseVector<int64_t>** param, index_t* length,
00724                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00731     void add_vector(SGSparseVector<uint64_t>** param, index_t* length,
00732                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00739     void add_vector(SGSparseVector<float32_t>** param, index_t* length,
00740                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00747     void add_vector(SGSparseVector<float64_t>** param, index_t* length,
00748                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00755     void add_vector(SGSparseVector<floatmax_t>** param, index_t* length,
00756                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00764     void add(SGVector<bool>* param, const char* name,
00765                     const char* description="");
00771     void add(SGVector<char>* param, const char* name,
00772                     const char* description="");
00778     void add(SGVector<int8_t>* param, const char* name,
00779                     const char* description="");
00785     void add(SGVector<uint8_t>* param, const char* name,
00786                     const char* description="");
00792     void add(SGVector<int16_t>* param, const char* name,
00793                     const char* description="");
00799     void add(SGVector<uint16_t>* param, const char* name,
00800                     const char* description="");
00806     void add(SGVector<int32_t>* param, const char* name,
00807                     const char* description="");
00813     void add(SGVector<uint32_t>* param, const char* name,
00814                     const char* description="");
00820     void add(SGVector<int64_t>* param, const char* name,
00821                     const char* description="");
00827     void add(SGVector<uint64_t>* param, const char* name,
00828                     const char* description="");
00834     void add(SGVector<float32_t>* param, const char* name,
00835                     const char* description="");
00841     void add(SGVector<float64_t>* param, const char* name,
00842                     const char* description="");
00848     void add(SGVector<floatmax_t>* param, const char* name,
00849                     const char* description="");
00855     void add(SGVector<CSGObject*>* param, const char* name,
00856                     const char* description="");
00862     void add(SGVector<SGString<bool> >* param, const char* name,
00863                     const char* description="");
00869     void add(SGVector<SGString<char> >* param, const char* name,
00870                     const char* description="");
00876     void add(SGVector<SGString<int8_t> >* param, const char* name,
00877                     const char* description="");
00883     void add(SGVector<SGString<uint8_t> >* param, const char* name,
00884                     const char* description="");
00890     void add(SGVector<SGString<int16_t> >* param, const char* name,
00891                     const char* description="");
00897     void add(SGVector<SGString<uint16_t> >* param, const char* name,
00898                     const char* description="");
00904     void add(SGVector<SGString<int32_t> >* param, const char* name,
00905                     const char* description="");
00911     void add(SGVector<SGString<uint32_t> >* param, const char* name,
00912                     const char* description="");
00918     void add(SGVector<SGString<int64_t> >* param, const char* name,
00919                     const char* description="");
00925     void add(SGVector<SGString<uint64_t> >* param, const char* name,
00926                     const char* description="");
00932     void add(SGVector<SGString<float32_t> >* param, const char* name,
00933                     const char* description="");
00939     void add(SGVector<SGString<float64_t> >* param, const char* name,
00940                     const char* description="");
00946     void add(SGVector<SGString<floatmax_t> >* param, const char* name,
00947                     const char* description="");
00953     void add(SGVector<SGSparseVector<bool> >* param, const char* name,
00954                     const char* description="");
00960     void add(SGVector<SGSparseVector<char> >* param, const char* name,
00961                     const char* description="");
00967     void add(SGVector<SGSparseVector<int8_t> >* param, const char* name,
00968                     const char* description="");
00974     void add(SGVector<SGSparseVector<uint8_t> >* param,const char* name,
00975                     const char* description="");
00981     void add(SGVector<SGSparseVector<int16_t> >* param, const char* name,
00982                     const char* description="");
00988     void add(SGVector<SGSparseVector<uint16_t> >* param,
00989                     const char* name, const char* description="");
00995     void add(SGVector<SGSparseVector<int32_t> >* param, const char* name,
00996                     const char* description="");
01002     void add(SGVector<SGSparseVector<uint32_t> >* param,const char* name,
01003                     const char* description="");
01009     void add(SGVector<SGSparseVector<int64_t> >* param, const char* name,
01010                     const char* description="");
01016     void add(SGVector<SGSparseVector<uint64_t> >* param,
01017                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01023     void add(SGVector<SGSparseVector<float32_t> >* param,
01024                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01030     void add(SGVector<SGSparseVector<float64_t> >* param,
01031                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01037     void add(SGVector<SGSparseVector<floatmax_t> >* param,
01038                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01040     /* ************************************************************ */
01041     /* Matrix wrappers  */
01050     void add_matrix(bool** param,
01051                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01052                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01060     void add_matrix(char** param,
01061                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01062                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01070     void add_matrix(int8_t** param,
01071                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01072                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01080     void add_matrix(uint8_t** param,
01081                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01082                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01090     void add_matrix(int16_t** param,
01091                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01092                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01100     void add_matrix(uint16_t** param,
01101                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01102                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01110     void add_matrix(int32_t** param,
01111                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01112                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01120     void add_matrix(uint32_t** param,
01121                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01122                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01130     void add_matrix(int64_t** param,
01131                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01132                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01140     void add_matrix(uint64_t** param,
01141                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01142                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01150     void add_matrix(float32_t** param,
01151                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01152                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01160     void add_matrix(float64_t** param,
01161                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01162                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01170     void add_matrix(floatmax_t** param,
01171                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01172                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01180     void add_matrix(CSGObject*** param,
01181                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01182                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01190     void add_matrix(SGString<bool>** param,
01191                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01192                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01200     void add_matrix(SGString<char>** param,
01201                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01202                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01210     void add_matrix(SGString<int8_t>** param,
01211                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01212                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01220     void add_matrix(SGString<uint8_t>** param,
01221                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01222                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01230     void add_matrix(SGString<int16_t>** param,
01231                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01232                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01240     void add_matrix(SGString<uint16_t>** param,
01241                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01242                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01250     void add_matrix(SGString<int32_t>** param,
01251                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01252                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01260     void add_matrix(SGString<uint32_t>** param,
01261                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01262                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01270     void add_matrix(SGString<int64_t>** param,
01271                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01272                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01280     void add_matrix(SGString<uint64_t>** param,
01281                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01282                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01290     void add_matrix(SGString<float32_t>** param,
01291                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01292                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01300     void add_matrix(SGString<float64_t>** param,
01301                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01302                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01310     void add_matrix(SGString<floatmax_t>** param,
01311                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01312                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01320     void add_matrix(SGSparseVector<bool>** param,
01321                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01322                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01330     void add_matrix(SGSparseVector<char>** param,
01331                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01332                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01340     void add_matrix(SGSparseVector<int8_t>** param,
01341                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01342                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01350     void add_matrix(SGSparseVector<uint8_t>** param,
01351                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01352                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01360     void add_matrix(SGSparseVector<int16_t>** param,
01361                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01362                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01370     void add_matrix(SGSparseVector<uint16_t>** param,
01371                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01372                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01380     void add_matrix(SGSparseVector<int32_t>** param,
01381                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01382                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01390     void add_matrix(SGSparseVector<uint32_t>** param,
01391                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01392                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01400     void add_matrix(SGSparseVector<int64_t>** param,
01401                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01402                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01410     void add_matrix(SGSparseVector<uint64_t>** param,
01411                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01412                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01420     void add_matrix(SGSparseVector<float32_t>** param,
01421                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01422                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01430     void add_matrix(SGSparseVector<float64_t>** param,
01431                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01432                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01440     void add_matrix(SGSparseVector<floatmax_t>** param,
01441                     index_t* length_y, index_t* length_x,
01442                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01448     void add(SGMatrix<bool>* param, const char* name,
01449                     const char* description="");
01455     void add(SGMatrix<char>* param, const char* name,
01456                     const char* description="");
01462     void add(SGMatrix<int8_t>* param, const char* name,
01463                     const char* description="");
01469     void add(SGMatrix<uint8_t>* param, const char* name,
01470                     const char* description="");
01476     void add(SGMatrix<int16_t>* param, const char* name,
01477                     const char* description="");
01483     void add(SGMatrix<uint16_t>* param, const char* name,
01484                     const char* description="");
01490     void add(SGMatrix<int32_t>* param, const char* name,
01491                     const char* description="");
01497     void add(SGMatrix<uint32_t>* param, const char* name,
01498                     const char* description="");
01504     void add(SGMatrix<int64_t>* param, const char* name,
01505                     const char* description="");
01511     void add(SGMatrix<uint64_t>* param, const char* name,
01512                     const char* description="");
01518     void add(SGMatrix<float32_t>* param, const char* name,
01519                     const char* description="");
01525     void add(SGMatrix<float64_t>* param, const char* name,
01526                     const char* description="");
01532     void add(SGMatrix<floatmax_t>* param, const char* name,
01533                     const char* description="");
01539     void add(SGMatrix<CSGObject*>* param, const char* name,
01540                     const char* description="");
01546     void add(SGMatrix<SGString<bool> >* param, const char* name,
01547                     const char* description="");
01553     void add(SGMatrix<SGString<char> >* param, const char* name,
01554                     const char* description="");
01560     void add(SGMatrix<SGString<int8_t> >* param, const char* name,
01561                     const char* description="");
01567     void add(SGMatrix<SGString<uint8_t> >* param, const char* name,
01568                     const char* description="");
01574     void add(SGMatrix<SGString<int16_t> >* param, const char* name,
01575                     const char* description="");
01581     void add(SGMatrix<SGString<uint16_t> >* param, const char* name,
01582                     const char* description="");
01588     void add(SGMatrix<SGString<int32_t> >* param, const char* name,
01589                     const char* description="");
01595     void add(SGMatrix<SGString<uint32_t> >* param, const char* name,
01596                     const char* description="");
01602     void add(SGMatrix<SGString<int64_t> >* param, const char* name,
01603                     const char* description="");
01609     void add(SGMatrix<SGString<uint64_t> >* param, const char* name,
01610                     const char* description="");
01616     void add(SGMatrix<SGString<float32_t> >* param, const char* name,
01617                     const char* description="");
01623     void add(SGMatrix<SGString<float64_t> >* param, const char* name,
01624                     const char* description="");
01630     void add(SGMatrix<SGString<floatmax_t> >* param, const char* name,
01631                     const char* description="");
01637     void add(SGMatrix<SGSparseVector<bool> >* param, const char* name,
01638                     const char* description="");
01644     void add(SGMatrix<SGSparseVector<char> >* param, const char* name,
01645                     const char* description="");
01651     void add(SGMatrix<SGSparseVector<int8_t> >* param, const char* name,
01652                     const char* description="");
01658     void add(SGMatrix<SGSparseVector<uint8_t> >* param,const char* name,
01659                     const char* description="");
01665     void add(SGMatrix<SGSparseVector<int16_t> >* param, const char* name,
01666                     const char* description="");
01672     void add(SGMatrix<SGSparseVector<uint16_t> >* param,
01673                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01679     void add(SGMatrix<SGSparseVector<int32_t> >* param, const char* name,
01680                     const char* description="");
01686     void add(SGMatrix<SGSparseVector<uint32_t> >* param,const char* name,
01687                     const char* description="");
01693     void add(SGMatrix<SGSparseVector<int64_t> >* param, const char* name,
01694                     const char* description="");
01700     void add(SGMatrix<SGSparseVector<uint64_t> >* param,
01701                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01707     void add(SGMatrix<SGSparseVector<float32_t> >* param,
01708                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01714     void add(SGMatrix<SGSparseVector<float64_t> >* param,
01715                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01721     void add(SGMatrix<SGSparseVector<floatmax_t> >* param,
01722                     const char* name, const char* description="");
01724 protected:
01727     DynArray<TParameter*> m_params;
01735     virtual void add_type(const TSGDataType* type, void* param,
01736                           const char* name,
01737                           const char* description);
01738 };
01739 }
01740 #endif //__PARAMETER_H__
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