12 #ifndef _DISTRIBUTION_H___
13 #define _DISTRIBUTION_H___
95 int32_t num_param, int32_t num_example)=0;
135 int32_t num_param, int32_t num_example)
virtual void set_features(CFeatures *f)
virtual float64_t get_model_parameter(int32_t num_param)
static CDistribution * obtain_from_generic(CSGObject *object)
virtual SGVector< float64_t > get_log_likelihood()
virtual int32_t get_num_relevant_model_parameters()
virtual void set_pseudo_count(float64_t pseudo)
Base class Distribution from which all methods implementing a distribution are derived.
virtual float64_t get_derivative(int32_t num_param, int32_t num_example)
virtual float64_t get_log_model_parameter(int32_t num_param)=0
virtual bool train(CFeatures *data=NULL)=0
virtual float64_t get_log_likelihood_sample()
Class SGObject is the base class of all shogun objects.
virtual CFeatures * get_features()
virtual float64_t update_params_em(float64_t *alpha_k, int32_t len)
virtual float64_t get_likelihood_example(int32_t num_example)
virtual float64_t get_pseudo_count()
virtual SGVector< float64_t > get_likelihood_for_all_examples()
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
The class Features is the base class of all feature objects.
virtual float64_t get_log_likelihood_example(int32_t num_example)=0
virtual float64_t get_log_derivative(int32_t num_param, int32_t num_example)=0
virtual int32_t get_num_model_parameters()=0