12 #ifndef _DOTFEATURES_H___
13 #define _DOTFEATURES_H___
252 #endif // _DOTFEATURES_H___
virtual void dense_dot_range(float64_t *output, int32_t start, int32_t stop, float64_t *alphas, float64_t *vec, int32_t dim, float64_t b)
virtual int32_t get_nnz_features_for_vector(int32_t num)=0
virtual float64_t dense_dot(int32_t vec_idx1, const float64_t *vec2, int32_t vec2_len)=0
CDotFeatures(int32_t size=0)
virtual float64_t dot(int32_t vec_idx1, CDotFeatures *df, int32_t vec_idx2)=0
virtual void add_to_dense_vec(float64_t alpha, int32_t vec_idx1, float64_t *vec2, int32_t vec2_len, bool abs_val=false)=0
void benchmark_dense_dot_range(int32_t repeats=5)
virtual float64_t dense_dot_sgvec(int32_t vec_idx1, const SGVector< float64_t > vec2)
Features that support dot products among other operations.
virtual int32_t get_dim_feature_space() const =0
virtual SGVector< float64_t > get_mean()
static SGMatrix< float64_t > compute_cov(CDotFeatures *lhs, CDotFeatures *rhs)
virtual void dense_dot_range_subset(int32_t *sub_index, int32_t num, float64_t *output, float64_t *alphas, float64_t *vec, int32_t dim, float64_t b)
virtual void free_feature_iterator(void *iterator)=0
A File access base class.
void benchmark_add_to_dense_vector(int32_t repeats=5)
virtual void * get_feature_iterator(int32_t vector_index)=0
virtual bool get_next_feature(int32_t &index, float64_t &value, void *iterator)=0
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
The class Features is the base class of all feature objects.
SGVector< float64_t > get_computed_dot_feature_vector(int32_t num)
void set_combined_feature_weight(float64_t nw)
void display_progress(int32_t start, int32_t stop, int32_t v)
float64_t combined_weight
feature weighting in combined dot features
SGMatrix< float64_t > get_computed_dot_feature_matrix()
float64_t get_combined_feature_weight()
static void * dense_dot_range_helper(void *p)
virtual SGMatrix< float64_t > get_cov()