58 void CGaussianBlobsDataGenerator::init()
"entering CGaussianBlobsDataGenerator::get_next_example()\n");
"leaving CGaussianBlobsDataGenerator::get_next_example()\n");
static float64_t sin(float64_t x)
tanh(x), x being a complex128_t
float distance(CJLCoverTreePoint p1, CJLCoverTreePoint p2, float64_t upper_bound)
This class implements streaming features with dense feature vectors.
static float64_t randn_double()
SGVector< float64_t > current_vector
The current example's feature vector as an SGVector
void set_blobs_model(index_t sqrt_num_blobs, float64_t distance, float64_t stretch, float64_t angle)
virtual ~CGaussianBlobsDataGenerator()
static SGMatrix< float64_t > matrix_multiply(SGMatrix< float64_t > A, SGMatrix< float64_t > B, bool transpose_A=false, bool transpose_B=false, float64_t scale=1.0)
static float64_t cos(float64_t x)
sinh(x), x being a complex128_t
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
static float32_t sqrt(float32_t x)
SGMatrix< float64_t > m_cholesky