18 class CIndependentJob;
56 return "IndependentComputationEngine";
virtual void wait_for_all()=0
Class SGObject is the base class of all shogun objects.
virtual const char * get_name() const
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
Abstract base for general computation jobs to be registered in CIndependentComputationEngine. compute method produces a job result and submits it to the internal JobResultAggregator. Each set of jobs that form a result will share the same job result aggregator.
Abstract base class for solving multiple independent instances of CIndependentJob. It has one method, submit_job, which may add the job to an internal queue and might block if there is yet not space in the queue. After jobs are submitted, it might not yet be ready. wait_for_all waits until all jobs are completed, which must be called to guarantee that all jobs are finished.
virtual void submit_job(CIndependentJob *job)=0
virtual ~CIndependentComputationEngine()