18 psi_computed_sparse(false),
"compute_joint_feature(int32_t, CStructuredData*) is not "
121 "implemented for %s!\n",
"compute_sparse_joint_feature(int32_t, CStructuredData*) is not "
142 "implemented for %s!\n",
149 REQUIRE(ytrue_idx >= 0 || ytrue_idx < m_labels->get_num_labels(),
150 "The label index must be inside [0, num_labels-1]\n");
"delta_loss(CStructuredData*, CStructuredData*) is not "
162 "implemented for %s!\n",
167 void CStructuredModel::init()
Base class of the labels used in Structured Output (SO) problems.
void set_labels(CStructuredLabels *labs)
SGVector< float64_t > get_joint_feature_vector(int32_t feat_idx, int32_t lab_idx)
CStructuredLabels * get_labels()
virtual int32_t get_num_aux_con() const
virtual int32_t get_num_aux() const
void set_features(CFeatures *feats)
virtual void init_training()
virtual const char * get_name() const
SGSparseVector< float64_t > get_sparse_joint_feature_vector(int32_t feat_idx, int32_t lab_idx)
Class SGObject is the base class of all shogun objects.
virtual CStructuredLabels * structured_labels_factory(int32_t num_labels=0)
virtual void init_primal_opt(float64_t regularization, SGMatrix< float64_t > &A, SGVector< float64_t > a, SGMatrix< float64_t > B, SGVector< float64_t > &b, SGVector< float64_t > &lb, SGVector< float64_t > &ub, SGMatrix< float64_t > &C)
float64_t delta_loss(int32_t ytrue_idx, CStructuredData *ypred)
virtual bool check_training_setup() const
virtual ~CStructuredModel()
CStructuredLabels * m_labels
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
The class Features is the base class of all feature objects.
template class SGSparseVector The assumtion is that the stored SGSparseVectorEntry* vector is orde...
virtual CStructuredData * get_label(int32_t idx)
virtual const char * get_name() const
CFeatures * get_features()
Base class of the components of StructuredLabels.