30 :
CDotKernel(size), m_distance(distance), m_width(width)
52 CDotKernel::init(l, r);
70 void CExponentialKernel::init()
float distance(CJLCoverTreePoint p1, CJLCoverTreePoint p2, float64_t upper_bound)
virtual void load_serializable_post()
virtual bool init(CFeatures *l, CFeatures *r)
Class Distance, a base class for all the distances used in the Shogun toolbox.
Class ShogunException defines an exception which is thrown whenever an error inside of shogun occurs...
Features that support dot products among other operations.
virtual void load_serializable_post()
Template class DotKernel is the base class for kernels working on DotFeatures.
Class SGObject is the base class of all shogun objects.
virtual bool init_normalizer()
virtual float64_t distance(int32_t idx_a, int32_t idx_b)
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
The class Features is the base class of all feature objects.
virtual float64_t compute(int32_t idx_a, int32_t idx_b)
virtual ~CExponentialKernel()
virtual bool init(CFeatures *lhs, CFeatures *rhs)