256 return "FeatureSelection";
323 void initialize_parameters();
328 #endif // FEATURE_SELECTION_H__
virtual const char * get_name() const
virtual void adapt_params(CFeatures *features)
SGVector< index_t > get_selected_feats()
The class Labels models labels, i.e. class assignments of objects.
virtual EPreprocessorType get_type() const
shogun feature class
class to add subset support to another class. A CSubsetStackStack instance should be added and wrappe...
Template class CFeatureSelection, base class for all feature selection preprocessors which select a s...
void set_num_remove(index_t num_remove)
EFeatureSelectionAlgorithm get_algorithm() const
virtual void set_labels(CLabels *labels)
virtual CFeatures * apply_backward_elimination(CFeatures *features)
virtual void precompute()
EFeatureRemovalPolicy get_policy() const
virtual EFeatureClass get_feature_class()
virtual void set_algorithm(EFeatureSelectionAlgorithm algorithm)=0
virtual void set_policy(EFeatureRemovalPolicy policy)=0
EFeatureSelectionAlgorithm m_algorithm
virtual float64_t compute_measures(CFeatures *features, index_t idx)=0
shogun feature type
virtual CFeatures * remove_feats(CFeatures *features, SGVector< index_t > argsorted)=0
virtual EFeatureType get_feature_type()
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
index_t get_num_features(CFeatures *features) const
EFeatureRemovalPolicy m_policy
The class Features is the base class of all feature objects.
Class Preprocessor defines a preprocessor interface.
void set_target_dim(index_t target_dim)
virtual ~CFeatureSelection()
virtual CFeatures * apply(CFeatures *features)
index_t get_num_remove() const
CLabels * get_labels() const
index_t get_target_dim() const