94 virtual const char*
const {
return "HomogeneousKernelMap"; }
146 void register_params ();
157 uint64_t m_numSubdivisions;
160 int64_t m_minExponent;
161 int64_t m_maxExponent;
uint64_t get_order() const
virtual ~CHomogeneousKernelMap()
void set_period(float64_t p)
virtual const char * get_name() const
void set_window_type(HomogeneousKernelMapWindowType w)
Template class DensePreprocessor, base class for preprocessors (cf. CPreprocessor) that apply to CDen...
Type of spectral windowing function.
HomogeneousKernelMapWindowType get_window_type() const
Type of kernel.
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
virtual EPreprocessorType get_type() const
Preprocessor HomogeneousKernelMap performs homogeneous kernel maps as described in.
The class Features is the base class of all feature objects.
virtual bool init(CFeatures *features)
void set_kernel_type(HomogeneousKernelType k)
void set_order(uint64_t o)
float64_t get_period() const
float64_t get_gamma(float64_t g) const
void set_gamma(float64_t g)
virtual SGVector< float64_t > apply_to_feature_vector(SGVector< float64_t > vector)
apply preproc on single feature vector
virtual SGMatrix< float64_t > apply_to_feature_matrix(CFeatures *features)
HomogeneousKernelType get_kernel_type() const