18 initialize_parameters();
30 initialize_parameters();
49 return embedding_feature_matrix;
"Converter to process was not set.\n")
58 bool CDimensionReductionPreprocessor::init(
CFeatures* data)
107 void CDimensionReductionPreprocessor::initialize_parameters()
110 "embedding converter used to apply to data",
CKernel * get_kernel() const
float distance(CJLCoverTreePoint p1, CJLCoverTreePoint p2, float64_t upper_bound)
virtual ~CDimensionReductionPreprocessor()
Computes the standard linear kernel on CDotFeatures.
Class Distance, a base class for all the distances used in the Shogun toolbox.
class EmbeddingConverter (part of the Efficient Dimensionality Reduction Toolkit) used to construct e...
virtual EPreprocessorType get_type() const
void set_target_dim(int32_t dim)
Class SGObject is the base class of all shogun objects.
Template class DensePreprocessor, base class for preprocessors (cf. CPreprocessor) that apply to CDen...
CDistance * get_distance() const
void set_target_dim(int32_t dim)
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
virtual CDenseFeatures< float64_t > * embed(CFeatures *features)
The class Features is the base class of all feature objects.
CEmbeddingConverter * m_converter
void set_distance(CDistance *distance)
int32_t get_target_dim() const
SGMatrix< ST > steal_feature_matrix()
void set_kernel(CKernel *kernel)
virtual SGMatrix< float64_t > apply_to_feature_matrix(CFeatures *features)