46 return "FactorGraphDataGenerator";
97 void generate_data(int32_t len_label, int32_t len_feat, int32_t size_data,
void truncate_energy(float64_t &A, float64_t &B, float64_t &C, float64_t &D)
CFactorGraph * multi_state_tree_graph()
int32_t grid_to_index(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w=10)
SGMatrix< int32_t > get_edges_full(const int32_t num_classes)
CFactorGraph * random_chain_graph(SGVector< int > &assignment_expect, float64_t &min_energy_expect, int32_t N=2)
void build_factor_graph(SGMatrix< float64_t > feats, SGMatrix< int32_t > labels, SGMatrix< int32_t > edge_list, const DynArray< CTableFactorType * > &v_factor_type, CFactorGraphFeatures *fg_feats, CFactorGraphLabels *fg_labels)
Class FactorGraphLabels used e.g. in the application of Structured Output (SO) learning with the Fact...
void define_factor_types(int32_t num_classes, int32_t dim, int32_t num_edges, DynArray< CTableFactorType * > &v_factor_type)
Class SGObject is the base class of all shogun objects.
Class CFactorGraphDataGenerator Create factor graph data for multiple unit tests. ...
Template Dynamic array class that creates an array that can be used like a list or an array...
CFactorGraphFeatures maintains an array of factor graphs, each graph is a sample, i...
void generate_data(int32_t len_label, int32_t len_feat, int32_t size_data, SGMatrix< float64_t > &feats, SGMatrix< int32_t > &labels)
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
Class CFactorGraph a factor graph is a structured input in general.
float64_t test_sosvm(EMAPInferType infer_type)
CFactorGraph * simple_chain_graph()
virtual const char * get_name() const