103 void update_messages(int32_t id_region);
std::vector< SGVector< int32_t > > m_all_intersections
std::vector< std::vector< SGNDArray< float64_t > > > m_msgs_from_region
std::vector< std::vector< SGVector< int32_t > > > m_region_inds_intersections
Class CMAPInferImpl abstract class of MAP inference implementation.
virtual float64_t inference(SGVector< int32_t > assignment)
Dynamic array class for CSGObject pointers that creates an array that can be used like a list or an a...
void max_in_subdimension(SGNDArray< float64_t > tar_arr, SGVector< int32_t > &subset_inds, SGNDArray< float64_t > &max_res) const
virtual const char * get_name() const
SGNDArray< float64_t > convert_energy_to_potential(CFactor *factor)
CDynamicObjectArray * m_factors
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
int32_t find_intersection_index(SGVector< int32_t > region_A, SGVector< int32_t > region_B)
Class CFactorGraph a factor graph is a structured input in general.
std::vector< std::set< int32_t > > m_region_intersections
std::vector< SGNDArray< float64_t > > m_theta_region
std::vector< SGNDArray< float64_t > > m_msgs_into_intersections
Class CFactor A factor is defined on a clique in the factor graph. Each factor can have its own data...