115 virtual const char*
const {
return "GaussianKernel"; }
175 void register_params();
Base class for the family of kernel functions that only depend on the difference of the inputs...
virtual void load_serializable_post()
Class ShogunException defines an exception which is thrown whenever an error inside of shogun occurs...
float64_t kernel(int32_t idx_a, int32_t idx_b)
virtual float64_t compute(int32_t idx_a, int32_t idx_b)
Features that support dot products among other operations.
shogun feature class
Class SGObject is the base class of all shogun objects.
virtual EKernelType get_kernel_type()
virtual SGMatrix< float64_t > get_parameter_gradient(const TParameter *param, index_t index=-1)
virtual CSGObject * shallow_copy() const
The well known Gaussian kernel (swiss army knife for SVMs) computed on CDotFeatures.
virtual float64_t distance(int32_t idx_a, int32_t idx_b) const
shogun feature type
static CGaussianKernel * obtain_from_generic(CKernel *kernel)
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
The class Features is the base class of all feature objects.
virtual const char * get_name() const
virtual EFeatureClass get_feature_class()
virtual bool init(CFeatures *l, CFeatures *r)
virtual ~CGaussianKernel()
virtual void set_width(float64_t w)
virtual float64_t get_width() const
virtual EFeatureType get_feature_type()