17 #ifndef _HINGELOSS_H__
18 #define _HINGELOSS_H__
129 virtual const char*
const {
return "HingeLoss"; }
float64_t loss(float64_t prediction, float64_t label)
Class CLossFunction is the base class of all loss functions.
virtual float64_t get_update(float64_t prediction, float64_t label, float64_t eta_t, float64_t norm)
virtual ELossType get_loss_type()
virtual float64_t second_derivative(float64_t prediction, float64_t label)
virtual float64_t first_derivative(float64_t prediction, float64_t label)
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
CHingeLoss implements the hinge loss function.
virtual const char * get_name() const
shogun loss type
virtual float64_t get_square_grad(float64_t prediction, float64_t label)