"The norm (%f) should not be less than 2.0 and we use p=2.0 in this case\n", p);
63 REQUIRE(input.
"The lenght (%d) of input and the length (%d) of output are diffent\n",
69 if (input[idx] >= 0.0)
79 void PNormMappingFunction::init()
virtual SGVector< float64_t > get_dual_variable(SGVector< float64_t > variable)
virtual void projection(SGVector< float64_t > input, SGVector< float64_t > output, float64_t degree)
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
void scale(Matrix A, Matrix B, typename Matrix::Scalar alpha)
virtual void update_variable(SGVector< float64_t > variable, SGVector< float64_t > dual_variable)
static int32_t pow(bool x, int32_t n)
virtual void set_norm(float64_t p)