98 virtual const char*
const {
return "PeriodicKernel"; }
164 void precompute_squared();
SGVector< float64_t > m_sq_lhs
The periodic kernel as described in The Kernel Cookbook by David Duvenaud: http://people.seas.harvard.edu/~dduvenaud/cookbook/.
Features that support dot products among other operations.
virtual float64_t get_length_scale() const
Template class DotKernel is the base class for kernels working on DotFeatures.
virtual EKernelType get_kernel_type()
virtual float64_t get_period() const
virtual SGMatrix< float64_t > get_parameter_gradient(const TParameter *param, index_t index=-1)
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
virtual void set_period(float64_t period)
The class Features is the base class of all feature objects.
virtual float64_t compute(int32_t idx_a, int32_t idx_b)
virtual float64_t distance(int32_t idx_a, int32_t idx_b)
SGVector< float64_t > m_sq_rhs
virtual void set_length_scale(float64_t length_scale)
virtual ~CPeriodicKernel()
virtual const char * get_name() const