76 virtual const char*
const {
return "QDiag"; }
static const float64_t MACHINE_EPSILON
virtual SGMatrix< float64_t > compute(SGNDArray< float64_t > C, SGMatrix< float64_t > V0=SGMatrix< float64_t >(NULL, 0, 0, false), double eps=CMath::MACHINE_EPSILON, int itermax=200)
virtual const char * get_name() const
static SGMatrix< float64_t > diagonalize(SGNDArray< float64_t > C, SGMatrix< float64_t > V0=SGMatrix< float64_t >(NULL, 0, 0, false), double eps=CMath::MACHINE_EPSILON, int itermax=200)
Class ApproxJointDiagonalizer defines an Approximate Joint Diagonalizer (AJD) interface.
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
SGMatrix< float64_t > m_V