213 virtual const char*
const {
return "StreamingStringFeatures"; }
CAlphabet * alphabet
Alphabet to use.
float64_t current_label
The label of the current example, if applicable.
virtual CFeatures * duplicate() const
void use_alphabet(EAlphabet alpha)
virtual float64_t get_label()
int32_t num_symbols
Number of symbols.
virtual const char * get_name() const
RAWDNA - letters 0,1,2,3.
Alphabet of charfeatures/observations.
SGString< T > get_vector()
virtual EFeatureType get_feature_type() const
virtual int32_t get_num_features()
The class Alphabet implements an alphabet and alphabet utility functions.
virtual int32_t get_num_vectors() const
CInputParser< T > parser
The parser object, which reads from input and returns parsed example objects.
shogun feature class
A Streaming File access class.
virtual int32_t get_vector_length()
virtual EFeatureClass get_feature_class() const
virtual void end_parser()
bool remap_to_bin
Whether remapping must be done.
floatmax_t get_num_symbols()
This class implements streaming features as strings.
virtual bool get_next_example()
T * current_string
The current example's string as a T*.
SGString< T > current_sgstring
The current example's string as an SGString
shogun feature type
virtual void start_parser()
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
virtual void set_vector_reader()
The class Features is the base class of all feature objects.
virtual ~CStreamingStringFeatures()
Streaming features are features which are used for online algorithms.
CAlphabet * alpha_bin
If remapping is enabled, this is the target alphabet.
bool has_labels
Whether examples are labelled or not.
virtual void set_vector_and_label_reader()
virtual void release_example()
void set_remap(CAlphabet *ascii_alphabet, CAlphabet *binary_alphabet)
CAlphabet * get_alphabet()
CAlphabet * alpha_ascii
If remapping is enabled, this is the source alphabet.
int32_t current_length
The length of the current string.