"CrossValidationMulticlassStorage was already initialized once\n")
112 eval_ROC.
evaluate(pred_labels_binary, true_labels_binary);
118 eval_PRC.
evaluate(pred_labels_binary, true_labels_binary);
123 for (int32_t i=0; i<n_evals; i++)
127 evaluator->
evaluate(pred_labels_binary, true_labels_binary);
SGMatrix< float64_t > get_PRC()
CMulticlassLabels * m_pred_labels
bool m_compute_conf_matrices
SGVector< float64_t > m_evaluations_results
SGMatrix< float64_t > * m_fold_ROC_graphs
CDynamicObjectArray * m_binary_evaluations
CBinaryLabels * get_binary_for_class(int32_t i)
virtual float64_t evaluate(CLabels *predicted, CLabels *ground_truth)
The class Labels models labels, i.e. class assignments of objects.
index_t m_current_fold_index
SGMatrix< float64_t > get_ROC()
The class MulticlassAccuracy used to compute accuracy of multiclass classification.
int32_t get_num_elements() const
virtual void init_expose_labels(CLabels *labels)
Multiclass Labels for multi-class classification.
virtual ~CCrossValidationMulticlassStorage()
SGVector< float64_t > m_accuracies
virtual void update_test_true_result(CLabels *results, const char *prefix="")
virtual float64_t evaluate(CLabels *predicted, CLabels *ground_truth)
Class ROCEvalution used to evaluate ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) and an area under ROC cur...
Class for managing individual folds in cross-validation.
static SGMatrix< int32_t > get_confusion_matrix(CLabels *predicted, CLabels *ground_truth)
SGMatrix< float64_t > * m_fold_PRC_graphs
CMulticlassLabels * m_true_labels
CCrossValidationMulticlassStorage(bool compute_ROC=true, bool compute_PRC=false, bool compute_conf_matrices=false)
Dynamic array class for CSGObject pointers that creates an array that can be used like a list or an a...
virtual float64_t evaluate(CLabels *predicted, CLabels *ground_truth)=0
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
CSGObject * get_element_safe(int32_t index) const
virtual float64_t evaluate(CLabels *predicted, CLabels *ground_truth)
Class PRCEvaluation used to evaluate PRC (Precision Recall Curve) and an area under PRC curve (auPRC)...
SGMatrix< int32_t > * m_conf_matrices
Binary Labels for binary classification.
virtual void post_update_results()
The class TwoClassEvaluation, a base class used to evaluate binary classification labels...
index_t m_current_run_index
virtual void update_test_result(CLabels *results, const char *prefix="")