
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00004 -e  */
00006 /*
00007  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00008  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00009  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
00010  * (at your option) any later version.
00011  *
00012  * Written (W) 2009 Soeren Sonnenburg
00013  * Copyright (C) 2009 Fraunhofer Institute FIRST and Max-Planck-Society
00014  */
00016 #include "lib/common.h"
00017 #include "base/class_list.h"
00019 #include <string.h>
00021 #include "kernel/Kernel.h"
00023 #include "converter/KernelLocallyLinearEmbedding.h"
00024 #include "converter/MultidimensionalScaling.h"
00025 #include "converter/DiffusionMaps.h"
00026 #include "converter/Isomap.h"
00027 #include "converter/KernelLocalTangentSpaceAlignment.h"
00028 #include "converter/LocalTangentSpaceAlignment.h"
00029 #include "converter/NeighborhoodPreservingEmbedding.h"
00030 #include "converter/LinearLocalTangentSpaceAlignment.h"
00031 #include "converter/LaplacianEigenmaps.h"
00032 #include "converter/HessianLocallyLinearEmbedding.h"
00033 #include "converter/LocallyLinearEmbedding.h"
00034 #include "converter/LocalityPreservingProjections.h"
00035 #include "structure/SegmentLoss.h"
00036 #include "structure/PlifMatrix.h"
00037 #include "structure/IntronList.h"
00038 #include "structure/PlifArray.h"
00039 #include "structure/DynProg.h"
00040 #include "structure/Plif.h"
00041 #include "distributions/HMM.h"
00042 #include "distributions/LinearHMM.h"
00043 #include "distributions/Gaussian.h"
00044 #include "distributions/PositionalPWM.h"
00045 #include "distributions/Histogram.h"
00046 #include "distributions/GHMM.h"
00047 #include "loss/SquaredHingeLoss.h"
00048 #include "loss/SmoothHingeLoss.h"
00049 #include "loss/LogLoss.h"
00050 #include "loss/LogLossMargin.h"
00051 #include "loss/HingeLoss.h"
00052 #include "loss/SquaredLoss.h"
00053 #include "machine/DistanceMachine.h"
00054 #include "machine/OnlineLinearMachine.h"
00055 #include "machine/LinearMachine.h"
00056 #include "machine/KernelMachine.h"
00057 #include "evaluation/PRCEvaluation.h"
00058 #include "evaluation/MeanSquaredError.h"
00059 #include "evaluation/StratifiedCrossValidationSplitting.h"
00060 #include "evaluation/MulticlassAccuracy.h"
00061 #include "evaluation/MeanAbsoluteError.h"
00062 #include "evaluation/ContingencyTableEvaluation.h"
00063 #include "evaluation/CrossValidation.h"
00064 #include "evaluation/ROCEvaluation.h"
00065 #include "regression/KRR.h"
00066 #include "regression/svr/SVRLight.h"
00067 #include "regression/svr/MKLRegression.h"
00068 #include "regression/svr/LibSVR.h"
00069 #include "mathematics/Statistics.h"
00070 #include "mathematics/Math.h"
00071 #include "lib/List.h"
00072 #include "lib/BitString.h"
00073 #include "lib/Array2.h"
00074 #include "lib/Signal.h"
00075 #include "lib/Array3.h"
00076 #include "lib/DynamicObjectArray.h"
00077 #include "lib/Time.h"
00078 #include "lib/FibonacciHeap.h"
00079 #include "lib/Compressor.h"
00080 #include "lib/Array.h"
00081 #include "lib/DynamicArray.h"
00082 #include "lib/Set.h"
00083 #include "lib/Cache.h"
00084 #include "lib/Hash.h"
00085 #include "lib/HashSet.h"
00086 #include "preprocessor/DecompressString.h"
00087 #include "preprocessor/RandomFourierGaussPreproc.h"
00088 #include "preprocessor/LogPlusOne.h"
00089 #include "preprocessor/SortWordString.h"
00090 #include "preprocessor/NormOne.h"
00091 #include "preprocessor/KernelPCA.h"
00092 #include "preprocessor/DimensionReductionPreprocessor.h"
00093 #include "preprocessor/PCA.h"
00094 #include "preprocessor/SortUlongString.h"
00095 #include "preprocessor/PruneVarSubMean.h"
00096 #include "ui/GUILabels.h"
00097 #include "ui/GUIClassifier.h"
00098 #include "ui/GUITime.h"
00099 #include "ui/GUIFeatures.h"
00100 #include "ui/GUIPluginEstimate.h"
00101 #include "ui/GUIPreprocessor.h"
00102 #include "ui/GUIStructure.h"
00103 #include "ui/GUIDistance.h"
00104 #include "ui/GUIKernel.h"
00105 #include "ui/GUIHMM.h"
00106 #include "ui/GUIMath.h"
00107 #include "classifier/KNN.h"
00108 #include "classifier/GaussianNaiveBayes.h"
00109 #include "classifier/svm/GMNPLib.h"
00110 #include "classifier/svm/SVMLightOneClass.h"
00111 #include "classifier/svm/LaRank.h"
00112 #include "classifier/svm/SVMLin.h"
00113 #include "classifier/svm/SVMSGD.h"
00114 #include "classifier/svm/MultiClassSVM.h"
00115 #include "classifier/svm/SVM.h"
00116 #include "classifier/svm/SubGradientSVM.h"
00117 #include "classifier/svm/QPBSVMLib.h"
00118 #include "classifier/svm/OnlineLibLinear.h"
00119 #include "classifier/svm/GPBTSVM.h"
00120 #include "classifier/svm/SVMOcas.h"
00121 #include "classifier/svm/MPDSVM.h"
00122 #include "classifier/svm/SGDQN.h"
00123 #include "classifier/svm/DomainAdaptationSVM.h"
00124 #include "classifier/svm/LibSVMOneClass.h"
00125 #include "classifier/svm/ScatterSVM.h"
00126 #include "classifier/svm/LibSVM.h"
00127 #include "classifier/svm/LibLinear.h"
00128 #include "classifier/svm/GMNPSVM.h"
00129 #include "classifier/svm/OnlineSVMSGD.h"
00130 #include "classifier/svm/Tron.h"
00131 #include "classifier/svm/DomainAdaptationSVMLinear.h"
00132 #include "classifier/svm/GNPPLib.h"
00133 #include "classifier/svm/LibSVMMultiClass.h"
00134 #include "classifier/svm/GNPPSVM.h"
00135 #include "classifier/svm/SVMLight.h"
00136 #include "classifier/svm/WDSVMOcas.h"
00137 #include "classifier/Perceptron.h"
00138 #include "classifier/AveragedPerceptron.h"
00139 #include "classifier/vw/learners/VwNonAdaptiveLearner.h"
00140 #include "classifier/vw/learners/VwAdaptiveLearner.h"
00141 #include "classifier/vw/VwEnvironment.h"
00142 #include "classifier/vw/VwRegressor.h"
00143 #include "classifier/vw/VwParser.h"
00144 #include "classifier/vw/cache/VwNativeCacheWriter.h"
00145 #include "classifier/vw/cache/VwNativeCacheReader.h"
00146 #include "classifier/vw/VowpalWabbit.h"
00147 #include "classifier/PluginEstimate.h"
00148 #include "classifier/mkl/MKLMultiClass.h"
00149 #include "classifier/mkl/MKLOneClass.h"
00150 #include "classifier/mkl/MKLClassification.h"
00151 #include "classifier/LDA.h"
00152 #include "kernel/LinearStringKernel.h"
00153 #include "kernel/DistanceKernel.h"
00154 #include "kernel/LogKernel.h"
00155 #include "kernel/RegulatoryModulesStringKernel.h"
00156 #include "kernel/MultiquadricKernel.h"
00157 #include "kernel/PolyKernel.h"
00158 #include "kernel/OligoStringKernel.h"
00159 #include "kernel/SplineKernel.h"
00160 #include "kernel/GaussianShortRealKernel.h"
00161 #include "kernel/ScatterKernelNormalizer.h"
00162 #include "kernel/CircularKernel.h"
00163 #include "kernel/CauchyKernel.h"
00164 #include "kernel/RidgeKernelNormalizer.h"
00165 #include "kernel/SphericalKernel.h"
00166 #include "kernel/MultitaskKernelNormalizer.h"
00167 #include "kernel/CustomKernel.h"
00168 #include "kernel/CommUlongStringKernel.h"
00169 #include "kernel/VarianceKernelNormalizer.h"
00170 #include "kernel/DiceKernelNormalizer.h"
00171 #include "kernel/GaussianKernel.h"
00172 #include "kernel/SqrtDiagKernelNormalizer.h"
00173 #include "kernel/LocalAlignmentStringKernel.h"
00174 #include "kernel/SpectrumMismatchRBFKernel.h"
00175 #include "kernel/SNPStringKernel.h"
00176 #include "kernel/AvgDiagKernelNormalizer.h"
00177 #include "kernel/MultitaskKernelPlifNormalizer.h"
00178 #include "kernel/TStudentKernel.h"
00179 #include "kernel/WaveKernel.h"
00180 #include "kernel/WeightedDegreePositionStringKernel.h"
00181 #include "kernel/MultitaskKernelMaskPairNormalizer.h"
00182 #include "kernel/Chi2Kernel.h"
00183 #include "kernel/SparseSpatialSampleStringKernel.h"
00184 #include "kernel/SpectrumRBFKernel.h"
00185 #include "kernel/HistogramIntersectionKernel.h"
00186 #include "kernel/LinearKernel.h"
00187 #include "kernel/TanimotoKernelNormalizer.h"
00188 #include "kernel/TensorProductPairKernel.h"
00189 #include "kernel/PolyMatchStringKernel.h"
00190 #include "kernel/ANOVAKernel.h"
00191 #include "kernel/WeightedCommWordStringKernel.h"
00192 #include "kernel/PowerKernel.h"
00193 #include "kernel/InverseMultiQuadricKernel.h"
00194 #include "kernel/WeightedDegreeStringKernel.h"
00195 #include "kernel/FixedDegreeStringKernel.h"
00196 #include "kernel/GaussianShiftKernel.h"
00197 #include "kernel/WeightedDegreeRBFKernel.h"
00198 #include "kernel/BesselKernel.h"
00199 #include "kernel/AUCKernel.h"
00200 #include "kernel/SimpleLocalityImprovedStringKernel.h"
00201 #include "kernel/DiagKernel.h"
00202 #include "kernel/DistantSegmentsKernel.h"
00203 #include "kernel/FirstElementKernelNormalizer.h"
00204 #include "kernel/PolyMatchWordStringKernel.h"
00205 #include "kernel/CommWordStringKernel.h"
00206 #include "kernel/WaveletKernel.h"
00207 #include "kernel/GaussianMatchStringKernel.h"
00208 #include "kernel/RationalQuadraticKernel.h"
00209 #include "kernel/ExponentialKernel.h"
00210 #include "kernel/PyramidChi2.h"
00211 #include "kernel/MultitaskKernelMaskNormalizer.h"
00212 #include "kernel/IdentityKernelNormalizer.h"
00213 #include "kernel/ConstKernel.h"
00214 #include "kernel/LocalityImprovedStringKernel.h"
00215 #include "kernel/CombinedKernel.h"
00216 #include "kernel/ZeroMeanCenterKernelNormalizer.h"
00217 #include "kernel/SalzbergWordStringKernel.h"
00218 #include "kernel/HistogramWordStringKernel.h"
00219 #include "kernel/MatchWordStringKernel.h"
00220 #include "kernel/SigmoidKernel.h"
00221 #include "kernel/MultitaskKernelTreeNormalizer.h"
00222 #include "io/ParseBuffer.h"
00223 #include "io/StreamingFileFromSparseFeatures.h"
00224 #include "io/AsciiFile.h"
00225 #include "io/StreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures.h"
00226 #include "io/StreamingFile.h"
00227 #include "io/BinaryStream.h"
00228 #include "io/MemoryMappedFile.h"
00229 #include "io/BinaryFile.h"
00230 #include "io/StreamingVwFile.h"
00231 #include "io/StreamingAsciiFile.h"
00232 #include "io/StreamingFileFromFeatures.h"
00233 #include "io/StreamingFileFromStringFeatures.h"
00234 #include "io/StreamingVwCacheFile.h"
00235 #include "io/SimpleFile.h"
00236 #include "io/SerializableAsciiFile.h"
00237 #include "io/IOBuffer.h"
00238 #include "features/Labels.h"
00239 #include "features/TOPFeatures.h"
00240 #include "features/StreamingVwFeatures.h"
00241 #include "features/DummyFeatures.h"
00242 #include "features/SparsePolyFeatures.h"
00243 #include "features/SimpleFeatures.h"
00244 #include "features/StringFileFeatures.h"
00245 #include "features/StringFeatures.h"
00246 #include "features/ImplicitWeightedSpecFeatures.h"
00247 #include "features/SparseFeatures.h"
00248 #include "features/HashedWDFeatures.h"
00249 #include "features/CombinedDotFeatures.h"
00250 #include "features/LBPPyrDotFeatures.h"
00251 #include "features/ExplicitSpecFeatures.h"
00252 #include "features/SNPFeatures.h"
00253 #include "features/PolyFeatures.h"
00254 #include "features/FKFeatures.h"
00255 #include "features/StreamingSparseFeatures.h"
00256 #include "features/StreamingStringFeatures.h"
00257 #include "features/StreamingSimpleFeatures.h"
00258 #include "features/RealFileFeatures.h"
00259 #include "features/HashedWDFeaturesTransposed.h"
00260 #include "features/CombinedFeatures.h"
00261 #include "features/Alphabet.h"
00262 #include "features/Subset.h"
00263 #include "features/WDFeatures.h"
00264 #include "distance/MinkowskiMetric.h"
00265 #include "distance/HammingWordDistance.h"
00266 #include "distance/AttenuatedEuclidianDistance.h"
00267 #include "distance/CanberraWordDistance.h"
00268 #include "distance/KernelDistance.h"
00269 #include "distance/ChiSquareDistance.h"
00270 #include "distance/ManhattanMetric.h"
00271 #include "distance/CustomDistance.h"
00272 #include "distance/BrayCurtisDistance.h"
00273 #include "distance/CosineDistance.h"
00274 #include "distance/SparseEuclidianDistance.h"
00275 #include "distance/EuclidianDistance.h"
00276 #include "distance/CanberraMetric.h"
00277 #include "distance/TanimotoDistance.h"
00278 #include "distance/GeodesicMetric.h"
00279 #include "distance/JensenMetric.h"
00280 #include "distance/ChebyshewMetric.h"
00281 #include "distance/ManhattanWordDistance.h"
00282 #include "modelselection/ParameterCombination.h"
00283 #include "modelselection/ModelSelectionParameters.h"
00284 #include "modelselection/GridSearchModelSelection.h"
00285 #include "clustering/Hierarchical.h"
00286 #include "clustering/KMeans.h"
00287 #include "clustering/GMM.h"
00288 using namespace shogun;
00290 static CSGObject* __new_CKernelLocallyLinearEmbedding(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CKernelLocallyLinearEmbedding(): NULL; }
00291 static CSGObject* __new_CMultidimensionalScaling(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMultidimensionalScaling(): NULL; }
00292 static CSGObject* __new_CDiffusionMaps(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CDiffusionMaps(): NULL; }
00293 static CSGObject* __new_CIsomap(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CIsomap(): NULL; }
00294 static CSGObject* __new_CKernelLocalTangentSpaceAlignment(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CKernelLocalTangentSpaceAlignment(): NULL; }
00295 static CSGObject* __new_CLocalTangentSpaceAlignment(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLocalTangentSpaceAlignment(): NULL; }
00296 static CSGObject* __new_CNeighborhoodPreservingEmbedding(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CNeighborhoodPreservingEmbedding(): NULL; }
00297 static CSGObject* __new_CLinearLocalTangentSpaceAlignment(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLinearLocalTangentSpaceAlignment(): NULL; }
00298 static CSGObject* __new_CLaplacianEigenmaps(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLaplacianEigenmaps(): NULL; }
00299 static CSGObject* __new_CHessianLocallyLinearEmbedding(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CHessianLocallyLinearEmbedding(): NULL; }
00300 static CSGObject* __new_CLocallyLinearEmbedding(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLocallyLinearEmbedding(): NULL; }
00301 static CSGObject* __new_CLocalityPreservingProjections(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLocalityPreservingProjections(): NULL; }
00302 static CSGObject* __new_CSegmentLoss(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSegmentLoss(): NULL; }
00303 static CSGObject* __new_CPlifMatrix(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPlifMatrix(): NULL; }
00304 static CSGObject* __new_CIntronList(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CIntronList(): NULL; }
00305 static CSGObject* __new_CPlifArray(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPlifArray(): NULL; }
00306 static CSGObject* __new_CDynProg(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CDynProg(): NULL; }
00307 static CSGObject* __new_CPlif(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPlif(): NULL; }
00308 static CSGObject* __new_CHMM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CHMM(): NULL; }
00309 static CSGObject* __new_CLinearHMM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLinearHMM(): NULL; }
00310 static CSGObject* __new_CGaussian(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGaussian(): NULL; }
00311 static CSGObject* __new_CPositionalPWM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPositionalPWM(): NULL; }
00312 static CSGObject* __new_CHistogram(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CHistogram(): NULL; }
00313 static CSGObject* __new_CGHMM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGHMM(): NULL; }
00314 static CSGObject* __new_CSquaredHingeLoss(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSquaredHingeLoss(): NULL; }
00315 static CSGObject* __new_CSmoothHingeLoss(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSmoothHingeLoss(): NULL; }
00316 static CSGObject* __new_CLogLoss(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLogLoss(): NULL; }
00317 static CSGObject* __new_CLogLossMargin(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLogLossMargin(): NULL; }
00318 static CSGObject* __new_CHingeLoss(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CHingeLoss(): NULL; }
00319 static CSGObject* __new_CSquaredLoss(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSquaredLoss(): NULL; }
00320 static CSGObject* __new_CDistanceMachine(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CDistanceMachine(): NULL; }
00321 static CSGObject* __new_COnlineLinearMachine(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new COnlineLinearMachine(): NULL; }
00322 static CSGObject* __new_CLinearMachine(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLinearMachine(): NULL; }
00323 static CSGObject* __new_CKernelMachine(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CKernelMachine(): NULL; }
00324 static CSGObject* __new_CPRCEvaluation(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPRCEvaluation(): NULL; }
00325 static CSGObject* __new_CMeanSquaredError(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMeanSquaredError(): NULL; }
00326 static CSGObject* __new_CStratifiedCrossValidationSplitting(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CStratifiedCrossValidationSplitting(): NULL; }
00327 static CSGObject* __new_CMulticlassAccuracy(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMulticlassAccuracy(): NULL; }
00328 static CSGObject* __new_CMeanAbsoluteError(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMeanAbsoluteError(): NULL; }
00329 static CSGObject* __new_CContingencyTableEvaluation(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CContingencyTableEvaluation(): NULL; }
00330 static CSGObject* __new_CAccuracyMeasure(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CAccuracyMeasure(): NULL; }
00331 static CSGObject* __new_CErrorRateMeasure(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CErrorRateMeasure(): NULL; }
00332 static CSGObject* __new_CBALMeasure(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CBALMeasure(): NULL; }
00333 static CSGObject* __new_CWRACCMeasure(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CWRACCMeasure(): NULL; }
00334 static CSGObject* __new_CF1Measure(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CF1Measure(): NULL; }
00335 static CSGObject* __new_CCrossCorrelationMeasure(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCrossCorrelationMeasure(): NULL; }
00336 static CSGObject* __new_CRecallMeasure(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CRecallMeasure(): NULL; }
00337 static CSGObject* __new_CPrecisionMeasure(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPrecisionMeasure(): NULL; }
00338 static CSGObject* __new_CSpecificityMeasure(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSpecificityMeasure(): NULL; }
00339 static CSGObject* __new_CCrossValidation(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCrossValidation(): NULL; }
00340 static CSGObject* __new_CROCEvaluation(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CROCEvaluation(): NULL; }
00341 static CSGObject* __new_CKRR(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CKRR(): NULL; }
00342 static CSGObject* __new_CSVRLight(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSVRLight(): NULL; }
00343 static CSGObject* __new_CMKLRegression(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMKLRegression(): NULL; }
00344 static CSGObject* __new_CLibSVR(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLibSVR(): NULL; }
00345 static CSGObject* __new_CStatistics(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CStatistics(): NULL; }
00346 static CSGObject* __new_CMath(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMath(): NULL; }
00347 static CSGObject* __new_CListElement(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CListElement(): NULL; }
00348 static CSGObject* __new_CList(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CList(): NULL; }
00349 static CSGObject* __new_CBitString(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CBitString(): NULL; }
00350 static CSGObject* __new_CSignal(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSignal(): NULL; }
00351 static CSGObject* __new_CTime(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CTime(): NULL; }
00352 static CSGObject* __new_CFibonacciHeap(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CFibonacciHeap(): NULL; }
00353 static CSGObject* __new_CCompressor(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCompressor(): NULL; }
00354 static CSGObject* __new_CHash(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CHash(): NULL; }
00355 static CSGObject* __new_CHashSet(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CHashSet(): NULL; }
00356 static CSGObject* __new_CRandomFourierGaussPreproc(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CRandomFourierGaussPreproc(): NULL; }
00357 static CSGObject* __new_CLogPlusOne(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLogPlusOne(): NULL; }
00358 static CSGObject* __new_CSortWordString(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSortWordString(): NULL; }
00359 static CSGObject* __new_CNormOne(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CNormOne(): NULL; }
00360 static CSGObject* __new_CKernelPCA(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CKernelPCA(): NULL; }
00361 static CSGObject* __new_CDimensionReductionPreprocessor(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CDimensionReductionPreprocessor(): NULL; }
00362 static CSGObject* __new_CPCA(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPCA(): NULL; }
00363 static CSGObject* __new_CSortUlongString(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSortUlongString(): NULL; }
00364 static CSGObject* __new_CPruneVarSubMean(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPruneVarSubMean(): NULL; }
00365 static CSGObject* __new_CGUILabels(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGUILabels(): NULL; }
00366 static CSGObject* __new_CGUIClassifier(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGUIClassifier(): NULL; }
00367 static CSGObject* __new_CGUITime(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGUITime(): NULL; }
00368 static CSGObject* __new_CGUIFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGUIFeatures(): NULL; }
00369 static CSGObject* __new_CGUIPluginEstimate(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGUIPluginEstimate(): NULL; }
00370 static CSGObject* __new_CGUIPreprocessor(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGUIPreprocessor(): NULL; }
00371 static CSGObject* __new_CGUIStructure(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGUIStructure(): NULL; }
00372 static CSGObject* __new_CGUIDistance(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGUIDistance(): NULL; }
00373 static CSGObject* __new_CGUIKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGUIKernel(): NULL; }
00374 static CSGObject* __new_CGUIHMM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGUIHMM(): NULL; }
00375 static CSGObject* __new_CGUIMath(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGUIMath(): NULL; }
00376 static CSGObject* __new_CKNN(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CKNN(): NULL; }
00377 static CSGObject* __new_CGaussianNaiveBayes(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGaussianNaiveBayes(): NULL; }
00378 static CSGObject* __new_CGMNPLib(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGMNPLib(): NULL; }
00379 static CSGObject* __new_CSVMLightOneClass(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSVMLightOneClass(): NULL; }
00380 static CSGObject* __new_CLaRank(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLaRank(): NULL; }
00381 static CSGObject* __new_CSVMLin(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSVMLin(): NULL; }
00382 static CSGObject* __new_CSVMSGD(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSVMSGD(): NULL; }
00383 static CSGObject* __new_CMultiClassSVM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMultiClassSVM(): NULL; }
00384 static CSGObject* __new_CSVM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSVM(): NULL; }
00385 static CSGObject* __new_CSubGradientSVM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSubGradientSVM(): NULL; }
00386 static CSGObject* __new_CQPBSVMLib(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CQPBSVMLib(): NULL; }
00387 static CSGObject* __new_COnlineLibLinear(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new COnlineLibLinear(): NULL; }
00388 static CSGObject* __new_CGPBTSVM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGPBTSVM(): NULL; }
00389 static CSGObject* __new_CSVMOcas(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSVMOcas(): NULL; }
00390 static CSGObject* __new_CMPDSVM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMPDSVM(): NULL; }
00391 static CSGObject* __new_CSGDQN(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSGDQN(): NULL; }
00392 static CSGObject* __new_CDomainAdaptationSVM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CDomainAdaptationSVM(): NULL; }
00393 static CSGObject* __new_CLibSVMOneClass(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLibSVMOneClass(): NULL; }
00394 static CSGObject* __new_CScatterSVM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CScatterSVM(): NULL; }
00395 static CSGObject* __new_CLibSVM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLibSVM(): NULL; }
00396 static CSGObject* __new_CLibLinear(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLibLinear(): NULL; }
00397 static CSGObject* __new_CGMNPSVM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGMNPSVM(): NULL; }
00398 static CSGObject* __new_COnlineSVMSGD(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new COnlineSVMSGD(): NULL; }
00399 static CSGObject* __new_CTron(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CTron(): NULL; }
00400 static CSGObject* __new_CDomainAdaptationSVMLinear(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CDomainAdaptationSVMLinear(): NULL; }
00401 static CSGObject* __new_CGNPPLib(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGNPPLib(): NULL; }
00402 static CSGObject* __new_CLibSVMMultiClass(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLibSVMMultiClass(): NULL; }
00403 static CSGObject* __new_CGNPPSVM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGNPPSVM(): NULL; }
00404 static CSGObject* __new_CSVMLight(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSVMLight(): NULL; }
00405 static CSGObject* __new_CWDSVMOcas(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CWDSVMOcas(): NULL; }
00406 static CSGObject* __new_CPerceptron(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPerceptron(): NULL; }
00407 static CSGObject* __new_CAveragedPerceptron(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CAveragedPerceptron(): NULL; }
00408 static CSGObject* __new_CVwNonAdaptiveLearner(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CVwNonAdaptiveLearner(): NULL; }
00409 static CSGObject* __new_CVwAdaptiveLearner(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CVwAdaptiveLearner(): NULL; }
00410 static CSGObject* __new_CVwEnvironment(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CVwEnvironment(): NULL; }
00411 static CSGObject* __new_CVwRegressor(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CVwRegressor(): NULL; }
00412 static CSGObject* __new_CVwParser(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CVwParser(): NULL; }
00413 static CSGObject* __new_CVwNativeCacheWriter(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CVwNativeCacheWriter(): NULL; }
00414 static CSGObject* __new_CVwNativeCacheReader(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CVwNativeCacheReader(): NULL; }
00415 static CSGObject* __new_CVowpalWabbit(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CVowpalWabbit(): NULL; }
00416 static CSGObject* __new_CPluginEstimate(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPluginEstimate(): NULL; }
00417 static CSGObject* __new_CMKLMultiClass(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMKLMultiClass(): NULL; }
00418 static CSGObject* __new_CMKLOneClass(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMKLOneClass(): NULL; }
00419 static CSGObject* __new_CMKLClassification(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMKLClassification(): NULL; }
00420 static CSGObject* __new_CLDA(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLDA(): NULL; }
00421 static CSGObject* __new_CLinearStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLinearStringKernel(): NULL; }
00422 static CSGObject* __new_CDistanceKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CDistanceKernel(): NULL; }
00423 static CSGObject* __new_CLogKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLogKernel(): NULL; }
00424 static CSGObject* __new_CRegulatoryModulesStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CRegulatoryModulesStringKernel(): NULL; }
00425 static CSGObject* __new_CMultiquadricKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMultiquadricKernel(): NULL; }
00426 static CSGObject* __new_CPolyKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPolyKernel(): NULL; }
00427 static CSGObject* __new_COligoStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new COligoStringKernel(): NULL; }
00428 static CSGObject* __new_CSplineKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSplineKernel(): NULL; }
00429 static CSGObject* __new_CGaussianShortRealKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGaussianShortRealKernel(): NULL; }
00430 static CSGObject* __new_CScatterKernelNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CScatterKernelNormalizer(): NULL; }
00431 static CSGObject* __new_CCircularKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCircularKernel(): NULL; }
00432 static CSGObject* __new_CCauchyKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCauchyKernel(): NULL; }
00433 static CSGObject* __new_CRidgeKernelNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CRidgeKernelNormalizer(): NULL; }
00434 static CSGObject* __new_CSphericalKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSphericalKernel(): NULL; }
00435 static CSGObject* __new_CMultitaskKernelNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMultitaskKernelNormalizer(): NULL; }
00436 static CSGObject* __new_CCustomKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCustomKernel(): NULL; }
00437 static CSGObject* __new_CCommUlongStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCommUlongStringKernel(): NULL; }
00438 static CSGObject* __new_CVarianceKernelNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CVarianceKernelNormalizer(): NULL; }
00439 static CSGObject* __new_CDiceKernelNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CDiceKernelNormalizer(): NULL; }
00440 static CSGObject* __new_CGaussianKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGaussianKernel(): NULL; }
00441 static CSGObject* __new_CSqrtDiagKernelNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSqrtDiagKernelNormalizer(): NULL; }
00442 static CSGObject* __new_CLocalAlignmentStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLocalAlignmentStringKernel(): NULL; }
00443 static CSGObject* __new_CSpectrumMismatchRBFKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSpectrumMismatchRBFKernel(): NULL; }
00444 static CSGObject* __new_CSNPStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSNPStringKernel(): NULL; }
00445 static CSGObject* __new_CAvgDiagKernelNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CAvgDiagKernelNormalizer(): NULL; }
00446 static CSGObject* __new_CMultitaskKernelPlifNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMultitaskKernelPlifNormalizer(): NULL; }
00447 static CSGObject* __new_CTStudentKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CTStudentKernel(): NULL; }
00448 static CSGObject* __new_CWaveKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CWaveKernel(): NULL; }
00449 static CSGObject* __new_CWeightedDegreePositionStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CWeightedDegreePositionStringKernel(): NULL; }
00450 static CSGObject* __new_CMultitaskKernelMaskPairNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMultitaskKernelMaskPairNormalizer(): NULL; }
00451 static CSGObject* __new_CChi2Kernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CChi2Kernel(): NULL; }
00452 static CSGObject* __new_CSparseSpatialSampleStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSparseSpatialSampleStringKernel(): NULL; }
00453 static CSGObject* __new_CSpectrumRBFKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSpectrumRBFKernel(): NULL; }
00454 static CSGObject* __new_CHistogramIntersectionKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CHistogramIntersectionKernel(): NULL; }
00455 static CSGObject* __new_CLinearKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLinearKernel(): NULL; }
00456 static CSGObject* __new_CTanimotoKernelNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CTanimotoKernelNormalizer(): NULL; }
00457 static CSGObject* __new_CTensorProductPairKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CTensorProductPairKernel(): NULL; }
00458 static CSGObject* __new_CPolyMatchStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPolyMatchStringKernel(): NULL; }
00459 static CSGObject* __new_CANOVAKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CANOVAKernel(): NULL; }
00460 static CSGObject* __new_CWeightedCommWordStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CWeightedCommWordStringKernel(): NULL; }
00461 static CSGObject* __new_CPowerKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPowerKernel(): NULL; }
00462 static CSGObject* __new_CInverseMultiQuadricKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CInverseMultiQuadricKernel(): NULL; }
00463 static CSGObject* __new_CWeightedDegreeStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CWeightedDegreeStringKernel(): NULL; }
00464 static CSGObject* __new_CFixedDegreeStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CFixedDegreeStringKernel(): NULL; }
00465 static CSGObject* __new_CGaussianShiftKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGaussianShiftKernel(): NULL; }
00466 static CSGObject* __new_CWeightedDegreeRBFKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CWeightedDegreeRBFKernel(): NULL; }
00467 static CSGObject* __new_CBesselKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CBesselKernel(): NULL; }
00468 static CSGObject* __new_CAUCKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CAUCKernel(): NULL; }
00469 static CSGObject* __new_CSimpleLocalityImprovedStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSimpleLocalityImprovedStringKernel(): NULL; }
00470 static CSGObject* __new_CDiagKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CDiagKernel(): NULL; }
00471 static CSGObject* __new_CDistantSegmentsKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CDistantSegmentsKernel(): NULL; }
00472 static CSGObject* __new_CFirstElementKernelNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CFirstElementKernelNormalizer(): NULL; }
00473 static CSGObject* __new_CPolyMatchWordStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPolyMatchWordStringKernel(): NULL; }
00474 static CSGObject* __new_CCommWordStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCommWordStringKernel(): NULL; }
00475 static CSGObject* __new_CWaveletKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CWaveletKernel(): NULL; }
00476 static CSGObject* __new_CGaussianMatchStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGaussianMatchStringKernel(): NULL; }
00477 static CSGObject* __new_CRationalQuadraticKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CRationalQuadraticKernel(): NULL; }
00478 static CSGObject* __new_CExponentialKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CExponentialKernel(): NULL; }
00479 static CSGObject* __new_CPyramidChi2(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPyramidChi2(): NULL; }
00480 static CSGObject* __new_CMultitaskKernelMaskNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMultitaskKernelMaskNormalizer(): NULL; }
00481 static CSGObject* __new_CIdentityKernelNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CIdentityKernelNormalizer(): NULL; }
00482 static CSGObject* __new_CConstKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CConstKernel(): NULL; }
00483 static CSGObject* __new_CLocalityImprovedStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLocalityImprovedStringKernel(): NULL; }
00484 static CSGObject* __new_CCombinedKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCombinedKernel(): NULL; }
00485 static CSGObject* __new_CZeroMeanCenterKernelNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CZeroMeanCenterKernelNormalizer(): NULL; }
00486 static CSGObject* __new_CSalzbergWordStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSalzbergWordStringKernel(): NULL; }
00487 static CSGObject* __new_CHistogramWordStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CHistogramWordStringKernel(): NULL; }
00488 static CSGObject* __new_CMatchWordStringKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMatchWordStringKernel(): NULL; }
00489 static CSGObject* __new_CSigmoidKernel(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSigmoidKernel(): NULL; }
00490 static CSGObject* __new_CNode(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CNode(): NULL; }
00491 static CSGObject* __new_CTaxonomy(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CTaxonomy(): NULL; }
00492 static CSGObject* __new_CMultitaskKernelTreeNormalizer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMultitaskKernelTreeNormalizer(): NULL; }
00493 static CSGObject* __new_CAsciiFile(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CAsciiFile(): NULL; }
00494 static CSGObject* __new_CStreamingFile(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CStreamingFile(): NULL; }
00495 static CSGObject* __new_CBinaryFile(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CBinaryFile(): NULL; }
00496 static CSGObject* __new_CStreamingVwFile(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CStreamingVwFile(): NULL; }
00497 static CSGObject* __new_CStreamingAsciiFile(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CStreamingAsciiFile(): NULL; }
00498 static CSGObject* __new_CStreamingFileFromFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CStreamingFileFromFeatures(): NULL; }
00499 static CSGObject* __new_CStreamingVwCacheFile(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CStreamingVwCacheFile(): NULL; }
00500 static CSGObject* __new_CSerializableAsciiFile(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSerializableAsciiFile(): NULL; }
00501 static CSGObject* __new_CIOBuffer(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CIOBuffer(): NULL; }
00502 static CSGObject* __new_CLabels(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLabels(): NULL; }
00503 static CSGObject* __new_CTOPFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CTOPFeatures(): NULL; }
00504 static CSGObject* __new_CStreamingVwFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CStreamingVwFeatures(): NULL; }
00505 static CSGObject* __new_CDummyFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CDummyFeatures(): NULL; }
00506 static CSGObject* __new_CSparsePolyFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSparsePolyFeatures(): NULL; }
00507 static CSGObject* __new_CImplicitWeightedSpecFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CImplicitWeightedSpecFeatures(): NULL; }
00508 static CSGObject* __new_CHashedWDFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CHashedWDFeatures(): NULL; }
00509 static CSGObject* __new_CCombinedDotFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCombinedDotFeatures(): NULL; }
00510 static CSGObject* __new_CLBPPyrDotFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CLBPPyrDotFeatures(): NULL; }
00511 static CSGObject* __new_CExplicitSpecFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CExplicitSpecFeatures(): NULL; }
00512 static CSGObject* __new_CSNPFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSNPFeatures(): NULL; }
00513 static CSGObject* __new_CPolyFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CPolyFeatures(): NULL; }
00514 static CSGObject* __new_CFKFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CFKFeatures(): NULL; }
00515 static CSGObject* __new_CRealFileFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CRealFileFeatures(): NULL; }
00516 static CSGObject* __new_CHashedWDFeaturesTransposed(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CHashedWDFeaturesTransposed(): NULL; }
00517 static CSGObject* __new_CCombinedFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCombinedFeatures(): NULL; }
00518 static CSGObject* __new_CAlphabet(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CAlphabet(): NULL; }
00519 static CSGObject* __new_CSubset(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSubset(): NULL; }
00520 static CSGObject* __new_CWDFeatures(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CWDFeatures(): NULL; }
00521 static CSGObject* __new_CMinkowskiMetric(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CMinkowskiMetric(): NULL; }
00522 static CSGObject* __new_CHammingWordDistance(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CHammingWordDistance(): NULL; }
00523 static CSGObject* __new_CAttenuatedEuclidianDistance(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CAttenuatedEuclidianDistance(): NULL; }
00524 static CSGObject* __new_CCanberraWordDistance(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCanberraWordDistance(): NULL; }
00525 static CSGObject* __new_CKernelDistance(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CKernelDistance(): NULL; }
00526 static CSGObject* __new_CChiSquareDistance(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CChiSquareDistance(): NULL; }
00527 static CSGObject* __new_CManhattanMetric(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CManhattanMetric(): NULL; }
00528 static CSGObject* __new_CCustomDistance(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCustomDistance(): NULL; }
00529 static CSGObject* __new_CBrayCurtisDistance(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CBrayCurtisDistance(): NULL; }
00530 static CSGObject* __new_CCosineDistance(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCosineDistance(): NULL; }
00531 static CSGObject* __new_CSparseEuclidianDistance(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CSparseEuclidianDistance(): NULL; }
00532 static CSGObject* __new_CEuclidianDistance(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CEuclidianDistance(): NULL; }
00533 static CSGObject* __new_CCanberraMetric(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CCanberraMetric(): NULL; }
00534 static CSGObject* __new_CTanimotoDistance(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CTanimotoDistance(): NULL; }
00535 static CSGObject* __new_CGeodesicMetric(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGeodesicMetric(): NULL; }
00536 static CSGObject* __new_CJensenMetric(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CJensenMetric(): NULL; }
00537 static CSGObject* __new_CChebyshewMetric(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CChebyshewMetric(): NULL; }
00538 static CSGObject* __new_CManhattanWordDistance(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CManhattanWordDistance(): NULL; }
00539 static CSGObject* __new_CParameterCombination(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CParameterCombination(): NULL; }
00540 static CSGObject* __new_CModelSelectionParameters(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CModelSelectionParameters(): NULL; }
00541 static CSGObject* __new_CGridSearchModelSelection(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGridSearchModelSelection(): NULL; }
00542 static CSGObject* __new_CHierarchical(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CHierarchical(): NULL; }
00543 static CSGObject* __new_CKMeans(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CKMeans(): NULL; }
00544 static CSGObject* __new_CGMM(EPrimitiveType g) { return g == PT_NOT_GENERIC? new CGMM(): NULL; }
00545 static CSGObject* __new_CArray2(EPrimitiveType g)
00546 {
00547     switch (g)
00548     {
00549         case PT_BOOL: return new CArray2<bool>();
00550         case PT_CHAR: return new CArray2<char>();
00551         case PT_INT8: return new CArray2<int8_t>();
00552         case PT_UINT8: return new CArray2<uint8_t>();
00553         case PT_INT16: return new CArray2<int16_t>();
00554         case PT_UINT16: return new CArray2<uint16_t>();
00555         case PT_INT32: return new CArray2<int32_t>();
00556         case PT_UINT32: return new CArray2<uint32_t>();
00557         case PT_INT64: return new CArray2<int64_t>();
00558         case PT_UINT64: return new CArray2<uint64_t>();
00559         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CArray2<float32_t>();
00560         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CArray2<float64_t>();
00561         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CArray2<floatmax_t>();
00562         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00563     }
00564     return NULL;
00565 }
00566 static CSGObject* __new_CArray3(EPrimitiveType g)
00567 {
00568     switch (g)
00569     {
00570         case PT_BOOL: return new CArray3<bool>();
00571         case PT_CHAR: return new CArray3<char>();
00572         case PT_INT8: return new CArray3<int8_t>();
00573         case PT_UINT8: return new CArray3<uint8_t>();
00574         case PT_INT16: return new CArray3<int16_t>();
00575         case PT_UINT16: return new CArray3<uint16_t>();
00576         case PT_INT32: return new CArray3<int32_t>();
00577         case PT_UINT32: return new CArray3<uint32_t>();
00578         case PT_INT64: return new CArray3<int64_t>();
00579         case PT_UINT64: return new CArray3<uint64_t>();
00580         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CArray3<float32_t>();
00581         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CArray3<float64_t>();
00582         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CArray3<floatmax_t>();
00583         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00584     }
00585     return NULL;
00586 }
00587 static CSGObject* __new_CDynamicObjectArray(EPrimitiveType g)
00588 {
00589     switch (g)
00590     {
00591         case PT_BOOL: return new CDynamicObjectArray<bool>();
00592         case PT_CHAR: return new CDynamicObjectArray<char>();
00593         case PT_INT8: return new CDynamicObjectArray<int8_t>();
00594         case PT_UINT8: return new CDynamicObjectArray<uint8_t>();
00595         case PT_INT16: return new CDynamicObjectArray<int16_t>();
00596         case PT_UINT16: return new CDynamicObjectArray<uint16_t>();
00597         case PT_INT32: return new CDynamicObjectArray<int32_t>();
00598         case PT_UINT32: return new CDynamicObjectArray<uint32_t>();
00599         case PT_INT64: return new CDynamicObjectArray<int64_t>();
00600         case PT_UINT64: return new CDynamicObjectArray<uint64_t>();
00601         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CDynamicObjectArray<float32_t>();
00602         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CDynamicObjectArray<float64_t>();
00603         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CDynamicObjectArray<floatmax_t>();
00604         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00605     }
00606     return NULL;
00607 }
00608 static CSGObject* __new_CArray(EPrimitiveType g)
00609 {
00610     switch (g)
00611     {
00612         case PT_BOOL: return new CArray<bool>();
00613         case PT_CHAR: return new CArray<char>();
00614         case PT_INT8: return new CArray<int8_t>();
00615         case PT_UINT8: return new CArray<uint8_t>();
00616         case PT_INT16: return new CArray<int16_t>();
00617         case PT_UINT16: return new CArray<uint16_t>();
00618         case PT_INT32: return new CArray<int32_t>();
00619         case PT_UINT32: return new CArray<uint32_t>();
00620         case PT_INT64: return new CArray<int64_t>();
00621         case PT_UINT64: return new CArray<uint64_t>();
00622         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CArray<float32_t>();
00623         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CArray<float64_t>();
00624         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CArray<floatmax_t>();
00625         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00626     }
00627     return NULL;
00628 }
00629 static CSGObject* __new_CDynamicArray(EPrimitiveType g)
00630 {
00631     switch (g)
00632     {
00633         case PT_BOOL: return new CDynamicArray<bool>();
00634         case PT_CHAR: return new CDynamicArray<char>();
00635         case PT_INT8: return new CDynamicArray<int8_t>();
00636         case PT_UINT8: return new CDynamicArray<uint8_t>();
00637         case PT_INT16: return new CDynamicArray<int16_t>();
00638         case PT_UINT16: return new CDynamicArray<uint16_t>();
00639         case PT_INT32: return new CDynamicArray<int32_t>();
00640         case PT_UINT32: return new CDynamicArray<uint32_t>();
00641         case PT_INT64: return new CDynamicArray<int64_t>();
00642         case PT_UINT64: return new CDynamicArray<uint64_t>();
00643         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CDynamicArray<float32_t>();
00644         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CDynamicArray<float64_t>();
00645         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CDynamicArray<floatmax_t>();
00646         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00647     }
00648     return NULL;
00649 }
00650 static CSGObject* __new_CSet(EPrimitiveType g)
00651 {
00652     switch (g)
00653     {
00654         case PT_BOOL: return new CSet<bool>();
00655         case PT_CHAR: return new CSet<char>();
00656         case PT_INT8: return new CSet<int8_t>();
00657         case PT_UINT8: return new CSet<uint8_t>();
00658         case PT_INT16: return new CSet<int16_t>();
00659         case PT_UINT16: return new CSet<uint16_t>();
00660         case PT_INT32: return new CSet<int32_t>();
00661         case PT_UINT32: return new CSet<uint32_t>();
00662         case PT_INT64: return new CSet<int64_t>();
00663         case PT_UINT64: return new CSet<uint64_t>();
00664         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CSet<float32_t>();
00665         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CSet<float64_t>();
00666         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CSet<floatmax_t>();
00667         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00668     }
00669     return NULL;
00670 }
00671 static CSGObject* __new_CCache(EPrimitiveType g)
00672 {
00673     switch (g)
00674     {
00675         case PT_BOOL: return new CCache<bool>();
00676         case PT_CHAR: return new CCache<char>();
00677         case PT_INT8: return new CCache<int8_t>();
00678         case PT_UINT8: return new CCache<uint8_t>();
00679         case PT_INT16: return new CCache<int16_t>();
00680         case PT_UINT16: return new CCache<uint16_t>();
00681         case PT_INT32: return new CCache<int32_t>();
00682         case PT_UINT32: return new CCache<uint32_t>();
00683         case PT_INT64: return new CCache<int64_t>();
00684         case PT_UINT64: return new CCache<uint64_t>();
00685         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CCache<float32_t>();
00686         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CCache<float64_t>();
00687         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CCache<floatmax_t>();
00688         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00689     }
00690     return NULL;
00691 }
00692 static CSGObject* __new_CDecompressString(EPrimitiveType g)
00693 {
00694     switch (g)
00695     {
00696         case PT_BOOL: return new CDecompressString<bool>();
00697         case PT_CHAR: return new CDecompressString<char>();
00698         case PT_INT8: return new CDecompressString<int8_t>();
00699         case PT_UINT8: return new CDecompressString<uint8_t>();
00700         case PT_INT16: return new CDecompressString<int16_t>();
00701         case PT_UINT16: return new CDecompressString<uint16_t>();
00702         case PT_INT32: return new CDecompressString<int32_t>();
00703         case PT_UINT32: return new CDecompressString<uint32_t>();
00704         case PT_INT64: return new CDecompressString<int64_t>();
00705         case PT_UINT64: return new CDecompressString<uint64_t>();
00706         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CDecompressString<float32_t>();
00707         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CDecompressString<float64_t>();
00708         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CDecompressString<floatmax_t>();
00709         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00710     }
00711     return NULL;
00712 }
00713 static CSGObject* __new_CParseBuffer(EPrimitiveType g)
00714 {
00715     switch (g)
00716     {
00717         case PT_BOOL: return new CParseBuffer<bool>();
00718         case PT_CHAR: return new CParseBuffer<char>();
00719         case PT_INT8: return new CParseBuffer<int8_t>();
00720         case PT_UINT8: return new CParseBuffer<uint8_t>();
00721         case PT_INT16: return new CParseBuffer<int16_t>();
00722         case PT_UINT16: return new CParseBuffer<uint16_t>();
00723         case PT_INT32: return new CParseBuffer<int32_t>();
00724         case PT_UINT32: return new CParseBuffer<uint32_t>();
00725         case PT_INT64: return new CParseBuffer<int64_t>();
00726         case PT_UINT64: return new CParseBuffer<uint64_t>();
00727         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CParseBuffer<float32_t>();
00728         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CParseBuffer<float64_t>();
00729         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CParseBuffer<floatmax_t>();
00730         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00731     }
00732     return NULL;
00733 }
00734 static CSGObject* __new_CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures(EPrimitiveType g)
00735 {
00736     switch (g)
00737     {
00738         case PT_BOOL: return new CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures<bool>();
00739         case PT_CHAR: return new CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures<char>();
00740         case PT_INT8: return new CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures<int8_t>();
00741         case PT_UINT8: return new CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures<uint8_t>();
00742         case PT_INT16: return new CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures<int16_t>();
00743         case PT_UINT16: return new CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures<uint16_t>();
00744         case PT_INT32: return new CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures<int32_t>();
00745         case PT_UINT32: return new CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures<uint32_t>();
00746         case PT_INT64: return new CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures<int64_t>();
00747         case PT_UINT64: return new CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures<uint64_t>();
00748         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures<float32_t>();
00749         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures<float64_t>();
00750         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures<floatmax_t>();
00751         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00752     }
00753     return NULL;
00754 }
00755 static CSGObject* __new_CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures(EPrimitiveType g)
00756 {
00757     switch (g)
00758     {
00759         case PT_BOOL: return new CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures<bool>();
00760         case PT_CHAR: return new CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures<char>();
00761         case PT_INT8: return new CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures<int8_t>();
00762         case PT_UINT8: return new CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures<uint8_t>();
00763         case PT_INT16: return new CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures<int16_t>();
00764         case PT_UINT16: return new CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures<uint16_t>();
00765         case PT_INT32: return new CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures<int32_t>();
00766         case PT_UINT32: return new CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures<uint32_t>();
00767         case PT_INT64: return new CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures<int64_t>();
00768         case PT_UINT64: return new CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures<uint64_t>();
00769         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures<float32_t>();
00770         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures<float64_t>();
00771         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures<floatmax_t>();
00772         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00773     }
00774     return NULL;
00775 }
00776 static CSGObject* __new_CBinaryStream(EPrimitiveType g)
00777 {
00778     switch (g)
00779     {
00780         case PT_BOOL: return new CBinaryStream<bool>();
00781         case PT_CHAR: return new CBinaryStream<char>();
00782         case PT_INT8: return new CBinaryStream<int8_t>();
00783         case PT_UINT8: return new CBinaryStream<uint8_t>();
00784         case PT_INT16: return new CBinaryStream<int16_t>();
00785         case PT_UINT16: return new CBinaryStream<uint16_t>();
00786         case PT_INT32: return new CBinaryStream<int32_t>();
00787         case PT_UINT32: return new CBinaryStream<uint32_t>();
00788         case PT_INT64: return new CBinaryStream<int64_t>();
00789         case PT_UINT64: return new CBinaryStream<uint64_t>();
00790         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CBinaryStream<float32_t>();
00791         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CBinaryStream<float64_t>();
00792         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CBinaryStream<floatmax_t>();
00793         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00794     }
00795     return NULL;
00796 }
00797 static CSGObject* __new_CMemoryMappedFile(EPrimitiveType g)
00798 {
00799     switch (g)
00800     {
00801         case PT_BOOL: return new CMemoryMappedFile<bool>();
00802         case PT_CHAR: return new CMemoryMappedFile<char>();
00803         case PT_INT8: return new CMemoryMappedFile<int8_t>();
00804         case PT_UINT8: return new CMemoryMappedFile<uint8_t>();
00805         case PT_INT16: return new CMemoryMappedFile<int16_t>();
00806         case PT_UINT16: return new CMemoryMappedFile<uint16_t>();
00807         case PT_INT32: return new CMemoryMappedFile<int32_t>();
00808         case PT_UINT32: return new CMemoryMappedFile<uint32_t>();
00809         case PT_INT64: return new CMemoryMappedFile<int64_t>();
00810         case PT_UINT64: return new CMemoryMappedFile<uint64_t>();
00811         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CMemoryMappedFile<float32_t>();
00812         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CMemoryMappedFile<float64_t>();
00813         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CMemoryMappedFile<floatmax_t>();
00814         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00815     }
00816     return NULL;
00817 }
00818 static CSGObject* __new_CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures(EPrimitiveType g)
00819 {
00820     switch (g)
00821     {
00822         case PT_BOOL: return new CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures<bool>();
00823         case PT_CHAR: return new CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures<char>();
00824         case PT_INT8: return new CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures<int8_t>();
00825         case PT_UINT8: return new CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures<uint8_t>();
00826         case PT_INT16: return new CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures<int16_t>();
00827         case PT_UINT16: return new CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures<uint16_t>();
00828         case PT_INT32: return new CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures<int32_t>();
00829         case PT_UINT32: return new CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures<uint32_t>();
00830         case PT_INT64: return new CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures<int64_t>();
00831         case PT_UINT64: return new CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures<uint64_t>();
00832         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures<float32_t>();
00833         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures<float64_t>();
00834         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures<floatmax_t>();
00835         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00836     }
00837     return NULL;
00838 }
00839 static CSGObject* __new_CSimpleFile(EPrimitiveType g)
00840 {
00841     switch (g)
00842     {
00843         case PT_BOOL: return new CSimpleFile<bool>();
00844         case PT_CHAR: return new CSimpleFile<char>();
00845         case PT_INT8: return new CSimpleFile<int8_t>();
00846         case PT_UINT8: return new CSimpleFile<uint8_t>();
00847         case PT_INT16: return new CSimpleFile<int16_t>();
00848         case PT_UINT16: return new CSimpleFile<uint16_t>();
00849         case PT_INT32: return new CSimpleFile<int32_t>();
00850         case PT_UINT32: return new CSimpleFile<uint32_t>();
00851         case PT_INT64: return new CSimpleFile<int64_t>();
00852         case PT_UINT64: return new CSimpleFile<uint64_t>();
00853         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CSimpleFile<float32_t>();
00854         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CSimpleFile<float64_t>();
00855         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CSimpleFile<floatmax_t>();
00856         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00857     }
00858     return NULL;
00859 }
00860 static CSGObject* __new_CSimpleFeatures(EPrimitiveType g)
00861 {
00862     switch (g)
00863     {
00864         case PT_BOOL: return new CSimpleFeatures<bool>();
00865         case PT_CHAR: return new CSimpleFeatures<char>();
00866         case PT_INT8: return new CSimpleFeatures<int8_t>();
00867         case PT_UINT8: return new CSimpleFeatures<uint8_t>();
00868         case PT_INT16: return new CSimpleFeatures<int16_t>();
00869         case PT_UINT16: return new CSimpleFeatures<uint16_t>();
00870         case PT_INT32: return new CSimpleFeatures<int32_t>();
00871         case PT_UINT32: return new CSimpleFeatures<uint32_t>();
00872         case PT_INT64: return new CSimpleFeatures<int64_t>();
00873         case PT_UINT64: return new CSimpleFeatures<uint64_t>();
00874         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CSimpleFeatures<float32_t>();
00875         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CSimpleFeatures<float64_t>();
00876         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CSimpleFeatures<floatmax_t>();
00877         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00878     }
00879     return NULL;
00880 }
00881 static CSGObject* __new_CStringFileFeatures(EPrimitiveType g)
00882 {
00883     switch (g)
00884     {
00885         case PT_BOOL: return new CStringFileFeatures<bool>();
00886         case PT_CHAR: return new CStringFileFeatures<char>();
00887         case PT_INT8: return new CStringFileFeatures<int8_t>();
00888         case PT_UINT8: return new CStringFileFeatures<uint8_t>();
00889         case PT_INT16: return new CStringFileFeatures<int16_t>();
00890         case PT_UINT16: return new CStringFileFeatures<uint16_t>();
00891         case PT_INT32: return new CStringFileFeatures<int32_t>();
00892         case PT_UINT32: return new CStringFileFeatures<uint32_t>();
00893         case PT_INT64: return new CStringFileFeatures<int64_t>();
00894         case PT_UINT64: return new CStringFileFeatures<uint64_t>();
00895         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CStringFileFeatures<float32_t>();
00896         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CStringFileFeatures<float64_t>();
00897         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CStringFileFeatures<floatmax_t>();
00898         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00899     }
00900     return NULL;
00901 }
00902 static CSGObject* __new_CStringFeatures(EPrimitiveType g)
00903 {
00904     switch (g)
00905     {
00906         case PT_BOOL: return new CStringFeatures<bool>();
00907         case PT_CHAR: return new CStringFeatures<char>();
00908         case PT_INT8: return new CStringFeatures<int8_t>();
00909         case PT_UINT8: return new CStringFeatures<uint8_t>();
00910         case PT_INT16: return new CStringFeatures<int16_t>();
00911         case PT_UINT16: return new CStringFeatures<uint16_t>();
00912         case PT_INT32: return new CStringFeatures<int32_t>();
00913         case PT_UINT32: return new CStringFeatures<uint32_t>();
00914         case PT_INT64: return new CStringFeatures<int64_t>();
00915         case PT_UINT64: return new CStringFeatures<uint64_t>();
00916         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CStringFeatures<float32_t>();
00917         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CStringFeatures<float64_t>();
00918         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CStringFeatures<floatmax_t>();
00919         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00920     }
00921     return NULL;
00922 }
00923 static CSGObject* __new_CSparseFeatures(EPrimitiveType g)
00924 {
00925     switch (g)
00926     {
00927         case PT_BOOL: return new CSparseFeatures<bool>();
00928         case PT_CHAR: return new CSparseFeatures<char>();
00929         case PT_INT8: return new CSparseFeatures<int8_t>();
00930         case PT_UINT8: return new CSparseFeatures<uint8_t>();
00931         case PT_INT16: return new CSparseFeatures<int16_t>();
00932         case PT_UINT16: return new CSparseFeatures<uint16_t>();
00933         case PT_INT32: return new CSparseFeatures<int32_t>();
00934         case PT_UINT32: return new CSparseFeatures<uint32_t>();
00935         case PT_INT64: return new CSparseFeatures<int64_t>();
00936         case PT_UINT64: return new CSparseFeatures<uint64_t>();
00937         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CSparseFeatures<float32_t>();
00938         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CSparseFeatures<float64_t>();
00939         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CSparseFeatures<floatmax_t>();
00940         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00941     }
00942     return NULL;
00943 }
00944 static CSGObject* __new_CStreamingSparseFeatures(EPrimitiveType g)
00945 {
00946     switch (g)
00947     {
00948         case PT_BOOL: return new CStreamingSparseFeatures<bool>();
00949         case PT_CHAR: return new CStreamingSparseFeatures<char>();
00950         case PT_INT8: return new CStreamingSparseFeatures<int8_t>();
00951         case PT_UINT8: return new CStreamingSparseFeatures<uint8_t>();
00952         case PT_INT16: return new CStreamingSparseFeatures<int16_t>();
00953         case PT_UINT16: return new CStreamingSparseFeatures<uint16_t>();
00954         case PT_INT32: return new CStreamingSparseFeatures<int32_t>();
00955         case PT_UINT32: return new CStreamingSparseFeatures<uint32_t>();
00956         case PT_INT64: return new CStreamingSparseFeatures<int64_t>();
00957         case PT_UINT64: return new CStreamingSparseFeatures<uint64_t>();
00958         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CStreamingSparseFeatures<float32_t>();
00959         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CStreamingSparseFeatures<float64_t>();
00960         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CStreamingSparseFeatures<floatmax_t>();
00961         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00962     }
00963     return NULL;
00964 }
00965 static CSGObject* __new_CStreamingStringFeatures(EPrimitiveType g)
00966 {
00967     switch (g)
00968     {
00969         case PT_BOOL: return new CStreamingStringFeatures<bool>();
00970         case PT_CHAR: return new CStreamingStringFeatures<char>();
00971         case PT_INT8: return new CStreamingStringFeatures<int8_t>();
00972         case PT_UINT8: return new CStreamingStringFeatures<uint8_t>();
00973         case PT_INT16: return new CStreamingStringFeatures<int16_t>();
00974         case PT_UINT16: return new CStreamingStringFeatures<uint16_t>();
00975         case PT_INT32: return new CStreamingStringFeatures<int32_t>();
00976         case PT_UINT32: return new CStreamingStringFeatures<uint32_t>();
00977         case PT_INT64: return new CStreamingStringFeatures<int64_t>();
00978         case PT_UINT64: return new CStreamingStringFeatures<uint64_t>();
00979         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CStreamingStringFeatures<float32_t>();
00980         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CStreamingStringFeatures<float64_t>();
00981         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CStreamingStringFeatures<floatmax_t>();
00982         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
00983     }
00984     return NULL;
00985 }
00986 static CSGObject* __new_CStreamingSimpleFeatures(EPrimitiveType g)
00987 {
00988     switch (g)
00989     {
00990         case PT_BOOL: return new CStreamingSimpleFeatures<bool>();
00991         case PT_CHAR: return new CStreamingSimpleFeatures<char>();
00992         case PT_INT8: return new CStreamingSimpleFeatures<int8_t>();
00993         case PT_UINT8: return new CStreamingSimpleFeatures<uint8_t>();
00994         case PT_INT16: return new CStreamingSimpleFeatures<int16_t>();
00995         case PT_UINT16: return new CStreamingSimpleFeatures<uint16_t>();
00996         case PT_INT32: return new CStreamingSimpleFeatures<int32_t>();
00997         case PT_UINT32: return new CStreamingSimpleFeatures<uint32_t>();
00998         case PT_INT64: return new CStreamingSimpleFeatures<int64_t>();
00999         case PT_UINT64: return new CStreamingSimpleFeatures<uint64_t>();
01000         case PT_FLOAT32: return new CStreamingSimpleFeatures<float32_t>();
01001         case PT_FLOAT64: return new CStreamingSimpleFeatures<float64_t>();
01002         case PT_FLOATMAX: return new CStreamingSimpleFeatures<floatmax_t>();
01003         case PT_SGOBJECT: return NULL;
01004     }
01005     return NULL;
01006 }
01007 typedef CSGObject* (*new_sgserializable_t)(EPrimitiveType generic);
01009 typedef struct
01010 {
01011     const char* m_class_name;
01012     new_sgserializable_t m_new_sgserializable;
01013 } class_list_entry_t;
01014 #endif
01016 static class_list_entry_t class_list[] = {
01017 {"KernelLocallyLinearEmbedding", __new_CKernelLocallyLinearEmbedding},
01018 {"MultidimensionalScaling", __new_CMultidimensionalScaling},
01019 {"DiffusionMaps", __new_CDiffusionMaps},
01020 {"Isomap", __new_CIsomap},
01021 {"KernelLocalTangentSpaceAlignment", __new_CKernelLocalTangentSpaceAlignment},
01022 {"LocalTangentSpaceAlignment", __new_CLocalTangentSpaceAlignment},
01023 {"NeighborhoodPreservingEmbedding", __new_CNeighborhoodPreservingEmbedding},
01024 {"LinearLocalTangentSpaceAlignment", __new_CLinearLocalTangentSpaceAlignment},
01025 {"LaplacianEigenmaps", __new_CLaplacianEigenmaps},
01026 {"HessianLocallyLinearEmbedding", __new_CHessianLocallyLinearEmbedding},
01027 {"LocallyLinearEmbedding", __new_CLocallyLinearEmbedding},
01028 {"LocalityPreservingProjections", __new_CLocalityPreservingProjections},
01029 {"SegmentLoss", __new_CSegmentLoss},
01030 {"PlifMatrix", __new_CPlifMatrix},
01031 {"IntronList", __new_CIntronList},
01032 {"PlifArray", __new_CPlifArray},
01033 {"DynProg", __new_CDynProg},
01034 {"Plif", __new_CPlif},
01035 {"HMM", __new_CHMM},
01036 {"LinearHMM", __new_CLinearHMM},
01037 {"Gaussian", __new_CGaussian},
01038 {"PositionalPWM", __new_CPositionalPWM},
01039 {"Histogram", __new_CHistogram},
01040 {"GHMM", __new_CGHMM},
01041 {"SquaredHingeLoss", __new_CSquaredHingeLoss},
01042 {"SmoothHingeLoss", __new_CSmoothHingeLoss},
01043 {"LogLoss", __new_CLogLoss},
01044 {"LogLossMargin", __new_CLogLossMargin},
01045 {"HingeLoss", __new_CHingeLoss},
01046 {"SquaredLoss", __new_CSquaredLoss},
01047 {"DistanceMachine", __new_CDistanceMachine},
01048 {"OnlineLinearMachine", __new_COnlineLinearMachine},
01049 {"LinearMachine", __new_CLinearMachine},
01050 {"KernelMachine", __new_CKernelMachine},
01051 {"PRCEvaluation", __new_CPRCEvaluation},
01052 {"MeanSquaredError", __new_CMeanSquaredError},
01053 {"StratifiedCrossValidationSplitting", __new_CStratifiedCrossValidationSplitting},
01054 {"MulticlassAccuracy", __new_CMulticlassAccuracy},
01055 {"MeanAbsoluteError", __new_CMeanAbsoluteError},
01056 {"ContingencyTableEvaluation", __new_CContingencyTableEvaluation},
01057 {"AccuracyMeasure", __new_CAccuracyMeasure},
01058 {"ErrorRateMeasure", __new_CErrorRateMeasure},
01059 {"BALMeasure", __new_CBALMeasure},
01060 {"WRACCMeasure", __new_CWRACCMeasure},
01061 {"F1Measure", __new_CF1Measure},
01062 {"CrossCorrelationMeasure", __new_CCrossCorrelationMeasure},
01063 {"RecallMeasure", __new_CRecallMeasure},
01064 {"PrecisionMeasure", __new_CPrecisionMeasure},
01065 {"SpecificityMeasure", __new_CSpecificityMeasure},
01066 {"CrossValidation", __new_CCrossValidation},
01067 {"ROCEvaluation", __new_CROCEvaluation},
01068 {"KRR", __new_CKRR},
01069 {"SVRLight", __new_CSVRLight},
01070 {"MKLRegression", __new_CMKLRegression},
01071 {"LibSVR", __new_CLibSVR},
01072 {"Statistics", __new_CStatistics},
01073 {"Math", __new_CMath},
01074 {"ListElement", __new_CListElement},
01075 {"List", __new_CList},
01076 {"BitString", __new_CBitString},
01077 {"Signal", __new_CSignal},
01078 {"Time", __new_CTime},
01079 {"FibonacciHeap", __new_CFibonacciHeap},
01080 {"Compressor", __new_CCompressor},
01081 {"Hash", __new_CHash},
01082 {"HashSet", __new_CHashSet},
01083 {"RandomFourierGaussPreproc", __new_CRandomFourierGaussPreproc},
01084 {"LogPlusOne", __new_CLogPlusOne},
01085 {"SortWordString", __new_CSortWordString},
01086 {"NormOne", __new_CNormOne},
01087 {"KernelPCA", __new_CKernelPCA},
01088 {"DimensionReductionPreprocessor", __new_CDimensionReductionPreprocessor},
01089 {"PCA", __new_CPCA},
01090 {"SortUlongString", __new_CSortUlongString},
01091 {"PruneVarSubMean", __new_CPruneVarSubMean},
01092 {"GUILabels", __new_CGUILabels},
01093 {"GUIClassifier", __new_CGUIClassifier},
01094 {"GUITime", __new_CGUITime},
01095 {"GUIFeatures", __new_CGUIFeatures},
01096 {"GUIPluginEstimate", __new_CGUIPluginEstimate},
01097 {"GUIPreprocessor", __new_CGUIPreprocessor},
01098 {"GUIStructure", __new_CGUIStructure},
01099 {"GUIDistance", __new_CGUIDistance},
01100 {"GUIKernel", __new_CGUIKernel},
01101 {"GUIHMM", __new_CGUIHMM},
01102 {"GUIMath", __new_CGUIMath},
01103 {"KNN", __new_CKNN},
01104 {"GaussianNaiveBayes", __new_CGaussianNaiveBayes},
01105 {"GMNPLib", __new_CGMNPLib},
01106 {"SVMLightOneClass", __new_CSVMLightOneClass},
01107 {"LaRank", __new_CLaRank},
01108 {"SVMLin", __new_CSVMLin},
01109 {"SVMSGD", __new_CSVMSGD},
01110 {"MultiClassSVM", __new_CMultiClassSVM},
01111 {"SVM", __new_CSVM},
01112 {"SubGradientSVM", __new_CSubGradientSVM},
01113 {"QPBSVMLib", __new_CQPBSVMLib},
01114 {"OnlineLibLinear", __new_COnlineLibLinear},
01115 {"GPBTSVM", __new_CGPBTSVM},
01116 {"SVMOcas", __new_CSVMOcas},
01117 {"MPDSVM", __new_CMPDSVM},
01118 {"SGDQN", __new_CSGDQN},
01119 {"DomainAdaptationSVM", __new_CDomainAdaptationSVM},
01120 {"LibSVMOneClass", __new_CLibSVMOneClass},
01121 {"ScatterSVM", __new_CScatterSVM},
01122 {"LibSVM", __new_CLibSVM},
01123 {"LibLinear", __new_CLibLinear},
01124 {"GMNPSVM", __new_CGMNPSVM},
01125 {"OnlineSVMSGD", __new_COnlineSVMSGD},
01126 {"Tron", __new_CTron},
01127 {"DomainAdaptationSVMLinear", __new_CDomainAdaptationSVMLinear},
01128 {"GNPPLib", __new_CGNPPLib},
01129 {"LibSVMMultiClass", __new_CLibSVMMultiClass},
01130 {"GNPPSVM", __new_CGNPPSVM},
01131 {"SVMLight", __new_CSVMLight},
01132 {"WDSVMOcas", __new_CWDSVMOcas},
01133 {"Perceptron", __new_CPerceptron},
01134 {"AveragedPerceptron", __new_CAveragedPerceptron},
01135 {"VwNonAdaptiveLearner", __new_CVwNonAdaptiveLearner},
01136 {"VwAdaptiveLearner", __new_CVwAdaptiveLearner},
01137 {"VwEnvironment", __new_CVwEnvironment},
01138 {"VwRegressor", __new_CVwRegressor},
01139 {"VwParser", __new_CVwParser},
01140 {"VwNativeCacheWriter", __new_CVwNativeCacheWriter},
01141 {"VwNativeCacheReader", __new_CVwNativeCacheReader},
01142 {"VowpalWabbit", __new_CVowpalWabbit},
01143 {"PluginEstimate", __new_CPluginEstimate},
01144 {"MKLMultiClass", __new_CMKLMultiClass},
01145 {"MKLOneClass", __new_CMKLOneClass},
01146 {"MKLClassification", __new_CMKLClassification},
01147 {"LDA", __new_CLDA},
01148 {"LinearStringKernel", __new_CLinearStringKernel},
01149 {"DistanceKernel", __new_CDistanceKernel},
01150 {"LogKernel", __new_CLogKernel},
01151 {"RegulatoryModulesStringKernel", __new_CRegulatoryModulesStringKernel},
01152 {"MultiquadricKernel", __new_CMultiquadricKernel},
01153 {"PolyKernel", __new_CPolyKernel},
01154 {"OligoStringKernel", __new_COligoStringKernel},
01155 {"SplineKernel", __new_CSplineKernel},
01156 {"GaussianShortRealKernel", __new_CGaussianShortRealKernel},
01157 {"ScatterKernelNormalizer", __new_CScatterKernelNormalizer},
01158 {"CircularKernel", __new_CCircularKernel},
01159 {"CauchyKernel", __new_CCauchyKernel},
01160 {"RidgeKernelNormalizer", __new_CRidgeKernelNormalizer},
01161 {"SphericalKernel", __new_CSphericalKernel},
01162 {"MultitaskKernelNormalizer", __new_CMultitaskKernelNormalizer},
01163 {"CustomKernel", __new_CCustomKernel},
01164 {"CommUlongStringKernel", __new_CCommUlongStringKernel},
01165 {"VarianceKernelNormalizer", __new_CVarianceKernelNormalizer},
01166 {"DiceKernelNormalizer", __new_CDiceKernelNormalizer},
01167 {"GaussianKernel", __new_CGaussianKernel},
01168 {"SqrtDiagKernelNormalizer", __new_CSqrtDiagKernelNormalizer},
01169 {"LocalAlignmentStringKernel", __new_CLocalAlignmentStringKernel},
01170 {"SpectrumMismatchRBFKernel", __new_CSpectrumMismatchRBFKernel},
01171 {"SNPStringKernel", __new_CSNPStringKernel},
01172 {"AvgDiagKernelNormalizer", __new_CAvgDiagKernelNormalizer},
01173 {"MultitaskKernelPlifNormalizer", __new_CMultitaskKernelPlifNormalizer},
01174 {"TStudentKernel", __new_CTStudentKernel},
01175 {"WaveKernel", __new_CWaveKernel},
01176 {"WeightedDegreePositionStringKernel", __new_CWeightedDegreePositionStringKernel},
01177 {"MultitaskKernelMaskPairNormalizer", __new_CMultitaskKernelMaskPairNormalizer},
01178 {"Chi2Kernel", __new_CChi2Kernel},
01179 {"SparseSpatialSampleStringKernel", __new_CSparseSpatialSampleStringKernel},
01180 {"SpectrumRBFKernel", __new_CSpectrumRBFKernel},
01181 {"HistogramIntersectionKernel", __new_CHistogramIntersectionKernel},
01182 {"LinearKernel", __new_CLinearKernel},
01183 {"TanimotoKernelNormalizer", __new_CTanimotoKernelNormalizer},
01184 {"TensorProductPairKernel", __new_CTensorProductPairKernel},
01185 {"PolyMatchStringKernel", __new_CPolyMatchStringKernel},
01186 {"ANOVAKernel", __new_CANOVAKernel},
01187 {"WeightedCommWordStringKernel", __new_CWeightedCommWordStringKernel},
01188 {"PowerKernel", __new_CPowerKernel},
01189 {"InverseMultiQuadricKernel", __new_CInverseMultiQuadricKernel},
01190 {"WeightedDegreeStringKernel", __new_CWeightedDegreeStringKernel},
01191 {"FixedDegreeStringKernel", __new_CFixedDegreeStringKernel},
01192 {"GaussianShiftKernel", __new_CGaussianShiftKernel},
01193 {"WeightedDegreeRBFKernel", __new_CWeightedDegreeRBFKernel},
01194 {"BesselKernel", __new_CBesselKernel},
01195 {"AUCKernel", __new_CAUCKernel},
01196 {"SimpleLocalityImprovedStringKernel", __new_CSimpleLocalityImprovedStringKernel},
01197 {"DiagKernel", __new_CDiagKernel},
01198 {"DistantSegmentsKernel", __new_CDistantSegmentsKernel},
01199 {"FirstElementKernelNormalizer", __new_CFirstElementKernelNormalizer},
01200 {"PolyMatchWordStringKernel", __new_CPolyMatchWordStringKernel},
01201 {"CommWordStringKernel", __new_CCommWordStringKernel},
01202 {"WaveletKernel", __new_CWaveletKernel},
01203 {"GaussianMatchStringKernel", __new_CGaussianMatchStringKernel},
01204 {"RationalQuadraticKernel", __new_CRationalQuadraticKernel},
01205 {"ExponentialKernel", __new_CExponentialKernel},
01206 {"PyramidChi2", __new_CPyramidChi2},
01207 {"MultitaskKernelMaskNormalizer", __new_CMultitaskKernelMaskNormalizer},
01208 {"IdentityKernelNormalizer", __new_CIdentityKernelNormalizer},
01209 {"ConstKernel", __new_CConstKernel},
01210 {"LocalityImprovedStringKernel", __new_CLocalityImprovedStringKernel},
01211 {"CombinedKernel", __new_CCombinedKernel},
01212 {"ZeroMeanCenterKernelNormalizer", __new_CZeroMeanCenterKernelNormalizer},
01213 {"SalzbergWordStringKernel", __new_CSalzbergWordStringKernel},
01214 {"HistogramWordStringKernel", __new_CHistogramWordStringKernel},
01215 {"MatchWordStringKernel", __new_CMatchWordStringKernel},
01216 {"SigmoidKernel", __new_CSigmoidKernel},
01217 {"Node", __new_CNode},
01218 {"Taxonomy", __new_CTaxonomy},
01219 {"MultitaskKernelTreeNormalizer", __new_CMultitaskKernelTreeNormalizer},
01220 {"AsciiFile", __new_CAsciiFile},
01221 {"StreamingFile", __new_CStreamingFile},
01222 {"BinaryFile", __new_CBinaryFile},
01223 {"StreamingVwFile", __new_CStreamingVwFile},
01224 {"StreamingAsciiFile", __new_CStreamingAsciiFile},
01225 {"StreamingFileFromFeatures", __new_CStreamingFileFromFeatures},
01226 {"StreamingVwCacheFile", __new_CStreamingVwCacheFile},
01227 {"SerializableAsciiFile", __new_CSerializableAsciiFile},
01228 {"IOBuffer", __new_CIOBuffer},
01229 {"Labels", __new_CLabels},
01230 {"TOPFeatures", __new_CTOPFeatures},
01231 {"StreamingVwFeatures", __new_CStreamingVwFeatures},
01232 {"DummyFeatures", __new_CDummyFeatures},
01233 {"SparsePolyFeatures", __new_CSparsePolyFeatures},
01234 {"ImplicitWeightedSpecFeatures", __new_CImplicitWeightedSpecFeatures},
01235 {"HashedWDFeatures", __new_CHashedWDFeatures},
01236 {"CombinedDotFeatures", __new_CCombinedDotFeatures},
01237 {"LBPPyrDotFeatures", __new_CLBPPyrDotFeatures},
01238 {"ExplicitSpecFeatures", __new_CExplicitSpecFeatures},
01239 {"SNPFeatures", __new_CSNPFeatures},
01240 {"PolyFeatures", __new_CPolyFeatures},
01241 {"FKFeatures", __new_CFKFeatures},
01242 {"RealFileFeatures", __new_CRealFileFeatures},
01243 {"HashedWDFeaturesTransposed", __new_CHashedWDFeaturesTransposed},
01244 {"CombinedFeatures", __new_CCombinedFeatures},
01245 {"Alphabet", __new_CAlphabet},
01246 {"Subset", __new_CSubset},
01247 {"WDFeatures", __new_CWDFeatures},
01248 {"MinkowskiMetric", __new_CMinkowskiMetric},
01249 {"HammingWordDistance", __new_CHammingWordDistance},
01250 {"AttenuatedEuclidianDistance", __new_CAttenuatedEuclidianDistance},
01251 {"CanberraWordDistance", __new_CCanberraWordDistance},
01252 {"KernelDistance", __new_CKernelDistance},
01253 {"ChiSquareDistance", __new_CChiSquareDistance},
01254 {"ManhattanMetric", __new_CManhattanMetric},
01255 {"CustomDistance", __new_CCustomDistance},
01256 {"BrayCurtisDistance", __new_CBrayCurtisDistance},
01257 {"CosineDistance", __new_CCosineDistance},
01258 {"SparseEuclidianDistance", __new_CSparseEuclidianDistance},
01259 {"EuclidianDistance", __new_CEuclidianDistance},
01260 {"CanberraMetric", __new_CCanberraMetric},
01261 {"TanimotoDistance", __new_CTanimotoDistance},
01262 {"GeodesicMetric", __new_CGeodesicMetric},
01263 {"JensenMetric", __new_CJensenMetric},
01264 {"ChebyshewMetric", __new_CChebyshewMetric},
01265 {"ManhattanWordDistance", __new_CManhattanWordDistance},
01266 {"ParameterCombination", __new_CParameterCombination},
01267 {"ModelSelectionParameters", __new_CModelSelectionParameters},
01268 {"GridSearchModelSelection", __new_CGridSearchModelSelection},
01269 {"Hierarchical", __new_CHierarchical},
01270 {"KMeans", __new_CKMeans},
01271 {"GMM", __new_CGMM},
01272 {"Array2", __new_CArray2},
01273 {"Array3", __new_CArray3},
01274 {"DynamicObjectArray", __new_CDynamicObjectArray},
01275 {"Array", __new_CArray},
01276 {"DynamicArray", __new_CDynamicArray},
01277 {"Set", __new_CSet},
01278 {"Cache", __new_CCache},
01279 {"DecompressString", __new_CDecompressString},
01280 {"ParseBuffer", __new_CParseBuffer},
01281 {"StreamingFileFromSparseFeatures", __new_CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures},
01282 {"StreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures", __new_CStreamingFileFromSimpleFeatures},
01283 {"BinaryStream", __new_CBinaryStream},
01284 {"MemoryMappedFile", __new_CMemoryMappedFile},
01285 {"StreamingFileFromStringFeatures", __new_CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures},
01286 {"SimpleFile", __new_CSimpleFile},
01287 {"SimpleFeatures", __new_CSimpleFeatures},
01288 {"StringFileFeatures", __new_CStringFileFeatures},
01289 {"StringFeatures", __new_CStringFeatures},
01290 {"SparseFeatures", __new_CSparseFeatures},
01291 {"StreamingSparseFeatures", __new_CStreamingSparseFeatures},
01292 {"StreamingStringFeatures", __new_CStreamingStringFeatures},
01293 {"StreamingSimpleFeatures", __new_CStreamingSimpleFeatures},    {NULL, NULL}
01294 };
01296 CSGObject* shogun::new_sgserializable(const char* sgserializable_name,
01297                            EPrimitiveType generic)
01298 {
01299     for (class_list_entry_t* i=class_list; i->m_class_name != NULL;
01300          i++)
01301     {
01302         if (strncmp(i->m_class_name, sgserializable_name, STRING_LEN) == 0)
01303             return i->m_new_sgserializable(generic);
01304     }
01306     return NULL;
01307 }
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SHOGUN Machine Learning Toolbox - Documentation