class LinearLocalTangentSpaceAlignment converter used to construct embeddings as described in: ...
bool create_locallylinearembedding(int32_t k)
bool create_linearlocaltangentspacealignment(int32_t k)
bool create_hessianlocallylinearembedding(int32_t k)
class EmbeddingConverter (part of the Efficient Dimensionality Reduction Toolkit) used to construct e...
bool create_multidimensionalscaling()
bool create_neighborhoodpreservingembedding(int32_t k)
class LocalTangentSpaceAlignment used to embed data using Local Tangent Space Alignment (LTSA) algori...
class DiffusionMaps used to preprocess given data using Diffusion Maps dimensionality reduction techn...
bool create_localtangentspacealignment(int32_t k)
class LocalityPreservingProjections used to compute embeddings of data using Locality Preserving Proj...
class Multidimensionalscaling is used to perform multidimensional scaling (capable of landmark approx...
NeighborhoodPreservingEmbedding converter used to construct embeddings as described in: ...
bool create_laplacianeigenmaps(int32_t k, float64_t width)
bool create_isomap(int32_t k)
Class SGObject is the base class of all shogun objects.
CDenseFeatures< float64_t > * apply()
class LocallyLinearEmbedding used to embed data using Locally Linear Embedding algorithm described in...
CDenseFeatures< float64_t > * embed(int32_t target_dim)
bool create_localitypreservingprojections(int32_t k, float64_t width)
The well known Gaussian kernel (swiss army knife for SVMs) computed on CDotFeatures.
virtual CFeatures * apply(CFeatures *features)=0
class HessianLocallyLinearEmbedding used to preprocess data using Hessian Locally Linear Embedding al...
class LaplacianEigenmaps used to construct embeddings of data using Laplacian Eigenmaps algorithm as ...
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
The Isomap class is used to embed data using Isomap algorithm as described in:
bool create_diffusionmaps(int32_t t, float64_t width)