11 #ifndef __GUICONVERTER_H__
12 #define __GUICONVERTER_H__
71 virtual const char*
const {
return "GUIConverter"; }
class Converter used to convert data
bool create_locallylinearembedding(int32_t k)
bool create_linearlocaltangentspacealignment(int32_t k)
bool create_hessianlocallylinearembedding(int32_t k)
bool create_multidimensionalscaling()
bool create_neighborhoodpreservingembedding(int32_t k)
bool create_localtangentspacealignment(int32_t k)
bool create_laplacianeigenmaps(int32_t k, float64_t width)
bool create_isomap(int32_t k)
Class SGObject is the base class of all shogun objects.
CDenseFeatures< float64_t > * apply()
virtual const char * get_name() const
CDenseFeatures< float64_t > * embed(int32_t target_dim)
bool create_localitypreservingprojections(int32_t k, float64_t width)
all of classes and functions are contained in the shogun namespace
bool create_diffusionmaps(int32_t t, float64_t width)