Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- u -
- CUAIFile()
: CUAIFile
- CUWedge()
: CUWedge
- CUWedgeSep()
: CUWedgeSep
- u
: CLPBoost
- ui
: CGUIClassifier
, CGUIDistance
, CGUIFeatures
, CGUIKernel
, CGUILabels
, CGUIMath
, CGUIPluginEstimate
, CGUIPreprocessor
, CGUIStructure
, CGUITime
- ulong_of_substring()
- unembed_word()
: CStringFeatures< ST >
- union_set()
: CDisjointSet
- unique()
: SGVector< T >
- Unique()
: Unique< T >
- univariate_log_pdf()
: CGaussianDistribution
- unlock()
: CLock
- unlock_entry()
: CCache< T >
- unlock_kernel_row()
- unref()
: Parallel
, RefCount
, SGReferencedData
, Version
- unset_cv_pruning()
: CCARTree
- unset_generic()
: CSGObject
- unset_handler()
: CSignal
- unset_property()
: CFeatures
, CKernel
- up_step()
: CDeepBeliefNetwork
- update()
: CEPInferenceMethod
, CExactInferenceMethod
, CFITCInferenceMethod
, CInferenceMethod
, CKLInferenceMethod
, CLaplacianInferenceBase
, CSingleFITCLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSingleLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSparseInferenceBase
, CSparseVGInferenceMethod
- update_alpha()
: CEPInferenceMethod
, CExactInferenceMethod
, CFITCInferenceMethod
, CInferenceMethod
, CKLApproxDiagonalInferenceMethod
, CKLCholeskyInferenceMethod
, CKLCovarianceInferenceMethod
, CKLDualInferenceMethod
, CMultiLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSingleFITCLaplacianBase
, CSingleFITCLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSingleFITCLaplacianInferenceMethodWithLBFGS
, CSingleLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSingleLaplacianInferenceMethodWithLBFGS
, CSparseVGInferenceMethod
- update_approx_cov()
: CEPInferenceMethod
, CKLCovarianceInferenceMethod
, CKLDualInferenceMethod
, CKLInferenceMethod
, CKLLowerTriangularInferenceMethod
, CLaplacianInferenceBase
, CMultiLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSingleFITCLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSingleLaplacianInferenceMethod
- update_approx_mean()
: CEPInferenceMethod
- update_cache()
: CMultitaskKernelPlifNormalizer
, CMultitaskKernelTreeNormalizer
- update_chol()
: CEPInferenceMethod
, CExactInferenceMethod
, CFITCInferenceMethod
, CInferenceMethod
, CKLCovarianceInferenceMethod
, CKLDualInferenceMethod
, CKLLowerTriangularInferenceMethod
, CMultiLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSingleFITCLaplacianBase
, CSingleFITCLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSingleLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSparseVGInferenceMethod
- update_context()
: AdaDeltaUpdater
, AdaGradUpdater
, AdaptMomentumCorrection
, ConstLearningRate
, DescendCorrection
, DescendUpdater
, DescendUpdaterWithCorrection
, ElasticNetPenalty
, FirstOrderMinimizer
, FirstOrderStochasticMinimizer
, InverseScalingLearningRate
, L1Penalty
, L1PenaltyForTG
, L2Penalty
, LearningRate
, MappingFunction
, MomentumCorrection
, Penalty
, PNormMappingFunction
, RmsPropUpdater
, SMDMinimizer
, SMIDASMinimizer
- update_cov()
: CExactInferenceMethod
- update_delta_cache()
- update_deriv()
: CEPInferenceMethod
, CExactInferenceMethod
, CFITCInferenceMethod
, CInferenceMethod
, CKLCovarianceInferenceMethod
, CKLDualInferenceMethod
, CKLLowerTriangularInferenceMethod
, CMultiLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSingleFITCLaplacianBase
, CSingleFITCLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSingleLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSparseVGInferenceMethod
- update_dim_feature_space_and_num_vec()
: CCombinedDotFeatures
- update_evaluation_result()
: CCrossValidationOutput
, CCrossValidationPrintOutput
- update_fold_index()
: CCrossValidationOutput
, CCrossValidationPrintOutput
- update_gradient()
: FirstOrderMinimizer
- update_init()
: CKLInferenceMethod
, CKLLowerTriangularInferenceMethod
, CSingleFITCLaplacianInferenceMethod
, CSingleLaplacianInferenceMethod
- update_init_helper()
: CKLInferenceMethod
- update_InvK_Sigma()
: CKLApproxDiagonalInferenceMethod
, CKLCholeskyInferenceMethod
, CKLLowerTriangularInferenceMethod
- update_linear_component()
: CSVMLight
, CSVRLight
- update_linear_component_linadd_helper()
: CSVMLight
, CSVRLight
- update_linear_component_mkl()
: CSVMLight
, CSVRLight
- update_linear_component_mkl_linadd()
: CSVMLight
, CSVRLight
- update_linear_component_mkl_linadd_helper()
: CSVMLight
- update_mean()
: CExactInferenceMethod
- update_negative_ml()
: CEPInferenceMethod
- update_parameter_hash()
: CSGObject
- update_params_em()
: CDiscreteDistribution
, CDistribution
, CGaussian
- update_run_index()
: CCrossValidationOutput
, CCrossValidationPrintOutput
- update_Sigma()
: CKLApproxDiagonalInferenceMethod
, CKLCholeskyInferenceMethod
, CKLLowerTriangularInferenceMethod
- update_sum
: CVwEnvironment
- update_task_histogram()
: CTaxonomy
- update_test_indices()
: CCrossValidationOutput
, CCrossValidationPrintOutput
- update_test_result()
: CCrossValidationMulticlassStorage
, CCrossValidationOutput
, CCrossValidationPrintOutput
- update_test_true_result()
: CCrossValidationMulticlassStorage
, CCrossValidationOutput
, CCrossValidationPrintOutput
- update_train_indices()
: CCrossValidationOutput
, CCrossValidationPrintOutput
- update_train_kernel()
: CInferenceMethod
, CSparseInferenceBase
- update_trained_machine()
: CCrossValidationMKLStorage
, CCrossValidationOutput
, CCrossValidationPrintOutput
- update_variable()
: AdaDeltaUpdater
, AdaGradUpdater
, DescendUpdater
, DescendUpdaterWithCorrection
, MappingFunction
, PNormMappingFunction
, RmsPropUpdater
- update_variable_for_proximity()
: ElasticNetPenalty
, L1Penalty
, L1PenaltyForTG
, ProximalPenalty
- update_W()
: CSVMOcas
- upper_diagonal
: CCustomDistance
, CCustomKernel
- use_alphabet()
: CStreamingStringFeatures< T >
- use_batch_computation
: CKernelMachine
- use_bias
: CKernelMachine
, CLibLinear
, CLibLinearMTL
, CLPBoost
, CNewtonSVM
, CSVMOcas
- use_cache
: CPlif
- use_compact_terminal_nodes
: CTrie< Trie >
- use_dict_diagonal_optimization
: CCommWordStringKernel
- use_file()
: CIOBuffer
- use_kernel_cache
: CSVMLight
- use_linadd
: CKernelMachine
- use_mean
: CMahalanobisDistance
- use_normalization
: CExplicitSpecFeatures
- use_optimized_diagonal_computation
: CDiceKernelNormalizer
, CSqrtDiagKernelNormalizer
, CTanimotoKernelNormalizer
- use_poim_tries
: CWeightedDegreePositionStringKernel
- use_quadratic
: CHashedDenseFeatures< ST >
, CHashedSparseFeatures< ST >
, CStreamingHashedDenseFeatures< ST >
, CStreamingHashedSparseFeatures< ST >
- use_sg_mallocs
: CMap< K, T >
, CSet< T >
, DynArray< T >
- use_shrinking
- use_sign
: CCommUlongStringKernel
, CCommWordStringKernel
, CHammingWordDistance
- use_svm
: CPlif
- uses_svm_values()
: CPlif
, CPlifArray
, CPlifBase