The Likelihood model base class.
The Likelihood model computes approximately the distribution \(p(y|f)\), where \(y\) are the labels, and \(f\) is the prediction function.
Definition at line 62 of file LikelihoodModel.h.
Public Attributes | |
SGIO * | io |
Parallel * | parallel |
Version * | version |
Parameter * | m_parameters |
Parameter * | m_model_selection_parameters |
Parameter * | m_gradient_parameters |
uint32_t | m_hash |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | load_serializable_pre () throw (ShogunException) |
virtual void | load_serializable_post () throw (ShogunException) |
virtual void | save_serializable_pre () throw (ShogunException) |
virtual void | save_serializable_post () throw (ShogunException) |
CLikelihoodModel | ( | ) |
default constructor
Definition at line 37 of file LikelihoodModel.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 41 of file LikelihoodModel.cpp.
inherited |
Builds a dictionary of all parameters in SGObject as well of those of SGObjects that are parameters of this object. Dictionary maps parameters to the objects that own them.
dict | dictionary of parameters to be built. |
Definition at line 597 of file SGObject.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Creates a clone of the current object. This is done via recursively traversing all parameters, which corresponds to a deep copy. Calling equals on the cloned object always returns true although none of the memory of both objects overlaps.
Definition at line 714 of file SGObject.cpp.
virtualinherited |
A deep copy. All the instance variables will also be copied.
Definition at line 198 of file SGObject.cpp.
Recursively compares the current SGObject to another one. Compares all registered numerical parameters, recursion upon complex (SGObject) parameters. Does not compare pointers!
May be overwritten but please do with care! Should not be necessary in most cases.
other | object to compare with |
accuracy | accuracy to use for comparison (optional) |
tolerant | allows linient check on float equality (within accuracy) |
Definition at line 618 of file SGObject.cpp.
virtual |
get derivative of log likelihood \(log(p(y|f))\) with respect to given parameter
lab | labels used |
func | function location |
param | parameter |
Reimplemented in CVariationalLikelihood, CStudentsTLikelihood, and CGaussianLikelihood.
Definition at line 192 of file LikelihoodModel.h.
pure virtual |
returns the first moment of a given (unnormalized) probability distribution \(q(f_i) = Z_i^-1 p(y_i|f_i)\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\), where \( Z_i=\int p(y_i|f_i)\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2) df_i\).
This method is useful for EP local likelihood approximation.
mu | mean of the \(\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\) |
s2 | variance of the \(\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\) |
lab | labels \(y_i\) |
i | index i |
Implemented in CStudentsTLikelihood, CGaussianLikelihood, CSoftMaxLikelihood, CVariationalLikelihood, CProbitLikelihood, and CLogitLikelihood.
virtual |
returns the first moment of a given (unnormalized) probability distribution \(q(f_i) = Z_i^-1 p(y_i|f_i)\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\) for each \(f_i\), where \( Z_i=\int p(y_i|f_i)\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2) df_i\).
Wrapper method which calls get_first_moment multiple times.
mu | mean of the \(\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\) |
s2 | variance of the \(\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\) |
lab | labels \(y_i\) |
Definition at line 72 of file LikelihoodModel.cpp.
inherited |
inherited |
inherited |
pure virtual |
get derivative of log likelihood \(log(p(y|f))\) with respect to location function \(f\)
lab | labels used |
func | function location |
i | index, choices are 1, 2, and 3 for first, second, and third derivatives respectively |
Implemented in CSoftMaxLikelihood, CStudentsTLikelihood, CGaussianLikelihood, CVariationalLikelihood, CProbitLikelihood, and CLogitLikelihood.
pure virtual |
Returns the logarithm of the point-wise likelihood \(log(p(y_i|f_i))\) for each label \(y_i\).
One can evaluate log-likelihood like: \( log(p(y|f)) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} log(p(y_i|f_i))\)
lab | labels \(y_i\) |
func | values of the function \(f_i\) |
Implemented in CSoftMaxLikelihood, CStudentsTLikelihood, CGaussianLikelihood, CVariationalLikelihood, CProbitLikelihood, and CLogitLikelihood.
virtual |
Returns the log-likelihood \(log(p(y|f)) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} log(p(y_i|f_i))\) for each of the provided functions \( f \) in the given matrix.
Wrapper method which calls get_log_probability_f multiple times.
lab | labels \(y_i\) |
F | values of the function \(f_i\) where each column of the matrix is one function \( f \). |
Definition at line 51 of file LikelihoodModel.cpp.
pure virtual |
returns the zeroth moment of a given (unnormalized) probability distribution:
\[ log(Z_i) = log\left(\int p(y_i|f_i) \mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2) df_i\right) \]
for each \(f_i\).
mu | mean of the \(\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\) |
s2 | variance of the \(\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\) |
lab | labels \(y_i\) |
Implemented in CStudentsTLikelihood, CGaussianLikelihood, CSoftMaxLikelihood, CVariationalLikelihood, CProbitLikelihood, and CLogitLikelihood.
virtual |
get model type
Reimplemented in CStudentsTLikelihood, CGaussianLikelihood, CVariationalLikelihood, CProbitLikelihood, and CLogitLikelihood.
Definition at line 139 of file LikelihoodModel.h.
inherited |
Definition at line 498 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Returns description of a given parameter string, if it exists. SG_ERROR otherwise
param_name | name of the parameter |
Definition at line 522 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Returns index of model selection parameter with provided index
param_name | name of model selection parameter |
Definition at line 535 of file SGObject.cpp.
pure virtualinherited |
Returns the name of the SGSerializable instance. It MUST BE the CLASS NAME without the prefixed `C'.
Implemented in CMath, CHMM, CStringFeatures< ST >, CStringFeatures< T >, CStringFeatures< uint8_t >, CStringFeatures< char >, CStringFeatures< uint16_t >, CSVMLight, CTrie< Trie >, CTrie< DNATrie >, CTrie< POIMTrie >, CDynamicArray< T >, CDynamicArray< float64_t >, CDynamicArray< float32_t >, CDynamicArray< int32_t >, CDynamicArray< char >, CDynamicArray< bool >, CMultitaskKernelTreeNormalizer, CList, CDynProg, CDenseFeatures< ST >, CDenseFeatures< uint32_t >, CDenseFeatures< float64_t >, CDenseFeatures< T >, CDenseFeatures< uint16_t >, CStatistics, CFile, CSparseFeatures< ST >, CSparseFeatures< float64_t >, CSparseFeatures< T >, CSpecificityMeasure, CPrecisionMeasure, CPlif, CRecallMeasure, CDynamicObjectArray, CCrossCorrelationMeasure, CCSVFile, CF1Measure, CBinaryFile, CProtobufFile, CLaRank, CWRACCMeasure, CRBM, CTaxonomy, CBALMeasure, CBitString, CStreamingVwFeatures, CLibSVMFile, CStreamingSparseFeatures< T >, CErrorRateMeasure, CNeuralLayer, CMultitaskKernelPlifNormalizer, CWDSVMOcas, CMachine, CAccuracyMeasure, CStreamingFile, CQuadraticTimeMMD, CRandom, CStreamingMMD, CMemoryMappedFile< T >, CMultitaskKernelMaskNormalizer, CMemoryMappedFile< ST >, CAlphabet, CMKL, CLMNNStatistics, CStructuredModel, CStreamingDenseFeatures< T >, CStreamingDenseFeatures< float64_t >, CStreamingDenseFeatures< float32_t >, CCombinedDotFeatures, CFeatureSelection< ST >, CFeatureSelection< float64_t >, CGUIStructure, CCache< T >, CCache< uint32_t >, CCache< ST >, CCache< float64_t >, CCache< uint8_t >, CCache< KERNELCACHE_ELEM >, CCache< char >, CCache< uint16_t >, CCache< shogun::SGSparseVectorEntry< T > >, CCache< shogun::SGSparseVectorEntry< float64_t > >, CCache< shogun::SGSparseVectorEntry< ST > >, CMultitaskKernelMaskPairNormalizer, CSVM, CNeuralNetwork, CMultitaskKernelNormalizer, CGUIClassifier, CGaussian, CGUIFeatures, CGMM, CHashedWDFeaturesTransposed, CBinaryStream< T >, CLinearHMM, CSimpleFile< T >, CDeepBeliefNetwork, CStreamingStringFeatures< T >, CParameterCombination, CNeuralLinearLayer, CStateModel, CMulticlassSVM, CNeuralConvolutionalLayer, CRandomKitchenSinksDotFeatures, COnlineLinearMachine, CVwParser, CPluginEstimate, CVowpalWabbit, CBinnedDotFeatures, CSVMOcas, CSVRLight, CPlifMatrix, CHashedWDFeatures, CCrossValidation, CImplicitWeightedSpecFeatures, CCombinedFeatures, CSparseMatrixOperator< T >, CSNPFeatures, CWDFeatures, CKMeans, CCrossValidationMulticlassStorage, CHashedDenseFeatures< ST >, CIOBuffer, CUAIFile, CTwoStateModel, CLossFunction, CPCA, CHMSVMModel, CDeepAutoencoder, CLeastAngleRegression, CGUIKernel, CKNN, CHashedSparseFeatures< ST >, CRandomFourierGaussPreproc, CMKLMulticlass, CAutoencoder, CHypothesisTest, CExplicitSpecFeatures, CLibLinearMTL, CModelSelectionParameters, CNOCCO, CPositionalPWM, CHashedDocDotFeatures, CGUIHMM, COnlineSVMSGD, CIntegration, CLibLinear, CJacobiEllipticFunctions, CLDA, CZeroMeanCenterKernelNormalizer, CSparsePolyFeatures, CHashedMultilabelModel, CSqrtDiagKernelNormalizer, CHuberLoss, CCplex, CScatterKernelNormalizer, CFisherLDA, CHSIC, CStochasticProximityEmbedding, CLatentModel, CRationalApproximation, CTableFactorType, CSVMSGD, CMulticlassMachine, CDixonQTestRejectionStrategy, CGMNPLib, CVwCacheReader, CLBPPyrDotFeatures, CRidgeKernelNormalizer, CDependenceMaximization, CLinearMachine, CMulticlassSOLabels, CGraphCut, CSerializableAsciiFile, CSGDQN, CSNPStringKernel, CTime, CMatrixFeatures< ST >, CWeightedCommWordStringKernel, CHingeLoss, CNeuralLayers, CTwoSampleTest, CSquaredLoss, CAbsoluteDeviationLoss, CExponentialLoss, CCustomKernel, CMulticlassLabels, CHash, CFactor, CPlifArray, CLinearTimeMMD, CQPBSVMLib, CStreamingHashedDocDotFeatures, CStreamingVwFile, CKernelIndependenceTest, CCustomDistance, CWeightedDegreeStringKernel, CKernelRidgeRegression, CBaggingMachine, CQDA, CNeuralLogisticLayer, CNeuralRectifiedLinearLayer, CTOPFeatures, CDiceKernelNormalizer, CHierarchicalMultilabelModel, CMultitaskKernelMklNormalizer, CTask, CGaussianProcessClassification, CVwEnvironment, CBinaryLabels, CMultilabelModel, CMultilabelSOLabels, CDomainAdaptationSVMLinear, CDotKernel, CCHAIDTree, CKernelTwoSampleTest, CMAPInferImpl, CWeightedDegreePositionStringKernel, CGaussianDistribution, CTanimotoKernelNormalizer, CCircularBuffer, CMCLDA, CStreamingHashedDenseFeatures< ST >, CStreamingHashedSparseFeatures< ST >, CBesselKernel, CAvgDiagKernelNormalizer, CVarianceKernelNormalizer, CMulticlassModel, COnlineLibLinear, CIndexFeatures, CCARTree, CStreamingAsciiFile, CIndependenceTest, CHierarchical, CFKFeatures, CCombinedKernel, CSparseSpatialSampleStringKernel, CSpectrumMismatchRBFKernel, COperatorFunction< T >, CMultilabelCLRModel, COperatorFunction< float64_t >, CVwRegressor, CHashedDocConverter, CFactorGraphLabels, CKLInferenceMethod, CGaussianKernel, CCommWordStringKernel, CSubsequenceStringKernel, CSet< T >, CSparseInferenceBase, CDataGenerator, CNeuralInputLayer, CSequenceLabels, CPolyFeatures, CNode, CContingencyTableEvaluation, CChi2Kernel, CPyramidChi2, CSignal, CDenseMatrixOperator< T >, CLibSVR, CDenseMatrixOperator< float64_t >, CPeriodicKernel, CSalzbergWordStringKernel, CStructuredLabels, CSquaredHingeLoss, CNewtonSVM, CKLApproxDiagonalInferenceMethod, CLPBoost, CVwLearner, CIndexBlockTree, CExactInferenceMethod, CKLCholeskyInferenceMethod, CKLCovarianceInferenceMethod, CCommUlongStringKernel, CCompressor, CSingleFITCLaplacianBase, CIterativeLinearSolver< T, ST >, CIterativeLinearSolver< float64_t, float64_t >, CIterativeLinearSolver< complex128_t, float64_t >, CIterativeLinearSolver< T, T >, CSVMLin, CHistogram, CGaussianShiftKernel, CGCArray< T >, CMultiLaplacianInferenceMethod, CNeuralSoftmaxLayer, CHomogeneousKernelMap, CLocallyLinearEmbedding, CMahalanobisDistance, CAttributeFeatures, CRandomFourierDotFeatures, CFirstElementKernelNormalizer, CMap< K, T >, CLogLoss, CLogLossMargin, CSmoothHingeLoss, CSoftMaxLikelihood, CMap< shogun::TParameter *, shogun::SGVector< float64_t > >, CMap< shogun::TParameter *, shogun::CSGObject * >, CMap< std::string, int32_t >, CMap< std::string, shogun::SGVector< float64_t > >, CMap< std::string, T >, CMap< std::string, float64_t >, CVwNativeCacheReader, CDistanceKernel, CLatentLabels, CKLLowerTriangularInferenceMethod, CScatterSVM, CSpectrumRBFKernel, CMultilabelLabels, CSingleLaplacianInferenceMethodWithLBFGS, CMMDKernelSelection, CSegmentLoss, CKernelDistance, CLogDetEstimator, CLinearRidgeRegression, CGNPPLib, CStreamingFileFromFeatures, CPolyMatchStringKernel, CNeuralLeakyRectifiedLinearLayer, CDomainAdaptationSVM, COligoStringKernel, CSimpleLocalityImprovedStringKernel, CKLDualInferenceMethod, CKernelSelection, CStreamingVwCacheFile, CCircularKernel, CConstKernel, CDiagKernel, CExponentialARDKernel, CSphericalKernel, CLogitDVGLikelihood, CSingleFITCLaplacianInferenceMethod, CSingleFITCLaplacianInferenceMethodWithLBFGS, CEigenSolver, CC45ClassifierTree, CLPM, CEmbeddingConverter, CEuclideanDistance, CWeightedMajorityVote, CMulticlassOVREvaluation, CPolyKernel, CPolyMatchWordStringKernel, CID3ClassifierTree, CMultitaskClusteredLogisticRegression, CMultidimensionalScaling, CANOVAKernel, CProductKernel, CSparseKernel< ST >, CGaussianMatchStringKernel, CRandomForest, CLanczosEigenSolver, CKernelPCA, CNearestCentroid, CStreamingFileFromDenseFeatures< T >, CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures< T >, CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures< T >, CFixedDegreeStringKernel, CStringKernel< ST >, CTensorProductPairKernel, CGaussianNaiveBayes, CStringKernel< uint16_t >, CStringKernel< char >, CStringKernel< uint64_t >, CKernelDensity, CParser, CTStudentKernel, CWaveletKernel, CTraceSampler, CMulticlassOneVsRestStrategy, CGaussianProcessRegression, CGEMPLP, CDiffusionMaps, CMinkowskiMetric, CExponentialKernel, CEPInferenceMethod, CLaplacianEigenmaps, CAttenuatedEuclideanDistance, CCauchyKernel, CLogKernel, CPowerKernel, CRationalQuadraticKernel, CWaveKernel, CLaplacianInferenceBase, CDistantSegmentsKernel, CLocalityImprovedStringKernel, CMatchWordStringKernel, CRegulatoryModulesStringKernel, CKernelMachine, CBAHSIC, MKLMulticlassGradient, CAUCKernel, CHistogramIntersectionKernel, CSigmoidKernel, CDistanceMachine, CGaussianProcessMachine, CFITCInferenceMethod, CSparseVGInferenceMethod, CStructuredOutputMachine, CKernelDependenceMaximization, CGaussianARDKernel, CInverseMultiQuadricKernel, CFFDiag, CJADiag, CJADiagOrth, CLabelsFactory, CStudentsTLikelihood, CJediDiag, CQDiag, CUWedge, CTreeMachineNode< T >, CLibLinearRegression, CMMDKernelSelectionCombOpt, CTreeMachineNode< ConditionalProbabilityTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< RelaxedTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< id3TreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< VwConditionalProbabilityTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< CARTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< C45TreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< CHAIDTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< NbodyTreeNodeData >, CMulticlassAccuracy, CGaussianShortRealKernel, CMultiquadricKernel, CLocalAlignmentStringKernel, CICAConverter, CSplineKernel, CDelimiterTokenizer, CDualVariationalGaussianLikelihood, CLogitVGPiecewiseBoundLikelihood, CDimensionReductionPreprocessor, CPerceptron, CHistogramWordStringKernel, CLogRationalApproximationIndividual, CMultitaskL12LogisticRegression, CTaskTree, CProbabilityDistribution, CConstMean, CGaussianLikelihood, CSingleSparseInferenceBase, CStochasticGBMachine, CMatrixOperator< T >, CTreeMachine< T >, CMultitaskROCEvaluation, CTreeMachine< ConditionalProbabilityTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< RelaxedTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< id3TreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< VwConditionalProbabilityTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< CARTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< C45TreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< CHAIDTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< NbodyTreeNodeData >, CCanberraMetric, CCosineDistance, CManhattanMetric, CJensenShannonKernel, CLinearKernel, CNumericalVGLikelihood, CCGMShiftedFamilySolver, CIterativeShiftedLinearFamilySolver< T, ST >, CLogRationalApproximationCGM, CMMDKernelSelectionCombMaxL2, CDualLibQPBMSOSVM, CIterativeShiftedLinearFamilySolver< float64_t, complex128_t >, CGeodesicMetric, CJensenMetric, CTanimotoDistance, CLineReader, CIdentityKernelNormalizer, CLinearStringKernel, CLinearStructuredOutputMachine, CDecompressString< ST >, CGUIConverter, CIsomap, CNGramTokenizer, CStudentsTVGLikelihood, CMMDKernelSelectionMedian, CChiSquareDistance, CHammingWordDistance, CLogitVGLikelihood, CProbitVGLikelihood, CRandomSearchModelSelection, CGUILabels, MKLMulticlassGLPK, CSOBI, CKernelLocallyLinearEmbedding, CSparseDistance< ST >, CCrossValidationResult, CLatentFeatures, CBinaryTreeMachineNode< T >, CMMDKernelSelectionOpt, CSparseDistance< float64_t >, CAveragedPerceptron, CFFSep, CBrayCurtisDistance, CChebyshewMetric, CFactorGraphFeatures, CRegressionLabels, CNbodyTree, CMinimizerContext, CSparsePreprocessor< ST >, CLeastSquaresRegression, MKLMulticlassOptimizationBase, CVwNativeCacheWriter, CJediSep, CUWedgeSep, CSparseEuclideanDistance, CRealFileFeatures, CJobResultAggregator, CGaussianARDSparseKernel, CSingleLaplacianInferenceMethod, CMulticlassOneVsOneStrategy, CGUIPluginEstimate, CVwAdaptiveLearner, CStringDistance< ST >, CLinearLatentMachine, CDenseMatrixExactLog, CPNorm, CRescaleFeatures, CSparseMultilabel, CStringDistance< uint16_t >, CVwNonAdaptiveLearner, CStructuredAccuracy, CWeightedDegreeRBFKernel, CProbitLikelihood, CECOCRandomSparseEncoder, CMulticlassStrategy, CGradientCriterion, CLatentSVM, CIndependentJob, CGMNPSVM, CLogPlusOne, CMAPInference, CMixtureModel, CFactorGraphObservation, CLogitLikelihood, CNormOne, CLibSVM, CFactorAnalysis, CDenseSubSamplesFeatures< ST >, CStringFileFeatures< ST >, CScalarResult< T >, CDirectLinearSolverComplex, CIndividualJobResultAggregator, CBallTree, CKDTree, CStringPreprocessor< ST >, CMultitaskTraceLogisticRegression, CStringPreprocessor< uint16_t >, CStringPreprocessor< uint64_t >, CFastICA, CCanberraWordDistance, CManhattanWordDistance, CCrossValidationOutput, CLinearMulticlassMachine, CRationalApproximationCGMJob, CECOCDiscriminantEncoder, CRandomCARTree, CSumOne, CResultSet, CTaskGroup, CGUIDistance, CRationalApproximationIndividualJob, CSortWordString, CCCSOSVM, CIntronList, CRealNumber, CJade, CStoreVectorAggregator< T >, CIndexBlock, CIndexBlockGroup, CZeroMean, CConjugateOrthogonalCGSolver, CGradientModelSelection, CPruneVarSubMean, CSequence, CMultitaskLogisticRegression, CGUIPreprocessor, CStoreVectorAggregator< complex128_t >, CMeanSquaredError, CMeanSquaredLogError, CLatentSOSVM, CSortUlongString, CFeatureBlockLogisticRegression, CMeanAbsoluteError, CDummyFeatures, CListElement, CDenseExactLogJob, CMulticlassLibLinear, CDenseDistance< ST >, CRealDistance, CStringMap< T >, CLMNN, CMMDKernelSelectionMax, CDenseDistance< float64_t >, CStringMap< float64_t >, CStringMap< shogun::SGVector< float64_t > >, CStringMap< int32_t >, CSVMLightOneClass, CLinearLocalTangentSpaceAlignment, CNeighborhoodPreservingEmbedding, CEMBase< T >, CEMMixtureModel, CIndependentComputationEngine, CVectorResult< T >, CKernelStructuredOutputMachine, CThresholdRejectionStrategy, CVwConditionalProbabilityTree, CEMBase< MixModelData >, CHessianLocallyLinearEmbedding, CCustomMahalanobisDistance, CCombinationRule, CClusteringAccuracy, CClusteringMutualInformation, CMultilabelAccuracy, CMeanShiftDataGenerator, CMMDKernelSelectionComb, CFactorGraphModel, CLocalTangentSpaceAlignment, CSubsetStack, CStoreScalarAggregator< T >, CConjugateGradientSolver, CGridSearchModelSelection, CStochasticSOSVM, CMultitaskLeastSquaresRegression, CMajorityVote, CLinearOperator< T >, CMultitaskLinearMachine, CLinearOperator< float64_t >, CLinearOperator< complex128_t >, CMeanRule, CLocalityPreservingProjections, CGradientEvaluation, CDirectEigenSolver, CLinearSolver< T, ST >, CMulticlassLibSVM, CMKLRegression, CFactorDataSource, CFactorGraph, CTaskRelation, CLinearSolver< float64_t, float64_t >, CLinearSolver< complex128_t, float64_t >, CLinearSolver< T, T >, CSerialComputationEngine, CIndexBlockRelation, CECOCEncoder, CKernelMeanMatching, CROCEvaluation, CGaussianBlobsDataGenerator, CBalancedConditionalProbabilityTree, CFactorType, CSOSVMHelper, CMKLOneClass, CLibSVMOneClass, CMPDSVM, CGradientResult, CKernelMulticlassMachine, CNormalSampler, CECOCIHDDecoder, CConditionalProbabilityTree, CRelaxedTree, CFWSOSVM, CDomainAdaptationMulticlassLibLinear, CMKLClassification, CGPBTSVM, CSubset, CECOCRandomDenseEncoder, CMulticlassTreeGuidedLogisticRegression, CShareBoost, CGNPPSVM, CDirectSparseLinearSolver, CMulticlassLogisticRegression, CMulticlassOCAS, CFactorGraphDataGenerator, CPRCEvaluation, CStratifiedCrossValidationSplitting, CSparseInverseCovariance, CDisjointSet, CCrossValidationSplitting, CDenseSubsetFeatures< ST >, CECOCForestEncoder, CGUIMath, CGUITime, CTDistributedStochasticNeighborEmbedding, CCrossValidationPrintOutput, CManifoldSculpting, CCrossValidationMKLStorage, SerializableAsciiReader00, CJobResult, CFunction, CECOCAEDDecoder, CECOCDecoder, CECOCEDDecoder, CData, CNativeMulticlassMachine, CECOCStrategy, CConverter, CBaseMulticlassMachine, CECOCSimpleDecoder, CLOOCrossValidationSplitting, CECOCLLBDecoder, CStructuredData, CECOCHDDecoder, CRandomConditionalProbabilityTree, CECOCOVOEncoder, CECOCOVREncoder, and CRejectionStrategy.
virtual |
returns the logarithm of the predictive density of \(y_*\):
\[ log(p(y_*|X,y,x_*)) = log\left(\int p(y_*|f_*) p(f_*|X,y,x_*) df_*\right) \]
which approximately equals to
\[ log\left(\int p(y_*|f_*) \mathcal{N}(f_*|\mu,\sigma^2) df_*\right) \]
where normal distribution \(\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)\) is an approximation to the posterior marginal \(p(f_*|X,y,x_*)\).
NOTE: if lab equals to NULL, then each \(y_*\) equals to one.
mu | posterior mean of a Gaussian distribution \(\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)\), which is an approximation to the posterior marginal \(p(f_*|X,y,x_*)\) |
s2 | posterior variance of a Gaussian distribution \(\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)\), which is an approximation to the posterior marginal \(p(f_*|X,y,x_*)\) |
lab | labels \(y_*\) |
Reimplemented in CSoftMaxLikelihood.
Definition at line 45 of file LikelihoodModel.cpp.
pure virtual |
returns mean of the predictive marginal \(p(y_*|X,y,x_*)\)
NOTE: if lab equals to NULL, then each \(y_*\) equals to one.
mu | posterior mean of a Gaussian distribution \(\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)\), which is an approximation to the posterior marginal \(p(f_*|X,y,x_*)\) |
s2 | posterior variance of a Gaussian distribution \(\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)\), which is an approximation to the posterior marginal \(p(f_*|X,y,x_*)\) |
lab | labels \(y_*\) |
Implemented in CStudentsTLikelihood, CGaussianLikelihood, CSoftMaxLikelihood, CVariationalLikelihood, CProbitLikelihood, and CLogitLikelihood.
pure virtual |
returns variance of the predictive marginal \(p(y_*|X,y,x_*)\)
NOTE: if lab equals to NULL, then each \(y_*\) equals to one.
mu | posterior mean of a Gaussian distribution \(\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)\), which is an approximation to the posterior marginal \(p(f_*|X,y,x_*)\) |
s2 | posterior variance of a Gaussian distribution \(\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)\), which is an approximation to the posterior marginal \(p(f_*|X,y,x_*)\) |
lab | labels \(y_*\) |
Implemented in CStudentsTLikelihood, CGaussianLikelihood, CSoftMaxLikelihood, CVariationalLikelihood, CProbitLikelihood, and CLogitLikelihood.
virtual |
get derivative of the first derivative of log likelihood with respect to function location, i.e. \(\frac{\partial log(p(y|f))}{\partial f}\) with respect to given parameter
lab | labels used |
func | function location |
param | parameter |
Reimplemented in CVariationalLikelihood, CStudentsTLikelihood, and CGaussianLikelihood.
Definition at line 210 of file LikelihoodModel.h.
pure virtual |
returns the second moment of a given (unnormalized) probability distribution \(q(f_i) = Z_i^-1 p(y_i|f_i)\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\), where \( Z_i=\int p(y_i|f_i)\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2) df_i\).
This method is useful for EP local likelihood approximation.
mu | mean of the \(\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\) |
s2 | variance of the \(\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\) |
lab | labels \(y_i\) |
i | index i |
Implemented in CStudentsTLikelihood, CGaussianLikelihood, CSoftMaxLikelihood, CVariationalLikelihood, CProbitLikelihood, and CLogitLikelihood.
virtual |
returns the second moment of a given (unnormalized) probability distribution \(q(f_i) = Z_i^-1 p(y_i|f_i)\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\) for each \(f_i\), where \( Z_i=\int p(y_i|f_i)\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2) df_i\).
Wrapper method which calls get_second_moment multiple times.
mu | mean of the \(\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\) |
s2 | variance of the \(\mathcal{N}(f_i|\mu,\sigma^2)\) |
lab | labels \(y_i\) |
Definition at line 89 of file LikelihoodModel.cpp.
virtual |
get derivative of the second derivative of log likelihood with respect to function location, i.e. \(\frac{\partial^{2} log(p(y|f))}{\partial f^{2}}\) with respect to given parameter
lab | labels used |
func | function location |
param | parameter |
Reimplemented in CVariationalLikelihood, CStudentsTLikelihood, and CGaussianLikelihood.
Definition at line 227 of file LikelihoodModel.h.
virtualinherited |
If the SGSerializable is a class template then TRUE will be returned and GENERIC is set to the type of the generic.
generic | set to the type of the generic if returning TRUE |
Definition at line 296 of file SGObject.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Load this object from file. If it will fail (returning FALSE) then this object will contain inconsistent data and should not be used!
file | where to load from |
prefix | prefix for members |
Definition at line 369 of file SGObject.cpp.
protectedvirtualinherited |
Can (optionally) be overridden to post-initialize some member variables which are not PARAMETER::ADD'ed. Make sure that at first the overridden method BASE_CLASS::LOAD_SERIALIZABLE_POST is called.
ShogunException | will be thrown if an error occurs. |
Reimplemented in CKernel, CWeightedDegreePositionStringKernel, CList, CAlphabet, CLinearHMM, CGaussianKernel, CInverseMultiQuadricKernel, CCircularKernel, and CExponentialKernel.
Definition at line 426 of file SGObject.cpp.
protectedvirtualinherited |
Can (optionally) be overridden to pre-initialize some member variables which are not PARAMETER::ADD'ed. Make sure that at first the overridden method BASE_CLASS::LOAD_SERIALIZABLE_PRE is called.
ShogunException | will be thrown if an error occurs. |
Reimplemented in CDynamicArray< T >, CDynamicArray< float64_t >, CDynamicArray< float32_t >, CDynamicArray< int32_t >, CDynamicArray< char >, CDynamicArray< bool >, and CDynamicObjectArray.
Definition at line 421 of file SGObject.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Definition at line 262 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
prints all parameter registered for model selection and their type
Definition at line 474 of file SGObject.cpp.
virtualinherited |
prints registered parameters out
prefix | prefix for members |
Definition at line 308 of file SGObject.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Save this object to file.
file | where to save the object; will be closed during returning if PREFIX is an empty string. |
prefix | prefix for members |
Definition at line 314 of file SGObject.cpp.
protectedvirtualinherited |
Can (optionally) be overridden to post-initialize some member variables which are not PARAMETER::ADD'ed. Make sure that at first the overridden method BASE_CLASS::SAVE_SERIALIZABLE_POST is called.
ShogunException | will be thrown if an error occurs. |
Reimplemented in CKernel.
Definition at line 436 of file SGObject.cpp.
protectedvirtualinherited |
Can (optionally) be overridden to pre-initialize some member variables which are not PARAMETER::ADD'ed. Make sure that at first the overridden method BASE_CLASS::SAVE_SERIALIZABLE_PRE is called.
ShogunException | will be thrown if an error occurs. |
Reimplemented in CKernel, CDynamicArray< T >, CDynamicArray< float64_t >, CDynamicArray< float32_t >, CDynamicArray< int32_t >, CDynamicArray< char >, CDynamicArray< bool >, and CDynamicObjectArray.
Definition at line 431 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 41 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 46 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 51 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 56 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 61 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 66 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 71 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 76 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 81 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 86 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 91 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 96 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 101 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 106 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 111 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
set generic type to T
inherited |
inherited |
set the parallel object
parallel | parallel object to use |
Definition at line 241 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
set the version object
version | version object to use |
Definition at line 283 of file SGObject.cpp.
virtualinherited |
A shallow copy. All the SGObject instance variables will be simply assigned and SG_REF-ed.
Reimplemented in CGaussianKernel.
Definition at line 192 of file SGObject.cpp.
virtual |
return whether likelihood function supports binary classification
Reimplemented in CVariationalLikelihood, CProbitLikelihood, and CLogitLikelihood.
Definition at line 329 of file LikelihoodModel.h.
virtual |
return whether likelihood function supports multiclass classification
Reimplemented in CSoftMaxLikelihood, and CVariationalLikelihood.
Definition at line 335 of file LikelihoodModel.h.
virtual |
return whether likelihood function supports regression
Reimplemented in CStudentsTLikelihood, CGaussianLikelihood, and CVariationalLikelihood.
Definition at line 323 of file LikelihoodModel.h.
inherited |
unset generic type
this has to be called in classes specializing a template class
Definition at line 303 of file SGObject.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Updates the hash of current parameter combination
Definition at line 248 of file SGObject.cpp.
inherited |
Definition at line 369 of file SGObject.h.
inherited |
parameters wrt which we can compute gradients
Definition at line 384 of file SGObject.h.
inherited |
Hash of parameter values
Definition at line 387 of file SGObject.h.
inherited |
model selection parameters
Definition at line 381 of file SGObject.h.
inherited |
Definition at line 378 of file SGObject.h.
inherited |
Definition at line 372 of file SGObject.h.
inherited |
Definition at line 375 of file SGObject.h.