SHOGUN  4.1.0
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所有成员列表 | Public 成员函数 | Public 属性 | Protected 成员函数
CSGObject类 参考abstract


Class SGObject is the base class of all shogun objects.

Apart from dealing with reference counting that is used to manage shogung objects in memory (erase unused object, avoid cleaning objects when they are still in use), it provides interfaces for:

  1. parallel - to determine the number of used CPUs for a method (cf. Parallel)
  2. io - to output messages and general i/o (cf. IO)
  3. version - to provide version information of the shogun version used (cf. Version)

All objects can be cloned and compared (deep copy, recursively)

在文件 SGObject.h112 行定义.

CCache< char >, CCache< float64_t >, CCache< KERNELCACHE_ELEM >, CCache< shogun::SGSparseVectorEntry< float64_t > >, CCache< shogun::SGSparseVectorEntry< ST > >, CCache< shogun::SGSparseVectorEntry< T > >, CCache< ST >, CCache< uint16_t >, CCache< uint32_t >, CCache< uint8_t >, CDynamicArray< bool >, CDynamicArray< char >, CDynamicArray< float32_t >, CDynamicArray< float64_t >, CDynamicArray< int32_t >, CEMBase< MixModelData >, CLinearOperator< complex128_t >, CLinearOperator< float64_t >, CLinearSolver< complex128_t, float64_t >, CLinearSolver< float64_t, float64_t >, CLinearSolver< T, T >, CMap< shogun::TParameter *, shogun::CSGObject * >, CMap< shogun::TParameter *, shogun::SGVector< float64_t > >, CMap< std::string, float64_t >, CMap< std::string, int32_t >, CMap< std::string, shogun::SGVector< float64_t > >, CMap< std::string, T >, CMemoryMappedFile< ST >, COperatorFunction< float64_t >, CTreeMachineNode< C45TreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< CARTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< CHAIDTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< ConditionalProbabilityTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< id3TreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< NbodyTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< RelaxedTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< VwConditionalProbabilityTreeNodeData >, CTrie< DNATrie >, CTrie< POIMTrie >, CAlphabet, CApproxJointDiagonalizer, CBinaryStream< T >, CBitString, CCache< T >, CCircularBuffer, CCombinationRule, CCompressor, CConverter, CCplex, CCrossValidationOutput, CData, CDataGenerator, CDeepBeliefNetwork, CDifferentiableFunction, CDisjointSet, CDistance, CDistribution, CDynamicArray< T >, CDynamicObjectArray, CDynProg, CECOCDecoder, CECOCEncoder, CEigenSolver, CEMBase< T >, CEvaluation, CEvaluationResult, CFactor, CFactorDataSource, CFactorGraph, CFactorGraphDataGenerator, CFactorType, CFeatures, CFile, CFunction, CGCArray< T >, CGMNPLib, CGNPPLib, CGUIClassifier, CGUIConverter, CGUIDistance, CGUIFeatures, CGUIHMM, CGUIKernel, CGUILabels, CGUIMath, CGUIPluginEstimate, CGUIPreprocessor, CGUIStructure, CGUITime, CHash, CHypothesisTest, CIndependentComputationEngine, CIndependentJob, CIndexBlock, CIndexBlockRelation, CIntegration, CIntronList, CIOBuffer, CJacobiEllipticFunctions, CJobResult, CJobResultAggregator, CKernel, CKernelMeanMatching, CKernelNormalizer, CKernelSelection, CLabels, CLabelsFactory, CLatentModel, CLikelihoodModel, CLinearOperator< T >, CLinearSolver< T, ST >, CLineReader, CList, CListElement, CLMNN, CLMNNStatistics, CLogDetEstimator, CLossFunction, CMachine, CMachineEvaluation, CMap< K, T >, CMAPInference, CMAPInferImpl, CMath, CMeanFunction, CMemoryMappedFile< T >, CMinimizerContext, CModelSelection, CModelSelectionParameters, CMulticlassStrategy, CNeuralLayer, CNeuralLayers, CNode, COperatorFunction< T >, CParameterCombination, CParser, CPlifBase, CPlifMatrix, CPreprocessor, CProbabilityDistribution, CQPBSVMLib, CRandom, CRBM, CRejectionStrategy, CResultSet, CSegmentLoss, CSerializableFile, CSerializableFile::TSerializableReader, CSet< T >, CSignal, CSimpleFile< T >, CSOSVMHelper, CSparseInverseCovariance, CSplittingStrategy, CStateModel, CStatistics, CStreamingFile, CStructuredData, CStructuredModel, CSubset, CSubsetStack, CTask, CTaskRelation, CTaxonomy, CTime, CTokenizer, CTraceSampler, CTreeMachineNode< T >, CTrie< Trie >, CVwCacheReader, CVwCacheWriter, CVwEnvironment, CVwLearner, CVwParser, CVwRegressor , 以及 MKLMulticlassOptimizationBase 继承.

Public 成员函数

 CSGObject ()
 CSGObject (const CSGObject &orig)
virtual ~CSGObject ()
virtual CSGObjectshallow_copy () const
virtual CSGObjectdeep_copy () const
virtual const char * get_name () const =0
virtual bool is_generic (EPrimitiveType *generic) const
template<class T >
void set_generic ()
void unset_generic ()
virtual void print_serializable (const char *prefix="")
virtual bool save_serializable (CSerializableFile *file, const char *prefix="")
virtual bool load_serializable (CSerializableFile *file, const char *prefix="")
void set_global_io (SGIO *io)
SGIOget_global_io ()
void set_global_parallel (Parallel *parallel)
Parallelget_global_parallel ()
void set_global_version (Version *version)
Versionget_global_version ()
SGStringList< char > get_modelsel_names ()
void print_modsel_params ()
char * get_modsel_param_descr (const char *param_name)
index_t get_modsel_param_index (const char *param_name)
void build_gradient_parameter_dictionary (CMap< TParameter *, CSGObject * > *dict)
virtual void update_parameter_hash ()
virtual bool parameter_hash_changed ()
virtual bool equals (CSGObject *other, float64_t accuracy=0.0, bool tolerant=false)
virtual CSGObjectclone ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()
void set_generic ()

Public 属性

uint32_t m_hash

Protected 成员函数

virtual void load_serializable_pre () throw (ShogunException)
virtual void load_serializable_post () throw (ShogunException)
virtual void save_serializable_pre () throw (ShogunException)
virtual void save_serializable_post () throw (ShogunException)


CSGObject ( )

default constructor

在文件 SGObject.cpp120 行定义.

CSGObject ( const CSGObject orig)

copy constructor

在文件 SGObject.cpp129 行定义.

~CSGObject ( )


在文件 SGObject.cpp139 行定义.


void build_gradient_parameter_dictionary ( CMap< TParameter *, CSGObject * > *  dict)

Builds a dictionary of all parameters in SGObject as well of those of SGObjects that are parameters of this object. Dictionary maps parameters to the objects that own them.

dictdictionary of parameters to be built.

在文件 SGObject.cpp597 行定义.

CSGObject * clone ( )

Creates a clone of the current object. This is done via recursively traversing all parameters, which corresponds to a deep copy. Calling equals on the cloned object always returns true although none of the memory of both objects overlaps.

an identical copy of the given object, which is disjoint in memory. NULL if the clone fails. Note that the returned object is SG_REF'ed

在文件 SGObject.cpp714 行定义.

CSGObject * deep_copy ( ) const

A deep copy. All the instance variables will also be copied.

在文件 SGObject.cpp198 行定义.

bool equals ( CSGObject other,
float64_t  accuracy = 0.0,
bool  tolerant = false 

Recursively compares the current SGObject to another one. Compares all registered numerical parameters, recursion upon complex (SGObject) parameters. Does not compare pointers!

May be overwritten but please do with care! Should not be necessary in most cases.

otherobject to compare with
accuracyaccuracy to use for comparison (optional)
tolerantallows linient check on float equality (within accuracy)
true if all parameters were equal, false if not

在文件 SGObject.cpp618 行定义.

SGIO * get_global_io ( )

get the io object

io object

在文件 SGObject.cpp235 行定义.

Parallel * get_global_parallel ( )

get the parallel object

parallel object

在文件 SGObject.cpp277 行定义.

Version * get_global_version ( )

get the version object

version object

在文件 SGObject.cpp290 行定义.

SGStringList< char > get_modelsel_names ( )
vector of names of all parameters which are registered for model selection

在文件 SGObject.cpp498 行定义.

char * get_modsel_param_descr ( const char *  param_name)

Returns description of a given parameter string, if it exists. SG_ERROR otherwise

param_namename of the parameter
description of the parameter

在文件 SGObject.cpp522 行定义.

index_t get_modsel_param_index ( const char *  param_name)

Returns index of model selection parameter with provided index

param_namename of model selection parameter
index of model selection parameter with provided name, -1 if there is no such

在文件 SGObject.cpp535 行定义.

virtual const char* get_name ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the name of the SGSerializable instance. It MUST BE the CLASS NAME without the prefixed `C'.

name of the SGSerializable

CMath, CHMM, CStringFeatures< ST >, CStringFeatures< T >, CStringFeatures< uint8_t >, CStringFeatures< char >, CStringFeatures< uint16_t >, CSVMLight, CTrie< Trie >, CTrie< DNATrie >, CTrie< POIMTrie >, CDynamicArray< T >, CDynamicArray< float64_t >, CDynamicArray< float32_t >, CDynamicArray< int32_t >, CDynamicArray< char >, CDynamicArray< bool >, CMultitaskKernelTreeNormalizer, CList, CDynProg, CDenseFeatures< ST >, CDenseFeatures< uint32_t >, CDenseFeatures< float64_t >, CDenseFeatures< T >, CDenseFeatures< uint16_t >, CStatistics, CFile, CSparseFeatures< ST >, CSparseFeatures< float64_t >, CSparseFeatures< T >, CSpecificityMeasure, CPrecisionMeasure, CPlif, CRecallMeasure, CDynamicObjectArray, CCrossCorrelationMeasure, CCSVFile, CF1Measure, CBinaryFile, CProtobufFile, CLaRank, CWRACCMeasure, CRBM, CTaxonomy, CBALMeasure, CBitString, CStreamingVwFeatures, CLibSVMFile, CStreamingSparseFeatures< T >, CErrorRateMeasure, CNeuralLayer, CMultitaskKernelPlifNormalizer, CWDSVMOcas, CMachine, CAccuracyMeasure, CStreamingFile, CQuadraticTimeMMD, CRandom, CStreamingMMD, CMemoryMappedFile< T >, CMultitaskKernelMaskNormalizer, CMemoryMappedFile< ST >, CAlphabet, CMKL, CLMNNStatistics, CStructuredModel, CStreamingDenseFeatures< T >, CStreamingDenseFeatures< float64_t >, CStreamingDenseFeatures< float32_t >, CCombinedDotFeatures, CFeatureSelection< ST >, CFeatureSelection< float64_t >, CGUIStructure, CCache< T >, CCache< uint32_t >, CCache< ST >, CCache< float64_t >, CCache< uint8_t >, CCache< KERNELCACHE_ELEM >, CCache< char >, CCache< uint16_t >, CCache< shogun::SGSparseVectorEntry< T > >, CCache< shogun::SGSparseVectorEntry< float64_t > >, CCache< shogun::SGSparseVectorEntry< ST > >, CMultitaskKernelMaskPairNormalizer, CSVM, CNeuralNetwork, CMultitaskKernelNormalizer, CGUIClassifier, CGaussian, CGUIFeatures, CGMM, CHashedWDFeaturesTransposed, CBinaryStream< T >, CLinearHMM, CSimpleFile< T >, CDeepBeliefNetwork, CStreamingStringFeatures< T >, CParameterCombination, CNeuralLinearLayer, CStateModel, CMulticlassSVM, CNeuralConvolutionalLayer, CRandomKitchenSinksDotFeatures, COnlineLinearMachine, CVwParser, CPluginEstimate, CVowpalWabbit, CBinnedDotFeatures, CSVMOcas, CSVRLight, CPlifMatrix, CHashedWDFeatures, CCrossValidation, CImplicitWeightedSpecFeatures, CCombinedFeatures, CSparseMatrixOperator< T >, CSNPFeatures, CWDFeatures, CKMeans, CCrossValidationMulticlassStorage, CHashedDenseFeatures< ST >, CIOBuffer, CUAIFile, CTwoStateModel, CLossFunction, CPCA, CHMSVMModel, CDeepAutoencoder, CLeastAngleRegression, CGUIKernel, CKNN, CHashedSparseFeatures< ST >, CRandomFourierGaussPreproc, CMKLMulticlass, CAutoencoder, CHypothesisTest, CExplicitSpecFeatures, CLibLinearMTL, CModelSelectionParameters, CNOCCO, CPositionalPWM, CHashedDocDotFeatures, CGUIHMM, COnlineSVMSGD, CIntegration, CLibLinear, CJacobiEllipticFunctions, CLDA, CZeroMeanCenterKernelNormalizer, CSparsePolyFeatures, CHashedMultilabelModel, CSqrtDiagKernelNormalizer, CHuberLoss, CCplex, CScatterKernelNormalizer, CFisherLDA, CHSIC, CStochasticProximityEmbedding, CLatentModel, CRationalApproximation, CTableFactorType, CSVMSGD, CMulticlassMachine, CDixonQTestRejectionStrategy, CGMNPLib, CVwCacheReader, CLBPPyrDotFeatures, CRidgeKernelNormalizer, CDependenceMaximization, CLinearMachine, CMulticlassSOLabels, CGraphCut, CSerializableAsciiFile, CSGDQN, CSNPStringKernel, CTime, CMatrixFeatures< ST >, CWeightedCommWordStringKernel, CHingeLoss, CNeuralLayers, CTwoSampleTest, CSquaredLoss, CAbsoluteDeviationLoss, CExponentialLoss, CCustomKernel, CMulticlassLabels, CHash, CFactor, CPlifArray, CLinearTimeMMD, CQPBSVMLib, CStreamingHashedDocDotFeatures, CStreamingVwFile, CKernelIndependenceTest, CCustomDistance, CWeightedDegreeStringKernel, CKernelRidgeRegression, CBaggingMachine, CQDA, CNeuralLogisticLayer, CNeuralRectifiedLinearLayer, CTOPFeatures, CDiceKernelNormalizer, CHierarchicalMultilabelModel, CMultitaskKernelMklNormalizer, CTask, CGaussianProcessClassification, CVwEnvironment, CBinaryLabels, CMultilabelModel, CMultilabelSOLabels, CDomainAdaptationSVMLinear, CDotKernel, CCHAIDTree, CKernelTwoSampleTest, CMAPInferImpl, CWeightedDegreePositionStringKernel, CGaussianDistribution, CTanimotoKernelNormalizer, CCircularBuffer, CMCLDA, CStreamingHashedDenseFeatures< ST >, CStreamingHashedSparseFeatures< ST >, CBesselKernel, CAvgDiagKernelNormalizer, CVarianceKernelNormalizer, CMulticlassModel, COnlineLibLinear, CIndexFeatures, CCARTree, CStreamingAsciiFile, CIndependenceTest, CHierarchical, CFKFeatures, CCombinedKernel, CSparseSpatialSampleStringKernel, CSpectrumMismatchRBFKernel, COperatorFunction< T >, CMultilabelCLRModel, COperatorFunction< float64_t >, CVwRegressor, CHashedDocConverter, CFactorGraphLabels, CKLInferenceMethod, CGaussianKernel, CCommWordStringKernel, CSubsequenceStringKernel, CSet< T >, CSparseInferenceBase, CDataGenerator, CNeuralInputLayer, CSequenceLabels, CPolyFeatures, CNode, CContingencyTableEvaluation, CChi2Kernel, CPyramidChi2, CSignal, CDenseMatrixOperator< T >, CLibSVR, CDenseMatrixOperator< float64_t >, CPeriodicKernel, CSalzbergWordStringKernel, CStructuredLabels, CSquaredHingeLoss, CNewtonSVM, CKLApproxDiagonalInferenceMethod, CLPBoost, CVwLearner, CIndexBlockTree, CExactInferenceMethod, CKLCholeskyInferenceMethod, CKLCovarianceInferenceMethod, CCommUlongStringKernel, CCompressor, CSingleFITCLaplacianBase, CIterativeLinearSolver< T, ST >, CIterativeLinearSolver< float64_t, float64_t >, CIterativeLinearSolver< complex128_t, float64_t >, CIterativeLinearSolver< T, T >, CSVMLin, CHistogram, CGaussianShiftKernel, CGCArray< T >, CMultiLaplacianInferenceMethod, CNeuralSoftmaxLayer, CHomogeneousKernelMap, CLocallyLinearEmbedding, CMahalanobisDistance, CAttributeFeatures, CRandomFourierDotFeatures, CFirstElementKernelNormalizer, CMap< K, T >, CLogLoss, CLogLossMargin, CSmoothHingeLoss, CSoftMaxLikelihood, CMap< shogun::TParameter *, shogun::SGVector< float64_t > >, CMap< shogun::TParameter *, shogun::CSGObject * >, CMap< std::string, int32_t >, CMap< std::string, shogun::SGVector< float64_t > >, CMap< std::string, T >, CMap< std::string, float64_t >, CVwNativeCacheReader, CDistanceKernel, CLatentLabels, CKLLowerTriangularInferenceMethod, CScatterSVM, CSpectrumRBFKernel, CMultilabelLabels, CSingleLaplacianInferenceMethodWithLBFGS, CMMDKernelSelection, CSegmentLoss, CKernelDistance, CLogDetEstimator, CLinearRidgeRegression, CGNPPLib, CStreamingFileFromFeatures, CPolyMatchStringKernel, CNeuralLeakyRectifiedLinearLayer, CDomainAdaptationSVM, COligoStringKernel, CSimpleLocalityImprovedStringKernel, CKLDualInferenceMethod, CKernelSelection, CStreamingVwCacheFile, CCircularKernel, CConstKernel, CDiagKernel, CExponentialARDKernel, CSphericalKernel, CLogitDVGLikelihood, CSingleFITCLaplacianInferenceMethod, CSingleFITCLaplacianInferenceMethodWithLBFGS, CEigenSolver, CC45ClassifierTree, CLPM, CEmbeddingConverter, CEuclideanDistance, CWeightedMajorityVote, CMulticlassOVREvaluation, CPolyKernel, CPolyMatchWordStringKernel, CID3ClassifierTree, CMultitaskClusteredLogisticRegression, CMultidimensionalScaling, CANOVAKernel, CProductKernel, CSparseKernel< ST >, CGaussianMatchStringKernel, CRandomForest, CLanczosEigenSolver, CKernelPCA, CNearestCentroid, CStreamingFileFromDenseFeatures< T >, CStreamingFileFromSparseFeatures< T >, CStreamingFileFromStringFeatures< T >, CFixedDegreeStringKernel, CStringKernel< ST >, CTensorProductPairKernel, CGaussianNaiveBayes, CStringKernel< uint16_t >, CStringKernel< char >, CStringKernel< uint64_t >, CKernelDensity, CParser, CTStudentKernel, CWaveletKernel, CTraceSampler, CMulticlassOneVsRestStrategy, CGaussianProcessRegression, CGEMPLP, CDiffusionMaps, CMinkowskiMetric, CExponentialKernel, CEPInferenceMethod, CLaplacianEigenmaps, CAttenuatedEuclideanDistance, CCauchyKernel, CLogKernel, CPowerKernel, CRationalQuadraticKernel, CWaveKernel, CLaplacianInferenceBase, CDistantSegmentsKernel, CLocalityImprovedStringKernel, CMatchWordStringKernel, CRegulatoryModulesStringKernel, CKernelMachine, CBAHSIC, MKLMulticlassGradient, CAUCKernel, CHistogramIntersectionKernel, CSigmoidKernel, CDistanceMachine, CGaussianProcessMachine, CFITCInferenceMethod, CSparseVGInferenceMethod, CStructuredOutputMachine, CKernelDependenceMaximization, CGaussianARDKernel, CInverseMultiQuadricKernel, CFFDiag, CJADiag, CJADiagOrth, CLabelsFactory, CStudentsTLikelihood, CJediDiag, CQDiag, CUWedge, CTreeMachineNode< T >, CLibLinearRegression, CMMDKernelSelectionCombOpt, CTreeMachineNode< ConditionalProbabilityTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< RelaxedTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< id3TreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< VwConditionalProbabilityTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< CARTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< C45TreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< CHAIDTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachineNode< NbodyTreeNodeData >, CMulticlassAccuracy, CGaussianShortRealKernel, CMultiquadricKernel, CLocalAlignmentStringKernel, CICAConverter, CSplineKernel, CDelimiterTokenizer, CDualVariationalGaussianLikelihood, CLogitVGPiecewiseBoundLikelihood, CDimensionReductionPreprocessor, CPerceptron, CHistogramWordStringKernel, CLogRationalApproximationIndividual, CMultitaskL12LogisticRegression, CTaskTree, CProbabilityDistribution, CConstMean, CGaussianLikelihood, CSingleSparseInferenceBase, CStochasticGBMachine, CMatrixOperator< T >, CTreeMachine< T >, CMultitaskROCEvaluation, CTreeMachine< ConditionalProbabilityTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< RelaxedTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< id3TreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< VwConditionalProbabilityTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< CARTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< C45TreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< CHAIDTreeNodeData >, CTreeMachine< NbodyTreeNodeData >, CCanberraMetric, CCosineDistance, CManhattanMetric, CJensenShannonKernel, CLinearKernel, CNumericalVGLikelihood, CCGMShiftedFamilySolver, CIterativeShiftedLinearFamilySolver< T, ST >, CLogRationalApproximationCGM, CMMDKernelSelectionCombMaxL2, CDualLibQPBMSOSVM, CIterativeShiftedLinearFamilySolver< float64_t, complex128_t >, CGeodesicMetric, CJensenMetric, CTanimotoDistance, CLineReader, CIdentityKernelNormalizer, CLinearStringKernel, CLinearStructuredOutputMachine, CDecompressString< ST >, CGUIConverter, CIsomap, CNGramTokenizer, CStudentsTVGLikelihood, CMMDKernelSelectionMedian, CChiSquareDistance, CHammingWordDistance, CLogitVGLikelihood, CProbitVGLikelihood, CRandomSearchModelSelection, CGUILabels, MKLMulticlassGLPK, CSOBI, CKernelLocallyLinearEmbedding, CSparseDistance< ST >, CCrossValidationResult, CLatentFeatures, CBinaryTreeMachineNode< T >, CMMDKernelSelectionOpt, CSparseDistance< float64_t >, CAveragedPerceptron, CFFSep, CBrayCurtisDistance, CChebyshewMetric, CFactorGraphFeatures, CRegressionLabels, CNbodyTree, CMinimizerContext, CSparsePreprocessor< ST >, CLeastSquaresRegression, MKLMulticlassOptimizationBase, CVwNativeCacheWriter, CJediSep, CUWedgeSep, CSparseEuclideanDistance, CRealFileFeatures, CJobResultAggregator, CGaussianARDSparseKernel, CSingleLaplacianInferenceMethod, CMulticlassOneVsOneStrategy, CGUIPluginEstimate, CVwAdaptiveLearner, CStringDistance< ST >, CLinearLatentMachine, CDenseMatrixExactLog, CPNorm, CRescaleFeatures, CSparseMultilabel, CStringDistance< uint16_t >, CVwNonAdaptiveLearner, CStructuredAccuracy, CWeightedDegreeRBFKernel, CProbitLikelihood, CECOCRandomSparseEncoder, CMulticlassStrategy, CGradientCriterion, CLatentSVM, CIndependentJob, CGMNPSVM, CLogPlusOne, CMAPInference, CMixtureModel, CFactorGraphObservation, CLogitLikelihood, CNormOne, CLibSVM, CFactorAnalysis, CDenseSubSamplesFeatures< ST >, CStringFileFeatures< ST >, CScalarResult< T >, CDirectLinearSolverComplex, CIndividualJobResultAggregator, CBallTree, CKDTree, CStringPreprocessor< ST >, CMultitaskTraceLogisticRegression, CStringPreprocessor< uint16_t >, CStringPreprocessor< uint64_t >, CFastICA, CCanberraWordDistance, CManhattanWordDistance, CCrossValidationOutput, CLinearMulticlassMachine, CRationalApproximationCGMJob, CECOCDiscriminantEncoder, CRandomCARTree, CSumOne, CResultSet, CTaskGroup, CGUIDistance, CRationalApproximationIndividualJob, CSortWordString, CCCSOSVM, CIntronList, CRealNumber, CJade, CStoreVectorAggregator< T >, CIndexBlock, CIndexBlockGroup, CZeroMean, CConjugateOrthogonalCGSolver, CGradientModelSelection, CPruneVarSubMean, CSequence, CMultitaskLogisticRegression, CGUIPreprocessor, CStoreVectorAggregator< complex128_t >, CMeanSquaredError, CMeanSquaredLogError, CLatentSOSVM, CSortUlongString, CFeatureBlockLogisticRegression, CMeanAbsoluteError, CDummyFeatures, CListElement, CDenseExactLogJob, CMulticlassLibLinear, CDenseDistance< ST >, CRealDistance, CStringMap< T >, CLMNN, CMMDKernelSelectionMax, CDenseDistance< float64_t >, CStringMap< float64_t >, CStringMap< shogun::SGVector< float64_t > >, CStringMap< int32_t >, CSVMLightOneClass, CLinearLocalTangentSpaceAlignment, CNeighborhoodPreservingEmbedding, CEMBase< T >, CEMMixtureModel, CIndependentComputationEngine, CVectorResult< T >, CKernelStructuredOutputMachine, CThresholdRejectionStrategy, CVwConditionalProbabilityTree, CEMBase< MixModelData >, CHessianLocallyLinearEmbedding, CCustomMahalanobisDistance, CCombinationRule, CClusteringAccuracy, CClusteringMutualInformation, CMultilabelAccuracy, CMeanShiftDataGenerator, CMMDKernelSelectionComb, CFactorGraphModel, CLocalTangentSpaceAlignment, CSubsetStack, CStoreScalarAggregator< T >, CConjugateGradientSolver, CGridSearchModelSelection, CStochasticSOSVM, CMultitaskLeastSquaresRegression, CMajorityVote, CLinearOperator< T >, CMultitaskLinearMachine, CLinearOperator< float64_t >, CLinearOperator< complex128_t >, CMeanRule, CLocalityPreservingProjections, CGradientEvaluation, CDirectEigenSolver, CLinearSolver< T, ST >, CMulticlassLibSVM, CMKLRegression, CFactorDataSource, CFactorGraph, CTaskRelation, CLinearSolver< float64_t, float64_t >, CLinearSolver< complex128_t, float64_t >, CLinearSolver< T, T >, CSerialComputationEngine, CIndexBlockRelation, CECOCEncoder, CKernelMeanMatching, CROCEvaluation, CGaussianBlobsDataGenerator, CBalancedConditionalProbabilityTree, CFactorType, CSOSVMHelper, CMKLOneClass, CLibSVMOneClass, CMPDSVM, CGradientResult, CKernelMulticlassMachine, CNormalSampler, CECOCIHDDecoder, CConditionalProbabilityTree, CRelaxedTree, CFWSOSVM, CDomainAdaptationMulticlassLibLinear, CMKLClassification, CGPBTSVM, CSubset, CECOCRandomDenseEncoder, CMulticlassTreeGuidedLogisticRegression, CShareBoost, CGNPPSVM, CDirectSparseLinearSolver, CMulticlassLogisticRegression, CMulticlassOCAS, CFactorGraphDataGenerator, CPRCEvaluation, CStratifiedCrossValidationSplitting, CSparseInverseCovariance, CDisjointSet, CCrossValidationSplitting, CDenseSubsetFeatures< ST >, CECOCForestEncoder, CGUIMath, CGUITime, CTDistributedStochasticNeighborEmbedding, CCrossValidationPrintOutput, CManifoldSculpting, CCrossValidationMKLStorage, SerializableAsciiReader00, CJobResult, CFunction, CECOCAEDDecoder, CECOCDecoder, CECOCEDDecoder, CData, CNativeMulticlassMachine, CECOCStrategy, CConverter, CBaseMulticlassMachine, CECOCSimpleDecoder, CLOOCrossValidationSplitting, CECOCLLBDecoder, CStructuredData, CECOCHDDecoder, CRandomConditionalProbabilityTree, CECOCOVOEncoder, CECOCOVREncoder , 以及 CRejectionStrategy 内被实现.

bool is_generic ( EPrimitiveType *  generic) const

If the SGSerializable is a class template then TRUE will be returned and GENERIC is set to the type of the generic.

genericset to the type of the generic if returning TRUE
TRUE if a class template.

在文件 SGObject.cpp296 行定义.

bool load_serializable ( CSerializableFile file,
const char *  prefix = "" 

Load this object from file. If it will fail (returning FALSE) then this object will contain inconsistent data and should not be used!

filewhere to load from
prefixprefix for members
TRUE if done, otherwise FALSE

在文件 SGObject.cpp369 行定义.

void load_serializable_post ( )
throw (ShogunException

Can (optionally) be overridden to post-initialize some member variables which are not PARAMETER::ADD'ed. Make sure that at first the overridden method BASE_CLASS::LOAD_SERIALIZABLE_POST is called.

ShogunExceptionwill be thrown if an error occurs.

CKernel, CWeightedDegreePositionStringKernel, CList, CAlphabet, CLinearHMM, CGaussianKernel, CInverseMultiQuadricKernel, CCircularKernel , 以及 CExponentialKernel 重载.

在文件 SGObject.cpp426 行定义.

void load_serializable_pre ( )
throw (ShogunException

Can (optionally) be overridden to pre-initialize some member variables which are not PARAMETER::ADD'ed. Make sure that at first the overridden method BASE_CLASS::LOAD_SERIALIZABLE_PRE is called.

ShogunExceptionwill be thrown if an error occurs.

CDynamicArray< T >, CDynamicArray< float64_t >, CDynamicArray< float32_t >, CDynamicArray< int32_t >, CDynamicArray< char >, CDynamicArray< bool > , 以及 CDynamicObjectArray 重载.

在文件 SGObject.cpp421 行定义.

bool parameter_hash_changed ( )
whether parameter combination has changed since last update

在文件 SGObject.cpp262 行定义.

void print_modsel_params ( )

prints all parameter registered for model selection and their type

在文件 SGObject.cpp474 行定义.

void print_serializable ( const char *  prefix = "")

prints registered parameters out

prefixprefix for members

在文件 SGObject.cpp308 行定义.

bool save_serializable ( CSerializableFile file,
const char *  prefix = "" 

Save this object to file.

filewhere to save the object; will be closed during returning if PREFIX is an empty string.
prefixprefix for members
TRUE if done, otherwise FALSE

在文件 SGObject.cpp314 行定义.

void save_serializable_post ( )
throw (ShogunException

Can (optionally) be overridden to post-initialize some member variables which are not PARAMETER::ADD'ed. Make sure that at first the overridden method BASE_CLASS::SAVE_SERIALIZABLE_POST is called.

ShogunExceptionwill be thrown if an error occurs.

CKernel 重载.

在文件 SGObject.cpp436 行定义.

void save_serializable_pre ( )
throw (ShogunException

Can (optionally) be overridden to pre-initialize some member variables which are not PARAMETER::ADD'ed. Make sure that at first the overridden method BASE_CLASS::SAVE_SERIALIZABLE_PRE is called.

ShogunExceptionwill be thrown if an error occurs.

CKernel, CDynamicArray< T >, CDynamicArray< float64_t >, CDynamicArray< float32_t >, CDynamicArray< int32_t >, CDynamicArray< char >, CDynamicArray< bool > , 以及 CDynamicObjectArray 重载.

在文件 SGObject.cpp431 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp41 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp46 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp51 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp56 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp61 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp66 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp71 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp76 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp81 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp86 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp91 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp96 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp101 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp106 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

在文件 SGObject.cpp111 行定义.

void set_generic ( )

set generic type to T

void set_global_io ( SGIO io)

set the io object

ioio object to use

在文件 SGObject.cpp228 行定义.

void set_global_parallel ( Parallel parallel)

set the parallel object

parallelparallel object to use

在文件 SGObject.cpp241 行定义.

void set_global_version ( Version version)

set the version object

versionversion object to use

在文件 SGObject.cpp283 行定义.

CSGObject * shallow_copy ( ) const

A shallow copy. All the SGObject instance variables will be simply assigned and SG_REF-ed.

CGaussianKernel 重载.

在文件 SGObject.cpp192 行定义.

void unset_generic ( )

unset generic type

this has to be called in classes specializing a template class

在文件 SGObject.cpp303 行定义.

void update_parameter_hash ( )

Updates the hash of current parameter combination

在文件 SGObject.cpp248 行定义.


SGIO* io


在文件 SGObject.h369 行定义.

Parameter* m_gradient_parameters

parameters wrt which we can compute gradients

在文件 SGObject.h384 行定义.

uint32_t m_hash

Hash of parameter values

在文件 SGObject.h387 行定义.

Parameter* m_model_selection_parameters

model selection parameters

在文件 SGObject.h381 行定义.

Parameter* m_parameters


在文件 SGObject.h378 行定义.

Parallel* parallel


在文件 SGObject.h372 行定义.

Version* version


在文件 SGObject.h375 行定义.


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